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new patch made hotkey "clearer" cooldowns worse imo


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Yeah, I felt like I was going to have a seizure when my abilities flash after using several in my rotations. I use all the bars and when they flash, its like a strobe light when they're ready to go.


Plus, I don't use my keyboard for my abilities, I use my mouse to click the buttons, and I'm having a hard time seeing my abilities with all the flashes & the dark cooldown lines....

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Yea its soooo awful. Some people might prefer it but please give us an option to bring back the old look. Every time I use an ability I want to gouge my eyes out. Not only is it too bright, when your ability is on cooldown and your target is out of range you can't even see the icon anymore just a blob of light blue, must be fun for healers... Edited by taijiangAh
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I absolutely hate the new hotkey cooldowns. I typically stay out of posting in forums, but this is bad enough to warrant Bioware's attention. The killer for me is that while the gcd is going, every single ability looks like it's unavailable, and i can't tell if High Impact Bolt is available for use until after the gcd finishes. considering i'm hitting the next ability as soon as the gcd finishes, i need to know whether HiB is up or not before the gcd finishes, NOT after. I don't know why they made this change, but it is a change for the worse. Please change it back to the way it was. Someone in their design department forgot that form FOLLOWS function, not the other way around.
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i use an ability and all my abilities on the hotbar are lit up. not to mention when i get a proc to refresh my rail shot, it doesnt even light up anymore. dont think this is working as intended.


Must be something wrong with your end I think. Its super clear on mine, and High Impact Bolt lights up fine. I could probably do without the graphic for each GCD but i guess its ok.


on further reflection the GCD effect is pretty annoying.

Edited by jadel
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This fix is awful, i am now lit up like a flashing neon light and it is totally distracting. We have enough to look at and think about concentrating on the moment and now we have a beacon of lights going off bottom, left and right, seriously now. what is so hard about leaving gcd items in faded color and all others in active color, you can still only que 1 at a time.
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Must be something wrong with your end I think. Its super clear on mine, and High Impact Bolt lights up fine. I could probably do without the graphic for each GCD but i guess its ok.


on further reflection the GCD effect is pretty annoying.


That is completely fine if you're happy not knowing what abilities are up until AFTER the GCD finishes.


However ideally you already know what ability is up and actually press it AS the GCD is finishes, not after.

Edited by Wazooty
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I like the white border - would be enough by itself.


the white filler and flashing (especially the flashing) are just a huge distraction


the issue here is that i can t tell which abiliies the white filling and flashing covers while the gcd procs


planning ahead until everything is part of my muscle memory based on what situation i am in is hard as heck right now

Edited by vulup
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I like the white border - would be enough by itself.


the white filler and flashing (especially the flashing) are just a huge distraction


the issue here is that i can t tell which abiliies the white filling and flashing covers while the gcd procs


Yup. Basically, Bioware need to understand that an ability on CD should not be treated the same as an ability that is simply on the GCD.

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Actually, it was. The difference between a 3 minute CD ability being ready and the same ability being still on the last 3 secs of it's cooldown was nearly indistinguishable.


I won't pass judgement on the new system until after playing a few warzones with it.

Edited by Qishari
quoted profanity
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It is so fail and the added delay is just not good, I agree it is to bright.


This is a fail patch and Bioware is falling down the dreaded fix one thing break five more in the patches.

My thought is roll it back or give the option to roll it back.. At this rate I will not be paying for another month.

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i use an ability and all my abilities on the hotbar are lit up. not to mention when i get a proc to refresh my rail shot, it doesnt even light up anymore. dont think this is working as intended.


Yes, this is just terrible. Why reinvent the wheel? Just copy WoWs, including proc animations around the abilities quick bar button.

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I am seriously starting to doubt the competence of designers and developers at BW.

How can you as a start, get a well working system (the original one) and trying to fix 1 problem with GCD in it, ruin it. Then when ppl start complaining that it sucks and they can't recognize when they have abilities ready/on cd, instead of going back to the better one and just fixing the issue, you fail more and further ruin even the worse system into something horrible that neither ppl asked for nor expected?

Seriously, you lack competence or what?

Soon you will lack my sub.

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I honestly have to agree... Although CDs are more discernible out of combat, performing a rotation is certainly less fluid than before because of the constant overlay effects. I hope the strength of this effect will be lowered (or disabled.)
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Ugh did they make it worse AGAIN? The first time they messed with it, nobody asked them to and they just made a mess out of it. Now instead of fixing what they broke when they changed it, they decided to make it even worse. Ugh the way you guys had it originally was fine!!! For the love of Boba Fett, please bring back the grayed out buttons! :mad: Edited by DarrkLore
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