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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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To the BioWare UI Design Team regarding ability cool down and global cool down:


  • There is no point to this feature being “different” than other games.
  • This feature does not separate you from the rest of the pack, in a good way.
  • This feature does not define your game, genre, platform.
  • This feature does not offer “more” than other games using well excepted alternatives.
  • This feature does not give your UI a “theme” matching your futuristic look of other items in the UI.
  • This feature's purpose is to transmit information to the user as fast and cleanly as the average human brain can interpret information and react to this same information.


This feature in its current form, more so recently, but also from inception is visually intrusive, disrupts the natural flow of the human eye, lacks adequate use of a human beings internal clock without numerical values forcing users to also calculate what they see and strains the eyes causing them to move more vertical away from the action in the center of the screen in order to interpret the information it is trying to transmit.


Documented Medical Fact: Scanning left to right is five times faster than scanning up and down and that is largely due to the left or right eye taking over when the opposite eye gives up. When you scan vertically, it’s like having just one eye and strains the muscles 5 times faster than scanning left and right as in reading.


Documented Medical Fact: Things that are most visually pleasing to the human eye are things that are proportional; circles, boxes, etc.


Graphic Design 101: Good graphic design avoids using color coding or using color contrasts alone to express information; this not only helps color blind people, but also aids understanding by normally sighted people.



Taking these published findings into account it is then easy to state that the current set up of the ability cool down visual without gutting it and starting from scratch, will never be as successful as that which humans have already been using or have seen for 10 or more years as the "accepted" system.


Circular cool down notifications are the most predominant graphic visual used on platforms similar to SWTOR past present and the future, there has been consultation by medical doctors over the years by companies developing video games of many different types that resulted in the conclusion of this answer. This is why the clock has become the dominant recurring feature used from one game to the next for many years and will continue to be for years to come as its 'circular' visual is easy on the eyes to interpret (relating closest to a clock) and translates in the human mind to “time” which is one of the first things humans are taught to understand through schooling and is the very thing that this visual is intended to translate into.


There is a far more effective way to develop the design of things. I suggest more research into Graphics Design as it pertains to how the human eye interprets information and colors and a consultation with someone in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences field as the very first step, before, trying to recreate the wheel in an overly liquid market on your quest to separate yourself from the pack for the future. It will yield more successful results 100 times out of 100 and would have prevented this mess that has become your seizure inducing 1.1.2 patch.





  • A visual that is dominant enough from the peripheral vision of the human eye to determine an approximate use of an ability for timing.
  • A numerical count that can be seen when the human eye focuses in on a single ability for fast precise information but not obtrusive to the peripheral vision when not the focus.
  • At last but not least, Light on Light = Bad, Dark on Light = Good

(When out of range of a target for ability use, do you white it out or make it brighter? ...No, you darken it. So why would you reverse your thinking when its on cool down?)

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Most amazing is that this topic is getting so much answers in matters of just few hours.And there was only 1 nothing saying response from BW. It would definitly be nice if somebody would write" take a look on dev. tracker etc".. but BW is quiet.

I remeber that after one of the patches there was some hotfix in 3 hours. '(altough I am not sure maybe I am mistaken ).

If this situation is not resolve before next week maintance , Bw appologise or find some excuse what more give us something for the lost game time since lot of players now can´t play properly , I think they will lose lot of subscribers.

For me it has been 5th whole day I was not able to play but this time not to due maintance time ( I am from europe ) but cuz of terrible patch.Suck since I study at university and I ahve examination period right now and my exams are mostly on Tuesday so its one of few days when I can play and not worry about other matters.

Also would be nice some respond why did it even went out like this.(I saw some topics on PTR about this issue so it was disccused)

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Most amazing is that this topic is getting so much answers in matters of just few hours.And there was only 1 nothing saying response from BW. It would definitly be nice if somebody would write" take a look on dev. tracker etc".. but BW is quiet.

I remeber that after one of the patches there was some hotfix in 3 hours. '(altough I am not sure maybe I am mistaken ).

If this situation is not resolve before next week maintance , Bw appologise or find some excuse what more give us something for the lost game time since lot of players now can´t play properly , I think they will lose lot of subscribers.

For me it has been 5th whole day I was not able to play but this time not to due maintance time ( I am from europe ) but cuz of terrible patch.Suck since I study at university and I ahve examination period right now and my exams are mostly on Tuesday so its one of few days when I can play and not worry about other matters.

Also would be nice some respond why did it even went out like this.(I saw some topics on PTR about this issue so it was disccused)


They are prob trying to change the change so they don't just revert to the old CD graphic which will take time and testing

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Change it back to the original goddamn system!


What kind of churlish BS is this? "Oh, okay, you want abilities on cooldown to turn grey? FINE. ALL YOUR ABILITYS ARE NOW GREY WHEN THERE'S A COOLDOWN. Happy now? /trollface"


This is utterly pathetic.

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To the BioWare UI Design Team regarding ability cool down and global cool down:


  • There is no point to this feature being “different” than other games.
  • This feature does not separate you from the rest of the pack, in a good way.
  • This feature does not define your game, genre, platform.
  • This feature does not offer “more” than other games using well excepted alternatives.
  • This feature does not give your UI a “theme” matching your futuristic look of other items in the UI.
  • This feature's purpose is to transmit information to the user as fast and cleanly as the average human brain can interpret information and react to this same information.


This feature in its current form, more so recently, but also from inception is visually intrusive, disrupts the natural flow of the human eye, lacks adequate use of a human beings internal clock without numerical values forcing users to also calculate what they see and strains the eyes causing them to move more vertical away from the action in the center of the screen in order to interpret the information it is trying to transmit.


Documented Medical Fact: Scanning left to right is five times faster than scanning up and down and that is largely due to the left or right eye taking over when the opposite eye gives up. When you scan vertically, it’s like having just one eye and strains the muscles 5 times faster than scanning left and right as in reading.


Documented Medical Fact: Things that are most visually pleasing to the human eye are things that are proportional; circles, boxes, etc.


Graphic Design 101: Good graphic design avoids using color coding or using color contrasts alone to express information; this not only helps color blind people, but also aids understanding by normally sighted people.



Taking these published findings into account it is then easy to state that the current set up of the ability cool down visual without gutting it and starting from scratch, will never be as successful as that which humans have already been using or have seen for 10 or more years as the "accepted" system.


Circular cool down notifications are the most predominant graphic visual used on platforms similar to SWTOR past present and the future, there has been consultation by medical doctors over the years by companies developing video games of many different types that resulted in the conclusion of this answer. This is why the clock has become the dominant recurring feature used from one game to the next for many years and will continue to be for years to come as its 'circular' visual is easy on the eyes to interpret (relating closest to a clock) and translates in the human mind to “time” which is one of the first things humans are taught to understand through schooling and is the very thing that this visual is intended to translate into.


There is a far more effective way to develop the design of things. I suggest more research into Graphics Design as it pertains to how the human eye interprets information and colors and a consultation with someone in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences field as the very first step, before, trying to recreate the wheel in an overly liquid market on your quest to separate yourself from the pack for the future. It will yield more successful results 100 times out of 100 and would have prevented this mess that has become your seizure inducing 1.1.2 patch.





  • A visual that is dominant enough from the peripheral vision of the human eye to determine an approximate use of an ability for timing.
  • A numerical count that can be seen when the human eye focuses in on a single ability for fast precise information but not obtrusive to the peripheral vision when not the focus.
  • At last but not least, Light on Light = Bad, Dark on Light = Good

(When out of range of a target for ability use, do you white it out or make it brighter? ...No, you darken it. So why would you reverse your thinking when its on cool down?)


That would require them to do some actual research and usability testing, when it's clear they don't do anything of the sort.


Seems like at this point they're just making random changes and waiting until everyone says "That sucks" before trying some other random idea they had.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Well all I wanted was an indication that my ability was on cooldown. Maybe even a more intuitive timer (circular sweep or god forbid some sort of countdown number overlay). Now my UI looks like this.





Seriously though, as a Sith Juggernaut, this change is really becoming a royal pain. There are hundreds of other UI features and bugs that people want changed--why has it taken four weeks to come not only full circle with the action bars, but actually worse for the most part.

Edited by Traumahawk
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I think this is pretty bad, they went way overboard, and made it overly complicated. The cooldown graphic dominates the ability icons.


I am typically trying to defend this game from the useless rants, but this is a pretty bad change. However, its not entirely bioware's fault, what are the people on the test realm doing? Was this not brought up beforehand? I mean..... its not like they snuck this change in...


It was fine the way it was when the game first came out. As long as the ability is grayed out/darker, the old system is fine.

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The new GCD system = Christmas Light Show



This thing is brutal, lol. It actually makes it harder to see what's going on with the C/D, especially if you're a healer with a bunch of insta casts or a class that uses Rage as their mechanic.

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My Two Cents..


Whatever B/W do, someone is not going to like it, then everyone jumps on the bandwagon


I like it.. Stop moaning..


Yup, no way everyone has a legitimate concern. We should ignore the hundred of posts against it because you like it.

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My Two Cents..


Whatever B/W do, someone is not going to like it, then everyone jumps on the bandwagon


I like it.. Stop moaning..


Hey guys, that, uh, whatever he is, likes it. Thats it, wrapping the whole thing down, Bioware got it command and maintain course and we shutting up forever.

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I have a small complaint regarding the new GCD.. I like it but when the GCD is done, ALL my skills blink way too much, I think it's annoying.


Won't do much if one only person don't like it though...


Maybe put an option in-game to change between old and new GCD??


Thank you

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My Two Cents..


Whatever B/W do, someone is not going to like it, then everyone jumps on the bandwagon


I like it.. Stop moaning..



Wow how shortsighted can some people be.


For lots of people its not a matter of "liking" it.


For some people the game causes headaches and is unplayable.

Edited by Thesseract
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