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The new hotbar darkening of abilities is confusing.


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You do realise that addons can't "break the game". The addon API would only have access to the parts of the game that Bioware wanted it to have access to. If an addon creator made an addon that "broke the game" then it would be Bioware's fault since they would have allowed the API to allow something gamepreaking.


Also, WoW had addon support at release. The first patch - 1.2 - added the feature to allow users to turn addons on and off on a per-character basis rather than only by account (as it was at release).


Bioware has had three goes at doing something as simple as darkening abilities that are on Cooldown. Each time they seem to make it worse. The professionals have failed, it's time to let the amateurs take over.


See that highlighted part? THAT is EXACTLY the attitude that just needs to move on (or back) to another game. Of COURSE it's Bioware's fault for giving you what you want. /sarcasm


Also with that attitude is the idea that YOUR OPINION is FACTUAL and RIGHT. "The professionals have failed..." IN YOUR OPINION.


The attitude is the issue. The first time a mass of people (i.e.- when Blizz wanted to charge for the cross-realm grouping feature) complained against something and the devs went back on it, you all got this feeling of entitlement, and power like what you say actually has bearing on how I feel about the game.


Get over yourselves, if you take issue with something post it in the bug thread or send an email. It's like this constant trolling of General gives you the feeling that you speak for the entire subscriber base, and that is entirely false.


I AGREE with a LOT of the posts where people have issues, YES I want addons, SURE LFG would be nice, BUT crying here and trolling with the SAME EXACT threads that there are a thousand variations of, just shows you have no idea how to properly communicate, and the lack of foresight, planning and intelligence in them still astounds me. I won't even get into describing the levels of immaturity and bravado that saturate them......

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bump for a response about a fix. been playing for a couple hours now. no its not getting better. was this even tested? i cant see how the majority of the player base would of liked this change which leads me to believe there was no test.
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I never get on forums to complain about anything, but this hotbar change is terrible. The global cooldown sweep is ridiculously distracting. I can't tell if an ability has procced because the icon is constantly dark from this change too. I can't believe a change like this was approved
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I don't know what is wrong with the majority of people on these forums. Don't you already KNOW what skills you're going to use next? I can't be the only one who KNOWS their skills cd from playing their class for any amount of time... If the skill doesn't pop when you hit the button, guess what? Use the next one in your rotation.


Not everyone is on a fixed rotation - especially doing levelling. As a Jug I react more to what is available NOW rather then what is NEXT. The darkening of all abilities while the GCD is on is just... confusing. I will probally get used to it, but it seems rather anti-intuitive right now.

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LOL it's really not that hard to know when your cooldowns are coming up. Use some common sense and THINK about when you last used it and know the cd times on your abilities. Even if you have to look at your bars it's not rocket science.


Bioware has it one way, you complain.


Bioware changes, you complain.


Bioware changes again, you complain.


They can never win.

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Fully agree with all of OP's points. As an Assassin, I have a lot of fast-paced melee DPS which requires me to be making decisions within 1.5 seconds after referencing my procs, cooldowns, etc. Darkening everything makes it a lot harder to judge which skills will be 'available' for use after GCD is up, theres no way to rapidly mentally queue up skills now that our 'foresight' is limited to after GCD is over, unless someone is very skilled with their class and know all the force req, exactly how far to stand from an enemy, etc.


I really like the blue effect, however not darkening EVERYTHING would be very very appreciated. :)

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This is a downgrade from what it used to be... For me the only thing that needed fixing was the fact that some items or abilities appeared "not available" but you could actually press them.


This new style is flashing too much and I'm under the impression that all abilities have finished cool-down.


I play Powertech and if I don't carefully place my abilities the Heat bar goes skyhigh... so this is a problem.


Personally I would implement a "greenish" border around the abilities that are good to go, and "reddish" around the ones that are still on CD...


But this needs to be addressed. Functionality is broken.

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Fully agree with all of OP's points. As an Assassin, I have a lot of fast-paced melee DPS which requires me to be making decisions within 1.5 seconds after referencing my procs, cooldowns, etc. Darkening everything makes it a lot harder to judge which skills will be 'available' for use after GCD is up, theres no way to rapidly mentally queue up skills now that our 'foresight' is limited to after GCD is over, unless someone is very skilled with their class and know all the force req, exactly how far to stand from an enemy, etc.


I really like the blue effect, however not darkening EVERYTHING would be very very appreciated. :)


Then you need to learn the class better.


Managing our force is extremely easy. Our rotation is not hard. Simple.



I feel like I am the only person here who isn't affected by this. I have seen it said a couple times, but how are there so many of you that are completely lost on your rotation because of this?


95% of the time, I don't even look at my bars. You should always have a general idea of the next 2-3 abilities (excluding procs), Nuff said.

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LOL it's really not that hard to know when your cooldowns are coming up. Use some common sense and THINK about when you last used it and know the cd times on your abilities. Even if you have to look at your bars it's not rocket science.


Bioware has it one way, you complain.


Bioware changes, you complain.


Bioware changes again, you complain.


They can never win.


They can never win, because they are FORCING people to all use the same UI. This does not work. They need to allow people to customize their personal UI to what works for them. Different classes play differently. Give us the power Bioware. Give us the power to maximize our ability to play the game by letting us choose how our own UI reacts and displays info.

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Whoever approved this stupid new flashy effect for the hotbar should be kicked out.

The visual effect is really annoying.

Its making it confusing to distinguish usable abilities form the ones who are on CD.

That effect should only be on abilities with a 1 sec and up CD.


Seriously i think everyone here can count to 0.5 sec before using another skill, if not you got a serious problem.

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Last time BioWare changed it, people said "It was fine the way it was, change it back!". Now they've changed it again and people are saying "It was fine the way it was, change it back!"


What BioWare doesn't seem to understand is that global cooldown should be visually different from individual cooldowns.


For those who haven't seen it yet, they've changed the cooldown animation to be "more visible" by making the cooldown slider overlay brighter at the top. It's a gradient that goes from white to light blue. Also, when the cooldown finishes, the ability flashes once.


However, there is no need to do this for GCDs! Instead of being more visible, it seems to be more distracting.


I'm guessing that the game engine only has one cooldown animation, so that's why it's applied to GCD and CD alike. People are asking for a numerical countdown, but I think that it's currently not feasible. Imagine a countdown timer on every GCD!


That being said, BioWare: Please separate GCD animation from CD animation!

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Then you need to learn the class better.


Managing our force is extremely easy. Our rotation is not hard. Simple.



I feel like I am the only person here who isn't affected by this. I have seen it said a couple times, but how are there so many of you that are completely lost on your rotation because of this?


95% of the time, I don't even look at my bars. You should always have a general idea of the next 2-3 abilities (excluding procs), Nuff said.


Right. Congratulations on your fixed rotation then. For the rest of us that actually HAVE to look on our bar (randomness of returning/building resources) its a problem.


I am already used to que the next ability 0.25-0.5 sec before the GCD is off due to me being able to see it light up. But now, its dark and I have no idea if the rage is there. Which means I have to look at my rage bar all the time now unless its literally full and I can spam for 2-3 abilities then go back to the watching game.


Basically, they took out the ability to use the que unless you have a 100% fixed rotation. Its that simple really.

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Then you need to learn the class better.


Managing our force is extremely easy. Our rotation is not hard. Simple.



I feel like I am the only person here who isn't affected by this. I have seen it said a couple times, but how are there so many of you that are completely lost on your rotation because of this?


95% of the time, I don't even look at my bars. You should always have a general idea of the next 2-3 abilities (excluding procs), Nuff said.


My priority-based sentinel would like to have a word with you.


I have no set rotation (which is what your observation seems to suggest) but a priority-based one. As such, I am glancing at my hot bar a LOT. Seeing your entire bar flash with a GCD (not to mention I expanded mine to see hot bar #2 for addl. abilities) and I have no idea which ability I should be hitting next.


It's maddening beyond believe.

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ITT - people who complain due to not knowing their rotation, or their skills cooldowns.


You need better reading skills then. Its not the rotation or the individual skill cooldown that is the problem. Its the management of resources - particular for classes that build theirs instead of just going from 100% and down.

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You need better reading skills then. Its not the rotation or the individual skill cooldown that is the problem. Its the management of resources - particular for classes that build theirs instead of just going from 100% and down.



Oh, you mean like my 50 Jugg that I have no problems with?

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Oh, you mean like my 50 Jugg that I have no problems with?


Just because you do not have any problems, does not mean anybody else does not. Good for you that you have a fixed rotation and have no problems. But I am not the only one having a problem with the darkening of the abilities once the GCD is active.


I guess you spamming your abilities does the trick, ay? I actually like to only press my abilities once pr. use instead of hoping that there is enough rage without looking at my bar.

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