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The new hotbar darkening of abilities is confusing.


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How is this hard. Why aren't you doing this? Are you TRYING to lose subscriptions?

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I don't know what is wrong with the majority of people on these forums. Don't you already KNOW what skills you're going to use next? I can't be the only one who KNOWS their skills cd from playing their class for any amount of time... If the skill doesn't pop when you hit the button, guess what? Use the next one in your rotation.


That may be true for some advanced classes or even some skill trees that dont rely on the random procs that determine when some skills are available.


For example, on my shadow, yes, I don't actually need the UI to be helpful, as I can see when I'm behind a foe thus allowing me to use a priority power. And my current build just doesn't have that much randomness to it.


Your statement becomes misguided taking my Sentinel as an example. There, both my damage and defense are increased not by following a strict rotation but by prioritizing certain powers that spend or build focus and centering, which relies on a handful of independent procs (off the top of my head - i think there are more) parrying etc. (rebuke CD); burn effects (added focus); and a 33/66% chance to reduce the cooldown on cauterize.

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OMG, just give us addons already , HTANK YOU VERY MUCH!



Save yourselves alot of headaches Bioware... hand the UI details and such over to the MOD community. gives you more time to handle the big things, like expansions, bugfixes and general performance improvements.

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Well, on the bright side, cooldowns are darkened again instead of just having that window shade on top that was completely unreadable just when you'd need to read it.


Honestly, this wouldn't bother me if the darkness were reduced about 40%. The icons go so dark that you can't even see what they are. They should be dark enough to read that they're unready out of your peripheral vision, but bright enough to see what the icon is.

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I like what they did.


But it's probably because I really don't look at any of my abilities with less than a 30sec CD anyhow, because I am usually pretty spot on with when I can use them again, or at least very close and toss fillers in as needed.


This applies to my:


-Sith Warrior


-Bounty hunter


-Jedi knight




I think at this point: People who still find issue with every patch just aren't going to be happy. They could give you anything you were begging for and you would find fault with it "just because".


I think there are , obviously, still some glaring issues, but if they are ruining the game this much for you I just don't understand why you continue hanging around waiting for the proverbial "golden egg" to land in your lap in the form of a patch.

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The ability to distinguish which abilities are on cooldown and which are ready to activate is a great idea. However, when every single ability goes dark during the GCD(which is pretty much all the time in combat), it creates confusion. The source of the confusion stems from abilities also going dark when they're out of range, combined with the blue overlay further obscuring the hotkey.


This means that when you're under the GCD, you have no quick reference to tell which abilities are, or are not in range. The blue overlay makes it somewhat easier to tell which abilities are still ON cooldown, but combined with everything else it also makes it look like every ability is constantly out of range or not ready to be used.



I can't just glance down and see which abilties are darkened, and which aren't; which are in range and which aren't, because they're ALL dark while the GCD is in effect.




Leave darkening to indicate which abilities are out of range. Use the light blue ability overlay to show abilities on cooldown. Use something else to denote GCD. Also, FFS, give us the option to choose between the new changes and reverting to the old setup.




The main point is that the change to the way that hotkeys are displayed does not improve the ease of use. While there might be a few people who actually like the new change, I think that we should be given a choice as to what style of display we want to use.


Everyone plays the game a little bit differently, and the lack of customization in the UI is a serious problem.


Bioware, PLEASE learn from this. Give us the option to change things. Give us the choice to use a new display feature or not. I know you're working hard on implementing the UI customization patch, but this is NOT the way to start out.



What genius thought this up? The way it was yesterday was FINE. I could tell what was on CD and what lit up because I met special circumstances (like a power workable on stunned). Now we're back the way it was initially where I have to wait until CD ends before I can see what is available. Do you guys even try and plan things out before you implement?!?!?!?

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How is this hard. Why aren't you doing this? Are you TRYING to lose subscriptions?


That's what I don't understand. This crap isn't even being run by the playerbase before deployment. It's bizarre.

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I like what they did.


But it's probably because I really don't look at any of my abilities with less than a 30sec CD anyhow, because I am usually pretty spot on with when I can use them again, or at least very close and toss fillers in as needed.


This applies to my:


-Sith Warrior


-Bounty hunter


-Jedi knight




I think at this point: People who still find issue with every patch just aren't going to be happy. They could give you anything you were begging for and you would find fault with it "just because".


I think there are , obviously, still some glaring issues, but if they are ruining the game this much for you I just don't understand why you continue hanging around waiting for the proverbial "golden egg" to land in your lap in the form of a patch.


You;re playing the warrior and Jedi knight wrong if you think they have a "rotation" or are "predictable".


Procs are not predictable. Rage gains and losses that sometimes rely on procs and so on are not predictable.


You have a priority rotation for those classes. The ability you should be suing is completely inconsistent and could change at any second. It is not predictable at all. If you for some reason don't have a priority rotation, it is because you are playing them wrong.

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Save yourselves alot of headaches Bioware... hand the UI details and such over to the MOD community. gives you more time to handle the big things, like expansions, bugfixes and general performance improvements.


And when the (albeit talented) mod community releases and addon that breaks the game, guess who everyone comes crying to to fix their problems?


I would like addons, but I can wait as long as needed, simply because if even ONE addon is released that breaks any portion of the game there will be a thousand posts on here telling BW they need to "fix the problem" when it won't even have been BW that introduced it....


It's the same reason Blizzard was against addons when WoW launched and was first getting popular. An addon breaks something and the customers expect the developer to fix the issue. Waste of resources for "giving them what they want."

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I wanted to /agree with the original poster.


But I also wanted to point out that the new hotbar sheen, or whatever it is, makes the hotbars hard to look at. It's like I have to squint to see what is and what is not on cooldown.


Terrible changes made today. Don't make your players feel like guinea pigs. thx

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You;re playing the warrior and Jedi knight wrong if you think they have a "rotation" or are "predictable".


Procs are not predictable. Rage gains and losses that sometimes rely on procs and so on are not predictable.


You have a priority rotation for those classes. The ability you should be suing is completely inconsistent and could change at any second. It is not predictable at all. If you for some reason don't have a priority rotation, it is because you are playing them wrong.


Every class (FOR DPS, and essentially tanks for threat, heals for efficient energy use, but mostly DPS) has a priority rotation.


I would like something that better notifies me of procs, but I played WoW for 4 years before that was ever introduced, I am fairly positive it will come along here at some point, I simply don't see it as enough of a pressing concern over some other problems.


I research all of my classes in-depth before embarassing myself, but in no way does that dignify me sitting here making threads in General Discussion after every single patch crabbing about something they fixed because they didn't fix it how I want it to be.

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I don't know what is wrong with the majority of people on these forums. Don't you already KNOW what skills you're going to use next? I can't be the only one who KNOWS their skills cd from playing their class for any amount of time... If the skill doesn't pop when you hit the button, guess what? Use the next one in your rotation.




What this guy said... and people please stop smashing toolbar buttons and learn some keybinds, I promise it will help.

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And when the (albeit talented) mod community releases and addon that breaks the game, guess who everyone comes crying to to fix their problems?


I would like addons, but I can wait as long as needed, simply because if even ONE addon is released that breaks any portion of the game there will be a thousand posts on here telling BW they need to "fix the problem" when it won't even have been BW that introduced it....


It's the same reason Blizzard was against addons when WoW launched and was first getting popular. An addon breaks something and the customers expect the developer to fix the issue. Waste of resources for "giving them what they want."


You do realise that addons can't "break the game". The addon API would only have access to the parts of the game that Bioware wanted it to have access to. If an addon creator made an addon that "broke the game" then it would be Bioware's fault since they would have allowed the API to allow something gamepreaking.


Also, WoW had addon support at release. The first patch - 1.2 - added the feature to allow users to turn addons on and off on a per-character basis rather than only by account (as it was at release).


Bioware has had three goes at doing something as simple as darkening abilities that are on Cooldown. Each time they seem to make it worse. The professionals have failed, it's time to let the amateurs take over.

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I honestly don't know what was wrong with the first iteration. Please give us flexibility. Options to turn on/off different aspects of ALL 3 SYSTEMS presented thus far. Hell, I'd like to see a numerical countdown overlay on skills so that I don't have to eyeball it or mouseover and read the tooltip just to know when I can use a skill again. The lack of support from the developers for customization just reinforces my belief that community-based addons are a must for this game to continue to succeed.
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The OP hit the nail on the head. The darkening of background icons when on cool-down is not only unnecessary but confusing considering that icons are already darkened to indicate non-usability. Not to downplay the annoyance of constant GCD flashing, but this additional darkening aspect is highly problematic for some us.
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