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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How is this possible?


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I am wondering how is the following score possible?




Please share your thoughts! Should I report that player?


because this players did nothing but do the objectives like your suppose to do in warzones. like i keep saying you can do 500k healing or damage in warzones but its the objectives that matter.

just because he has low damage and low healing does not mean he is useless and did nothing :p

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My point is that he made only 3800 damage as a Jedi Knight - this equals the damage of two attacks for the whole match. So the player clicked twice their abilities and the rest of the game just stand around. I still can not understand how he would get such enormous score.


Furthermore, if he was staying at the left turret the whole time, then how come he/she has 5700 capture effort points (which are oddly equal number to the defense ones)?

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because this players did nothing but do the objectives like your suppose to do in warzones. like i keep saying you can do 500k healing or damage in warzones but its the objectives that matter.

just because he has low damage and low healing does not mean he is useless and did nothing :p


ye you are suppose to take objectives, but if you are losing and the other team is ignoring it fully, it may be time to go help the others.

He may have got good objectives scores, but he help loose the game also.

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My point is that he made only 3800 damage as a Jedi Knight - this equals the damage of two attacks for the whole match. So the player clicked twice their abilities and the rest of the game just stand around. I still can not understand how he would get such enormous score.


Furthermore, if he was staying at the left turret the whole time, then how come he/she has 5700 capture effort points (which are oddly equal number to the defense ones)?


Probably it keeps ticking thats why is possible to achieve so high scores and thats why they are equal!No idea if it is intended or not nor how it works:P

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Is't he should get only "defense" points, but not like 5700 capture points in same time?


If we have all screen with enemy stats, maybe there is one on enemy side with same amount, so they are just "objectives trading" whole game caping\recaping without killing each other? Why not, we have win\quest tarding pvp ilum v1.0, kill trading ilum v2.0 - it's time to do objectives trading alderaan :)

Edited by Wikar
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he also had almost no medals which in and of themselves are just as good as a mvp vote.

and it looked like someone voted for him for doing the boring job of defending and calling inc on your only turret. how did he get two hits in, well plenty of times thats all a player got off on me when i went to cap a 1 man defended turret.


If you leave a turret unguarded in a game im in, ill take it, i promise. i have no problem with 3 capping. as for his capture points, mostl likely after being pummled he flew back just in time to catch the recap due to his inc call although if it was capped was either a late call on his part or lack of response from the rest of you all.

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Is't he should get only "defense" points, but not like 5700 capture points in same time?


If we have all screen with enemy stats, maybe there is one on enemy side with same amount, so they are just "objectives trading" whole game caping\recaping without killing each other? Why not, we have win\quest tarding pvp ilum v1.0, kill trading ilum v2.0 - it's time to do objectives trading alderaan :)


It wouldnt have sense,it only awards 2 medals easily obtainable! plus there wherent alone in the game someone at some point would go to see whats up with that broken turret:P


Guess it is just keeps ticking

Edited by tsupra
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My point is that he made only 3800 damage as a Jedi Knight - this equals the damage of two attacks for the whole match. So the player clicked twice their abilities and the rest of the game just stand around. I still can not understand how he would get such enormous score.


Furthermore, if he was staying at the left turret the whole time, then how come he/she has 5700 capture effort points (which are oddly equal number to the defense ones)?


He stood around? Looks like he was a visible deterrent to me. Maybe he shouted incoming and attackers ran off. Maybe you wanted him to run off leaving the base unguarded for someone to run in an take it unnopposed?


If it had been two or three or more players standing there uselessly then you could argue they're not doing as much as they can to help. But one guy needs to be there generally.


You don't understand the game mate if you think it's just about damage and healing done.

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