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Stop screwing with the cooldown graphics


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I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.


the system was perfectly fine on release


then you went to bad and now you went even worse


and you don't give us the option to choose which style we want to use, why?


Agree completely. The original was fine. The second version I liked less, but could handle. This version is just terrible.


How is it possible to make this UI worse over time?

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WTH i cant predict my next rage attack as i cant tell if its active or not, the icons lit up in the old system was perfect, shiny icon that i recognise helped me to jump around my attacks efficiantly, now all i have are super black for all icons, and a daft big white flashy mess, obscuring my abilities, and worse having to wait for the cooldown effect to finish to even see if my rage abilities are available, this has utterly screwed my fluidness in combat, well done BW, youve managed to kill the one thing keeping me sane in the game by borking it up completly. :mad: give us the old hotbar back as a toggle at least, to me this is now totally unplayable.


Seriously bioware, what is WRONG with you?, you make outstanding games, but your making so many schoolboy errors with TOR its shameing the whole mmo community, i love bioware games, but this one is seriously denting my faith :(


Everyone who has issues with it should submit it as a bug report, maybe they'll take notice, how it even got off test server is anyones guess.

Edited by Markonus-DS-
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Terrible change


- It's hard on the eyes. Like has been said before , I'm blinking as a mad man now


- The flashing after the GCD makes it hard to 'pre' plan moves since you're losing eyesight of the skill icon after the flash


- The skills that actually finished the CD can be hard to spot cause of the light/darkness of all the other skills


- less accuracy/speed using skills after a GCD , more button smashing since you can't really tell when it's ready for use.


- Did I mention the flashing? >.<

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Everyone who has issues with it should submit it as a bug report, maybe they'll take notice, how it even got off test server is anyones guess.


Because almost no one tests due to there not being any premades or character copies. For some incompetent reason, Bioware is failing to provide these; leading to some bugs/exploits/issues making it onto Live.

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I don't understand. They changed it the first time, I personally hated it but was told by the community to just get over it.


This time I love it and now the community hates it... go figure.


Give us an option then so people who don't like it could turn it off.

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I don't understand. They changed it the first time, I personally hated it but was told by the community to just get over it.


This time I love it and now the community hates it... go figure.


Give us an option then so people who don't like it could turn it off.


/agree, plus most of us only have time to play the live servers, at any rate, something as fundamental as this could have been at least demo'd on a short vid for feedback, but i guess thats too simple. I want TOR to suceed so bad but everytime i think its moving forward they do something that takes it two steps back.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with the effect they added, its just they added it to everything and not only what is in GCD...


Er, I agree but the other way around.


The new effect is fine, but should only apply to abilities that actually have a CD, not the GCD.

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I don't understand. They changed it the first time, I personally hated it but was told by the community to just get over it.


This time I love it and now the community hates it... go figure.


Give us an option then so people who don't like it could turn it off.


Because different classes need their UI's to display things differently to get the maximum performance. This new change seems great for some classes but stinks for Rage users.

When Bioware finally gets their head out of their asses, and gives us full UI customization it will be a great day for all.

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Because different classes need their UI's to display things differently to get the maximum performance. This new change seems great for some classes but stinks for Rage users.

When Bioware finally gets their head out of their asses, and gives us full UI customization it will be a great day for all.


Yep, Warrior/Jugg here and this system has rendered my toon near unplayable. :mad:

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It functions much better now, but it's BLINDING! As a Mara, who naturally has to watch his bar more often then not anyway, this is a very difficult change to adjust to. I just wish it wasn't so...white! It's like a freakin' supernova everytime my abilities go off. Edited by photoheathen
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wait, so at first the icon was blacked out while the CD graphic, then the icon was normal while the CD graphics was on, and now that they've changed it again after all the QQ, people still can't play with it? i'm at work and so i can't see the new change they must of made today. What's so astronomically bad about it? Edited by Trigg
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