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Closing on targets


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I am having trouble closing on ranged targets in pvp.


If you open with Force charge, they knock you back, stun/slow you and then you have to fight your way back, at which point your health is almost always gone.


If you use unleash then they usually have a stun or knock back after it's use to keep you in place to run at range, meaning you get out of range again, and have to fight your way back.


If you don't use charge, you have to run in, meaning they have a chance to get hit's on you, then you get there, they knock back or stun, get out of range, you charge and then you are again half health due to downtime.


If you get knocked off a platform then you are up **** creek if you do not have charge, while they are on the ledge taking shot's at you.


Any advice?

Edited by Alkaladar
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I assume your talking about huttball. its about the only warzone that frustrates us the most.


Wait and use force charge till after the knockback


Wait to pop unleash until after you get a full resolve bar.


If your annhilation, your force camo can prevent any damage completely. But if your not this can still help you as you cant be targeted, if your Carnage, you can break roots with it, very valuable talent. Also, if your dot spec, your charge has a reduced cool down


If your rage, you have a second short range charge. other than that your kinda screwed.


Just remember, in huttball, dont use charge as an opener, only use it as a gap closer. If you can just as easily walk around the pit to get to your target, do it. Force charge is your greatest friend in huttball.


Also do hit and run Battering assaults to help supplment your rage. if you pass an enemy, pop battering assault and keep moving to your target.

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Indeed I am talking about Hutball. Just feeling like most of my time is spent getting back to people, when you combine this with heals, shields and those knock backs then it can be difficult to close in for the kill.


With starting the fight, how do you reliably close in on a person without using charge? Just seems like it could be painful and dangerous.

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Indeed I am talking about Hutball. Just feeling like most of my time is spent getting back to people, when you combine this with heals, shields and those knock backs then it can be difficult to close in for the kill.


With starting the fight, how do you reliably close in on a person without using charge? Just seems like it could be painful and dangerous.


Walk to them :) I know it takes longer but its the only way, especially when they are on the catwalks or anywhere where there is a drop in elevation. Huttball provides obstacles that can be used for LOS against ranged. Take advantage of it.

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Closing in on awake players is a definite issue.


You really have 2 choices, without going Rage - run at them or charge them. If you charge, you eat a knockback or whatever. If you run at them, the following happens.


They see you, and start to attack. This includes slows, roots and general nastiness. You will arrive at them maybe at half health, if that. You CAN pop Force Camo. In which case a noob will just stand there, scratching himself, waiting for you to pop next to him. A non-noob will run away from the spot he saw you at last, and/or pop his own speed boost. Then, when you pop out 4 seconds later, the situation hasn't changed - you are still at range, they're still pelting you, and you are now 1 cooldown short.


So far, I haven't found a solution against someone with a brain. Noobs are easy though.

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I am having trouble closing on ranged targets in pvp.


If you open with Force charge, they knock you back, stun/slow you and then you have to fight your way back, at which point your health is almost always gone.


If you use unleash then they usually have a stun or knock back after it's use to keep you in place to run at range, meaning you get out of range again, and have to fight your way back.


If you don't use charge, you have to run in, meaning they have a chance to get hit's on you, then you get there, they knock back or stun, get out of range, you charge and then you are again half health due to downtime.


If you get knocked off a platform then you are up **** creek if you do not have charge, while they are on the ledge taking shot's at you.


Any advice?


I am having trouble closing on ranged targets in pvp.


Run in, don't charge. save your charge when they knock you back. You may also get rooted due to the knockback but dont' panic, just wait for it to wear and build resolve. Then Force Charge.


Save your Unleash until you have full resolve if possible, those purple bars by your portrait is your resolve, when it's full and your CC'd use Unleash and you will be immune to them. your bar will turn white when you do.


If your charging head on use Force Camo to get close, if they don't have an anti-stealth power out they won't see you but by the time they do you will be in their face. Expect a knockback and then Force Charge first chance. Lay a Crippling Slash or Ravage to slow them down and use Obscuf. to reduce their accuracy so they do less damage giving you a chance to start your rotation without losing any health. If your Annihalation Spec and you get heals off of crit bleeds, it should also sustain you a bit.

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