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Everything posted by Jensraven

  1. That's the point. If everyone has something they bring to the market in the form of a consumable, they will have a customer base. Right now, Bioware's response to lopsided productions and profits is to cripple what's working instead of giving something that works to every crew skill. The point of trade skills is to make money and/or gain some advantage for raiding/PvP. You provide a product people want. Based on what people will pay for that product, a price is set, and it is either worth your time and money to craft and sell, or it isn't. So let me see if I understand your reasoning: By making it not worth the time and effort (making it improbable to make profit) you actually help the economy in a closed system? If it's not worth the time and effort for me to do, it's not worth the time and effort for anyone. Profit margin is a pretty objective metric, either it exists or it doesn't. Either it exists for all or it doesn't. Seems to me that the root of the problem with how the RE/schematic system works right now is that anyone can RE anything in their skill set until they are all making top-tier items. Either those items become one-use only (consumables like stims, medpacks in this case) or cost impractical to keep (barrels, mods, armors, enhancements) rather than buy or there is no reason to produce, no reason to buy, and no game economy. A healthy economy has money moving, for money to move, products have to move, for products to move, people have to be using them and needing more. If I take up Cybertech, I'm not moving as many headsets as I am mods, armors, and grenades. The consumables are my profit makers, the headsets are my top-tiers. FWIW- I have one of each crafting profession, and a slew of various mission/gathering professions spread across 6 characters. I don't have a vested interest in any one succeeding, since I'm self-sufficient. My comment is directed at the overall problem solving MO I'm seeing in this game, which is an attempt to create balanced mediocrity rather than balanced excpetionalism. My comment is about how this MO affects the community, vise an alternative philosophy.
  2. Simple solution: Consumables for every skill. Make it worth my time (and money) BioWare. Right now you are on the path to making crew skills a complete waste of time and effort. The solution should never lie in stripping some people of their rewards, this always angers someone. The solution should always lie in empowering the ones struggling to bring them up to the new par. This always makes someone happy. This applies to economy, PvP, you name it. Wake up, your philosophies need shifting, and most ricky-tick before you nerf your own MMO into the History book alongside SWG.
  3. Exactly. Our culture is hosed if the response to being given something is "You didn't give me enough." It's unsurprising given a generation of children who got trophies for showing up to soccer games, win or lose, and didn't get a report card with actual grades on it until they were almost adults, and had mommy and daddy telling them how super special they are all the time. Spoiled, entitled children. Our culture is hosed.
  4. Now I know why there are so many Sith players. Givin' in to all that hatred.
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