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I just found out why we can't kill companions


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You should at the very least be able to send companions away and not have them be part of the group until you go pick them up again (give us some an option to sucker punch them ME style instead of flat out killing them).


In general I don't like how every class is basically a pet class though. If it were up to me companions would only be there for crafting, crew missions and relevant story events. You could still get affection and unlock dialogue options too.

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I have to agree, and the sad fact that we all will have to eventually accept is that not all of the writing in this game is the 100% top-notch kind of writing we've come to expect from Bioware games.


I grew up in OKC, and I think that a lot of the dialogue was written by people with a Midwestern or Southern mindset. Some of the dialogue sounds like it came out of a war movie with a bombastic drill seargant, other dialogue sounds like two kissing cousins dancing around what should otherwise be hot sex with a new friend, and then other dialogue has a bit of moralizing and/or excessive excoriation of 'the other'.


It's also interesting to note that the militaristic dialogue has you interacting with citizens on multiple worlds of a Republic where there is no peace at all. Citizens in the streets of Anchorhead are being robbed (and robbed at gun point, on their knees execution style by street thugs). Gang warfare is prevalent in nearly every corner of the explorable world. Total anarchy is different than a loose Republic.


Where are the newsstands, small businesses, tourist sites, non-political conversation, NPC's disinterested in the conflict, police, city government or services personnel, or myriad other additions to a game world that depicts a Republic (at war)?

Edited by Aphid
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I have the same issue with Lord Scourge on my JK. He is completely against everything I do. Infact, he is the only companion who I managed to max out DISAFFECTION for. What can I do to him? Watch as he calls me weak. I can't send him to Tython or anything to sit on his *** and think about what he has done.


I feel you! I was also very frustrated when I had no choice but to recruit that pathetic Sith meatbag.



Anyway, to the OP, I've never read something on the forums and felt the feelings of the writer, I am angry, like you were. I will not roll a Bounty Hunter because of this insult from Bioware. Not only my character never says what I actually want him to say but I don't even have choices I'd pick, so you end up recruiting people even if you don't like it and so on.

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lets face it TOR fails on every level when it comes to storyline.... Its a disgrace to the KOTOR franchise.....


None of your actions matter, no matter which direction you go, light or dark, you get the same ending, your compansions don't work nothing like KOTOR and you can't kill them like in the above.


Your choices are moot, its an epic waste,

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Be glad you're not a Sith Juggernaut then.



No Sith with half an ounce of self respect would keep Quinn around after what he does in the story.



10000000000000000 times this!!


i couldn't believe it when I got to this :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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