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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top Ranked Merc Gameplay


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Maybe I should clear up a few things, as there appears to be some confusion.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.


2.) Several people accused me of tracer missile spam, I don't use tracer missile, these are Trolls who save my video in their favorite places and goto watch it on their own to keep this strategy guide to themselves.


3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.


4.) Nearly all opponents were lvl 50, with maybe 1-2 lvl 49s. Troll fiction being spread.


5.) I never played Rift.


6.) I'm not a Troll, but my threads attract them.

Edited by MrTerrito
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Maybe I should clear up a few things, as there appears to be some confusion.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.


2.) Several people accused me of tracer missile spam, I don't use tracer missile, these are Trolls who save my video in their favorite places and goto watch it on their own to keep this strategy guide to themselves.


3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.


4.) I never played Rift.


5.) I'm not a Troll, but my threads attract them.


I see you took my post's advice to heart, gj. Incoming rage below this line:



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Maybe I should clear up a few things, as there appears to be some confusion.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.


2.) Several people accused me of tracer missile spam, I don't use tracer missile, these are Trolls who save my video in their favorite places and goto watch it on their own to keep this strategy guide to themselves.


3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.


4.) Nearly all opponents were lvl 50, with maybe 1-2 lvl 49s. Troll fiction being spread.


5.) I never played Rift.


6.) I'm not a Troll, but my threads attract them.


Please, just stop. I'm starting to believe your not a troll


This is a community site. No one thinks your top dog believe me


4) - Are you blind to your own videos? look back and your mostly fighting late 30's early 40's.


If you are a troll though, you are an extremely good one i will give you that, if your not though, give yourself a break

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Maybe I should clear up a few things, as there appears to be some confusion.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.

Wheres your metrics? PS I beat you by a week to BM on MY server does that mean Im to ranked too?[/B]

2.) Several people accused me of tracer missile spam, I don't use tracer missile, these are Trolls who save my video in their favorite places and goto watch it on their own to keep this strategy guide to themselves.

Your using powershot because well... you can't figure out the tree's.

3.) The only people who dislike my video are either, Trolls, ignorant players, or jealous players. I'm not full of myself to ask fans to like my videos.

How would you know why someone dislikes it. If it were me I would just assume i was bad.


4.) Nearly all opponents were lvl 50, with maybe 1-2 lvl 49s. Troll fiction being spread.

Fiction? watch the vid bro.. You made it.


5.) I never played Rift.

Rift still sucks


6.) I'm not a Troll, but my threads attract them.

Your totally a troll. Just a bad one.

Edited by Theballzz
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Did anybody else go through all 18ish pages of that thread on his server forums? Very few people giving him any props aside from himself. I think I saw two at most. Mostly it was people arguing amongst each other and several bashing him.


I was going to watch the video, but after seeing how this guy behaves and the fact that he actually believes he is god's gift to this game and legitimately appears to not be trolling, I don't think it deserves the view. I honestly can't believe how full of himself he is. It's mind-boggling. Then we get these replies to every single person who questions anything about his play or his pseudo-rank where he simply labels them trolls and walks off.


This guy is a piece of work.

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Maybe I should clear up a few things, as there appears to be some confusion.


1.) I'm top ranked by the community, saying you're a top ranked player without any evidence doesn't mean anything, there is a difference. I became Battlemaster on Jan 29th to become one of the first, it is documented, again, evidence.


4.) Nearly all opponents were lvl 50, with maybe 1-2 lvl 49s. Troll fiction being spread.




1. What community, wheres your back up on this thread?


4. 2 lvl 45s one that you even marked...lol and a lvl 49.....


For those who want to save there time and take noticed go to 11.45 mark, sums up the entire bit.

Edited by xPROOF
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Unfortunately I deal with jealousy on an hourly basis in the game check the facts, and no I'm not arsenal.


lolololol news flash self declarations of skill mean diddly squat.

if you on Vez Zallow please move to new server as i dont think we have room since your toons 50ft tall & shoots lighting out his ***!

Edited by Airoper
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Never heard of you, was in beta too.


How can you be top ranked when there is no ranking? Oh you mean valor, ok. Right after Ilum exploit, I saw a level 41 with rank 62 so that don't mean much.


Watched vid, was terrible. Made youtube account just to -1 it. :p


edit. lol at bragging about killing low levels.

Edited by fixit
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Bravo MrTerrito, bravo. Good vid indeed showing off your amazing skills as a bounty hunter merc.

To the fellow trolls I would like to point out his amazingness.

1. He LoS'ed all of his opponents while keeping sight on his on members, this deserves commendations. Not many people can LoS their enemy and not their party members. (in case you didn't realize the enemy and his party members are both melee)

2. The way he casts his spells, its like water, fluid and graceful you can tell by the animation. He did this on purpose btw, nonetheless skill indeed.

3. His hotbar, numbers 1-4 are all healing skills, praise be unto you MrTerrito for managing your skills nicely.

4. He uses his drop aggro skill in PvP which causes all the mindless players he was fighting to focus on the tank he was healing rather than him, again not many people can accomplish this.


To sum it up nicely, MrTerrito is prolly the best pvper in the game. 10/10

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Never heard of you, was in beta too.


How can you be top ranked when there is no ranking? Oh you mean valor, ok. Right after Ilum exploit, I saw a level 41 with rank 62 so that don't mean much.


Watched vid, was terrible. Made youtube account just to -1 it. Have a bad day! :p


valor is capped at your current level. nice try

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Bravo MrTerrito, bravo. Good vid indeed showing off your amazing skills as a bounty hunter merc.

To the fellow trolls I would like to point out his amazingness.

1. He LoS'ed all of his opponents while keeping sight on his on members, this deserves commendations. Not many people can LoS their enemy and not their party members. (in case you didn't realize the enemy and his party members are both melee)

2. The way he casts his spells, its like water, fluid and graceful you can tell by the animation. He did this on purpose btw, nonetheless skill indeed.

3. His hotbar, numbers 1-4 are all healing skills, praise be unto you MrTerrito for managing your skills nicely.

4. He uses his drop aggro skill in PvP which causes all the mindless players he was fighting to focus on the tank he was healing rather than him, again not many people can accomplish this.


To sum it up nicely, MrTerrito is prolly the best pvper in the game. 10/10



So pressing 1 through 4 and seeing your opponent ='s 10/10..


I guess I should be happy that the OP can actually grasp his surroundings

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valor is capped at your current level. nice try


Yep, that's all I see from the critics, blatant lies and exaggerations. There is a big difference between posting something (which anyone with an account can do), and having video evidence.

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