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Every patch that doesn't have a LFG tool is costing you players


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Hey look, you stirred up the tiny and very vocal forum minority of people with a crusade against good game design. Yes plebeians, tell us how times were better back when you spent 10 hours a day online in an MMO and knew 50 other people who did the same and constantly wanted to run UBRS with you, all day. Community was so fantastic back then wasn't it, because you just happened to be in the perfect position to form groups constantly whenever you needed to, and knew every other unemployed person on the server.


Tell us how in the good old days back when games didn't provide proper grouping tools, you had so much fun being the only geared healer and being online 24/7 so you were constantly able to play with people without being involved in a guild. Tell us how we can all be in the same position if we just learn to 'talk to people', and 'socialise', because doing those things will magically create the classes you need out of thin air. Tell us how asking for people who want to run an instance in general chat 'is not the way to do it', but then don't elaborate on how you expect groups to magically form without that kind of announcement, and without a proper grouping tool.


Lets all skip down the yellow brick road to nostalgia-ville and pretend that our first novelty experiences with online interaction were fantastic because they didn't involve a LFG tool, and not simply because they were our first novelty experiences, and the idea of communicating with other people over the internet loses some of its magic after the first 100 times.


You're not going to leave at the introduction of a LFG tool, you'll just whine on the forums about it like a neighbourhood of housewives feigning outrage at your topic of the week because you have nothing better to do with your lives.


Carry on crusading.


For nerd rage, this was a well written rant. :)


But in the end, it's just a rant. And in a few days it will be burried into the oblivion of this forum's lost threads.

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I agree with OP, right now my sub is canceled and it will run out on 2/20/12, unless the at least say that an LFFP (wow style) is coming I am gone, so is my wife. If they give me duel specs, or even better duel AC specs, I will give them a month or two more but unless both LFG and duel specs is introduced that 2 subs that are gone. I also have a guild about 400 people that want to try this game but without LFG they are not going too. To recap, I think no LFG will hurt this game. This game could of been a contender with WoW in terms of numbers but missing features and communication are hurting it.
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It seems like more people are marking themselves as lfg in the /who list lately. The only two things I'd add to it is a drop down menu for planets (because damned if I can spell some of them right) and a way to specify level range.


Helps when they add what they are lfg for in the comment too, but it's easy enough just to ask them.

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so, what you're saying is you (speaking for BW) don't want the problems associated with the most profitable and most popular mmo that ever has and ever will be created.


THAT is laziness, and very very stupid business.


You think LFG made it popular? Or DS?


Oh dear

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FYI you still have to run the FP. Sorry not everyone enjoys spaming chat for a hour to enjoy group content.


For hours, really?!

You must be on a lower population server of your OWN choice then.

Plenty of servers around where things like this happen in a matter of minutes.

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Its making a point. Anyone can boo hoo "i dont have enough time" to try and get an instant gratification system. Just like the chap I replied too. Its an MMO, not a console pick up and play. if people dont know that before they bought it. hard """" to them. research your game choice.


But since we are going down this "it takes time, lets remove it for the sake of it route" Why not add an instant button to give out cash, or an instant button to give out gear and loot.


the time excuse is just that. an excuse!


The game is whatever I make it. Casual, serious, MMO or solo, it's part of the attraction of an MMO.


Nobody except you has mentioned an instant gratification system, merely a technical solution to a problem experienced by some players. What's the problem? You don't have to use it if they put one it.


Anyone who doesn't like the system can keep standing on Fleet for an hour waiting for a group. The rest of us can spend our time experiencing everything the game has to offer.


If you want to carry on acting like a child, with your "boohoo" bull*** go ahead, some of us are trying to have a discussion here.

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There is a system in place which works perfectly fine. Yes it could add a queue system which would benifit players. Im not saying it wont. But cross server instant portal systems. No thanks!


you wouldn't be forced to participate

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"I dont have more than 5 hours to play! "


Booo friking hoo!

You've chosen to play an MMO, it is always time consuming. You want it all handed to you on a platter? Play something else, honestly.

Dont ask Bioware to cram LFD into this game, because unlike you, some people spend time socializing in this game and making the community a bit stronger. With LFD all of it will be gone.


We just need a better system to find groups, like a channel for everyone. That's it.

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For hours, really?!

You must be on a lower population server of your OWN choice then.

Plenty of servers around where things like this happen in a matter of minutes.


Yes its my fault for choosing a low pop server.


Yes let me just dump all my toons and redo all the content on a new server because I should have predicted the population drop off after launch.

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For hours, really?!

You must be on a lower population server of your OWN choice then.

Plenty of servers around where things like this happen in a matter of minutes.


I play Republic on the server my guild was assigned to by the automated guild system when the game came out. I didn't choose my server and my server had queues the first week of the game and is still marked as "standard" or "high" during prime time, yet there are on average about 50 people on the Republic fleet during the evenings.

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The game is whatever I make it. Casual, serious, MMO or solo, it's part of the attraction of an MMO.


Nobody except you has mentioned an instant gratification system, merely a technical solution to a problem experienced by some players. What's the problem? You don't have to use it if they put one it.


Anyone who doesn't like the system can keep standing on Fleet for an hour waiting for a group. The rest of us can spend our time experiencing everything the game has to offer.


If you want to carry on acting like a child, with your "boohoo" bull*** go ahead, some of us are trying to have a discussion here.


Im not boo hooing, Im pointing out speople making up excuses to try and get a system in place because they are too lazy to use the system we have now which works perfectly fine.

The discussion is LFG, and a discussion is people for it, and people against it. But people like you try to knock down the people who are not on your side. people like you are rife in this forum. just because one doesnt agree, they destroy your so-called discussion. give over kid. give ya head a tap and get off your high horse.

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Its an MMO, not a console pick up and play. if people don't know that before they bought it. hard """" to them. research your game choice.




There is a reason why consoles are so successful, and MMOS are about growth, thus majority of people assumed that a MMO that wants to compete with the market will add features that others have. I don't care what anyone says (just like RIFT) LFG, Macros, add-ons will come, sooner or later, Most just assume it will be sooner. You can qq until your blue in the face, but mark my words all these wow features will show up into the game, they have too, if SWTOR wants to be successful.


Majority of people I run to in game think that a LFG, add on, maro system are around the control. You can't judge what people want from the fourms, there just the vocal minority.


SO: SWTOR will get cross-realm server before the end of 2012, I promise:)

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the OP, but what I gathered was that he would find it beneficial to have a tool that works cross-server due to a lack of overall players available.


Unless Bioware provides a mechanism to transfer characters off of "dead" servers, something needs to be done.


I have a level 50 marauder on a server that was bustling at launch and now has 20 people on imperial fleet at peak times.


I don't see how implementing a cross-server dungeon finder could possibly make the community any worse in situations like that.

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The game is whatever I make it. Casual, serious, MMO or solo, it's part of the attraction of an MMO.


Nobody except you has mentioned an instant gratification system, merely a technical solution to a problem experienced by some players. What's the problem? You don't have to use it if they put one it.


Anyone who doesn't like the system can keep standing on Fleet for an hour waiting for a group. The rest of us can spend our time experiencing everything the game has to offer.


If you want to carry on acting like a child, with your "boohoo" bull*** go ahead, some of us are trying to have a discussion here.


someone got served --> truck in-coming

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I agree with OP, right now my sub is canceled and it will run out on 2/20/12, unless the at least say that an LFFP (wow style) is coming I am gone, so is my wife. If they give me duel specs, or even better duel AC specs, I will give them a month or two more but unless both LFG and duel specs is introduced that 2 subs that are gone. I also have a guild about 400 people that want to try this game but without LFG they are not going too. To recap, I think no LFG will hurt this game. This game could of been a contender with WoW in terms of numbers but missing features and communication are hurting it.


Sorry, but utter twaddle !!

If you have a guild of 400 then LFG is of no importance to you at all, unless you are all socially disfunctional


Dual specs I have more sympathy for, however, its just another symptom of easy mode dependancy.


Personally I have no desire for LFG, however, I could live with it as long as its isnt cross server. The utter rudeness, ignorance and bad manners of players with no server responsibilty was one of the main reasons I left WoW shortly after its introduction there.

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Im not boo hooing, Im pointing out speople making up excuses to try and get a system in place because they are too lazy to use the system we have now which works perfectly fine.


Its bad system, what are you smoking? the pre-LFD WoW LFG tool was MUCH BETTER that what SWTOR has now

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the OP, but what I gathered was that he would find it beneficial to have a tool that works cross-server due to a lack of overall players available.


Unless Bioware provides a mechanism to transfer characters off of "dead" servers, something needs to be done.


I have a level 50 marauder on a server that was bustling at launch and now has 20 people on imperial fleet at peak times.


I don't see how implementing a cross-server dungeon finder could possibly make the community any worse in situations like that.


So really what you are asking for is a free server transfer? Makes sense

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In a system which BW dont want. Yeh i know!


My guild is made up of about 50-60 rl friends, family, friends of friends, and friends of family. We are pretty much all located in two states that border eachother.


Out of all of those guys in my guild, not one person thinks that a cross-server LFD tool is a good idea. And that surprises me a ton considering 90% of us came from WoW.


A LFD tool of some sort would be a great add-on, but not an instant transport cross server LFD queue. That is care-bear ez mode junk that is not needed.

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Its bad system, what are you smoking? the pre-LFD WoW LFG tool was MUCH BETTER that what SWTOR has now


I could point you in the direction of the WoW forums and client download if you want. It seems you want WoW more the TOR. Sorry kid, but this is BWs game. Not blizzards!

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My guild is made up of about 50-60 rl friends, family, friends of friends, and friends of family. We are pretty much all located in two states that border eachother.


Out of all of those guys in my guild, not one person thinks that a cross-server LFD tool is a good idea. And that surprises me a ton considering 90% of us came from WoW.


A LFD tool of some sort would be a great add-on, but not an instant transport cross server LFD queue. That is care-bear ez mode junk that is not needed.


I totally agree m8, 100%

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