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100% user impacting maintenance?


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So it's ok if 20% of the players can't load up because of a buggy launcher and can't play... but it is not ok if 10-15% of the players can't log in because of a maintenance? Hhmmm interesting logic.


You've read wrong. I said it is ok to restart servers for a 20% population unable to even load the game. I said it's not okay to force 10-15% (where did you even get these numbers) unable to load the game, because of an unnecessary single quest fix.

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I am afraid I have to agree here. Hopefully the day will come when bugs actually get fixed on the test server before live. But until that day, the maintenance they have now affects the least amount of people possible.


We live in hope

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Since people around the world play and there isn't a window for maintenance that doesn't keep someone from logging in, I am so surprised at these forum posts. There isn't a game that I have played that didn't have maintenance times and there isn't a time that is "good".


It is just what happens in order to maintain the game. It must be done. And no matter what time they schedule it at, someone will be unable to play as planned. It happens to be you.


Also, if you are reading the many OTHER forum posts complaining about Ilum, this patch to fix that bug is very important. They are paying customers too. Short downtimes to put fixes in is just "life" in the MMO world.


So while you are outraged and ready to throw in the towel and had your plans to play a little upset, I fail to see how that makes your plans to play anymore important than the people who desire Ilum to be fixed.


I'm afraid your unhappiness about this falls on many deaf ears.

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It is unfortunate but my playtime always perfectly syncs with your maintenance. It also seems your maintenance happens all too frequently with massive windows of downtime affecting 100% of your user base.


*Calming down, maintaining low tones*


What are your plans to arrive at a place where you do not impact your paying customers to do maintenance on the game? Q1, Q2?


This is the third time I have attempted to play but just decided not to even log in since you are starting your maintenance around midnight (my time).


Seems to me if you were going to impact your customer base as significantly as you do (all the time) you would leverage resources possibly in another time region (that which is outside the continental United States) to perform the work.




Signed: A paying customer whose patience is wearing thin.



Although i am at work at patch time and it does not affect me, i completely understand your problem. I usually play after midnight too and i know it is very irritating to want to play a game so much (i assume you love the game like i am because the reason i play after midnight is because of other obligations earlier - result is 6 hours of sleep at most).


The best thing we can hope for is that they change the times for maintenance according to region, so that maintenance is early morning everywhere. This is obviously not something that can be done very soon. If you cannot play the game due to frequent patching (2 days a week is not very much and most weeks we only get 1 so far) your best option is probably to cancel your subscription for a couple of months and then get back when the patches get rarer.


You should not feel like you are losing your money while playing the game.

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It's not "think" They did research and have graphs somewhere showing this is the time period of least impact.


If they did their research then they would have found out that given *any* time zone, If you were to divide the 24 hour day into three equal 8 hour blocks, the hours between 2am-10am is the period where a MMO is least occupied. The aforemention information is no industry secret. In fact, you would have to be a complete newcomer to the MMO genre to not know that. People from all 9 different time zones (EST/CST/MST/PST/HAST/CET/WET/ EDT/WDT) do play this game and yet, TOR's maintenance schedule only fits into that "slow" period in 2 out of the 9 (EST, CST) while the other 7 are SOL. Least impact? That's only true for people in a very *small* geographical area in the grand scheme of things. The world doesn't revolve around the eastern half of the U.S. despite the fact that this maintenance schedule is trying to cast that false and delusional reality onto everyone else.


In the end, no one forced BW to pick a unified, worldwide maintenance schedule. That point is especially valid since I can think of no other MMO (that I have personally played) which has committed themselves to a maintenance schedule this mind boggling. Even wireless and cable providers have the sense to stagger their outage/maintenance times due to time zone differences. Frankly, it was BW's own incompetence and ignorance which created this debacle so the paying customers should not have to suffer for their lack of foresight. Instead, the employees responsible should be collecting unemployment.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Frankly, it was BW's own incompetence and ignorance which created this debacle so the paying customers should not have to suffer for their lack of foresight. Instead, the employees responsible should be collecting unemployment.


Yeah, i'm very surprised SWTOR management staff is not fired yet. They fail completely in pretty much every aspect of customer service:


1. swtor patches require a lot of time to apply, compared to other mmo games, yet about 1/3 of fixes are FAKE.

2. Inability to organize separate maintenance and reduce maintenance time.

3. Virtually NO communication with community on official forums.

4. Inability to prioritize hotfixes - broken class quests and world quests take forever to fix, yet endgame minority's PVP problems are getting fixed in 2-3 days.

5. Completely broken client performance - not only they deny the existence of a problem on a large scale, but they even insult customers with meaningless suggestions like "set your graphics settings at low".

Edited by Alexx_T
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