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It's not about nerfing Biochem. It's about making OTHER crew skills VIABLE.


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Simple solution:


Consumables for every skill.


Make it worth my time (and money) BioWare.


Right now you are on the path to making crew skills a complete waste of time and effort.


Maybe for you. Tradeskills work best when they AREN'T worth the time and effort for most people. If everybody is a producer, they'll have nobody to sell to. You need far more consumers than producers, which is why tradeskill perks break tradeskills.


If you're doing tradeskills simply for an "end game perk". Then you're doing them for a reason that shouldn't exist in the first place.

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Agree with the adrenals issues, to an extent. They need to be rebalanced. But not their effect, but their material, and consequently their market cost.


As for removing belts, relics etc... Bioware still has one proverbial good foot left. Unfortunately they seem to be very trigger happy.


I'm not advocating removing the belts, relics etc. I'm advocating removing the BoP on them. (or making them obsolete due to items that have no BoP)

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Everything is always equal and no one ever has any advantage over anyone else. BTW I love my razor nagga, I love the fact that I have an IQ higher than most, I love the fact that I have exceptionally good reaction time, I love the fact that I can think on my feet.


I love the macro buttons on my keyboard. I love that my computer cost $6000 and has no problems running the game on max settings with shadows on.


NERF ME ASAP oh wait you can't.


Any number of advantages are available that can't be removed the fact is giving people the option to pick an advantage that works best for them is best. LOOK AT WOW BS + JS is the best by like 1-2 points oddly enough not everyone takes those....


"The most important rule there is, the Wizard's Sixth Rule: the only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. The first law of reason is this: what exists, exists, what is, is and from this irreducible bedrock principle, all knowledge is built. It is the foundation from which life is embraced.

Thinking is a choice. Wishes and whims are not facts nor are they a means to discover them. Reason is our only way of grasping reality; it is our basic tool of survival. We are free to evade the effort of thinking, to reject reason, but we are not free to avoid the penalty of the abyss that we refuse to see. Faith and feelings are the darkness to reasons light. In rejecting reason, refusing to think, one embraces death."

Edited by solnar_xan
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and now there is NO reason to have Biochem...it isnt a nerf...it is just a reusable medpack/stim etc. it is a money saver is all...freakin waste of time...unsubbing...not only for this but MANY things Bioware has done wrong w/ this patch...like seriously could you make the CD thing any brighter? are people that dense that they cant tell when things are on CD?


I've made upwards to 40-50mil selling implants. Get a little better at the game, listen to some rap music, and start hustling a little harder.


As for biochem nerfs, its more the fact that Artifice/Synth can crit craft bracers/belt/relic, then go BIO for bio perks.


Thats my first and only issue with any of this.

Edited by idipper
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Maybe for you. Tradeskills work best when they AREN'T worth the time and effort for most people. If everybody is a producer, they'll have nobody to sell to. You need far more consumers than producers, which is why tradeskill perks break tradeskills.


If you're doing tradeskills simply for an "end game perk". Then you're doing them for a reason that shouldn't exist in the first place.


That's the point. If everyone has something they bring to the market in the form of a consumable, they will have a customer base. Right now, Bioware's response to lopsided productions and profits is to cripple what's working instead of giving something that works to every crew skill.


The point of trade skills is to make money and/or gain some advantage for raiding/PvP. You provide a product people want. Based on what people will pay for that product, a price is set, and it is either worth your time and money to craft and sell, or it isn't.


So let me see if I understand your reasoning: By making it not worth the time and effort (making it improbable to make profit) you actually help the economy in a closed system? If it's not worth the time and effort for me to do, it's not worth the time and effort for anyone. Profit margin is a pretty objective metric, either it exists or it doesn't. Either it exists for all or it doesn't.


Seems to me that the root of the problem with how the RE/schematic system works right now is that anyone can RE anything in their skill set until they are all making top-tier items. Either those items become one-use only (consumables like stims, medpacks in this case) or cost impractical to keep (barrels, mods, armors, enhancements) rather than buy or there is no reason to produce, no reason to buy, and no game economy.


A healthy economy has money moving, for money to move, products have to move, for products to move, people have to be using them and needing more. If I take up Cybertech, I'm not moving as many headsets as I am mods, armors, and grenades. The consumables are my profit makers, the headsets are my top-tiers.



I have one of each crafting profession, and a slew of various mission/gathering professions spread across 6 characters. I don't have a vested interest in any one succeeding, since I'm self-sufficient. My comment is directed at the overall problem solving MO I'm seeing in this game, which is an attempt to create balanced mediocrity rather than balanced excpetionalism. My comment is about how this MO affects the community, vise an alternative philosophy.

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In most MMOs, you pick a trade skill based on what kind of neat self only buffs you got from it at max level. I guess the developers are trying to get away from that design.


Still, there needs to be a reason to take a tradeskill. If I can buy the same packs that I could make, I don't see a point in being Biochem. Sure, you'd save a few credits, but you'd make more selling the materials and buying kits than crafting your own. Well, maybe not now, as I don't see many being Biochem anymore. The implants, I'm sure, will be replaced with dropped gear, so they aren't applicable to this discussion.


This nerf doesn't make any of the crew skills any more viable, all it does is make biochem less viable.


Seriously Bioware, break the MMO trend. Stop nerfing everything these kids cry about being overpowered. Start buffing the underpowered stuff. You'd have a lot less dissatisfied customers doing that, I'd bet.

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There is a sticky about this on PTS server forum, go read it.


Here's the important part.


"Major changes are currently on schedule for the next major content patch, such as extractable basemods (armoring, barrel, etc.) from purple items, critical crafting successes on orange outfits, more bind-on-equip schematic drops for artifice and other professions, increased relevance of augments, better reverse engineering chance, and other improvements. We want to create significant incentive for players to engage in the crafting economy – as provider of goods or supplier - without requiring players to take up a specific profession as a ticket into endgame."


Think this might be in march? Hope so, looking forward to see what's planned. I am hoping for more orange recipes for crafters.

Edited by rukks
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Slicing then Biochem... then... it's usually whichever skill is the most optimum to take at end-game that will get hit next


LOL until no skill is even helpful in the slightest way at end game. :D


Seriously, has BW wondered why do MMOs have crafting beside the obvious reason of time sink?

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