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*6* Predators Vs Darth Maul and ROTS Anakin.


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This one takes place in Downtown Naboo. I was curious about this, so I ask y'all:


who would win?


Round 2 --

`The predators are on a bit of a Hot Streak having beaten the Jango and Boba combination, but just before they could hi five each other (in typical Predator fahsion) they are shipped off to Naboo to hunt down Darth Maul and ROTS Anankin.


this is a tougher duo who are force sensative, so they can detect life no matter how much cloaking it has on it, but the Predators can probably take a lost limb or two and still compete against this duo of force wielders. Also, they have gadgets and traps! oh and Darth Maul has his gadgets and patrol droids, and anything else he would have had access to (whether it helps him or not...for example toilet paper).


I wanted to pick Jedi/Sith who preferred to use lightsabers over Force Powers. Begin!


EDIT: It's *6* Predators now.

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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Maul and Anakin. I'm willing to bet both of them could solo 2 Predators.


I mean seriously, outside of the one getting beaten by Arnold the others lose to stupid people that make a bunch of stupid mistakes that should land them dead to a Predator.

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Maul and Anakin. I'm willing to bet both of them could solo 2 Predators.


I mean seriously, outside of the one getting beaten by Arnold the others lose to stupid people that make a bunch of stupid mistakes that should land them dead to a Predator.


Good point, I edited the Thread.

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I don't know how any Predator could beat any Jedi/Sith especially a Darth or someone as strong as Anakin.


The only chance they would have is an surprise attack and even then most Jedi are able to catch it unless its by their own forces.


Outside of that the Predators don't have enough real ranged weaponry to pin them down and they more or less rely on that boomerang thing which 99 out of 100 times would be deflected or really cut in half by a lightsaber and no predator would be able to go toe to toe in melee combat even as a group vs these guys. Their melee weapons aren't designed to parry beam swords so they would have to dodge and Predators aren't known for their agility from what I've seen.


The ONLY area these guys would have ANY chance is the initial jump. If that fails they would be screwed cause even with their cloaking Maul and Anakin are going to pull some Jedi magic and be able to see through their cloak devices and run them down pretty effortlessly.

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It takes One Predator to kill them both. But here, before I explain that, I'll have to break this down.


Anakin and Maul can sense lifeforms, mostly those with harmful intentions. However, they cannot pinpoint such things via the Force. Another thing; Anakin and Maul would not work well together. They are on opposing sides, and both are aggressive fighters. They will constantly be in each others way, if not at each others throats. Yautja, however, can work together and function as a unit with military precision and discipline. Even if from different clans, if the have a unified goal, being from a different Clan no longer matters. They will work together for honor and glory.


Moving on, they're on Naboo. It's a planet filled with life. Which means it'd be even harder to detect Yautja based solely on them being living things, because there are so many other things that're alive that there would be no way to accurately sense where they are coming from, only that something unfriendly is nearby and watching them.


Third; Using the Force has never been a guarantee for victory, as has been proven many times by Jedi and other Force Sensitives being killed by non-Force users. Whether it was by Skill, Trickery, Deception, or whathaveyou, the Yautja are highly disciplined in all these things. Certainly, people recall Mac from Predator1, yes? The Native American? He could Feel something was wrong, that they were being watched. Mac is afraid of no man or beast, and for him to be Afraid, told Dutch just how much S*** they were in.


Now then, you allow for Six Yautja to be present. However, since there has been no description given for them or information allotted for people to even understand what the situation is, then I guess I should fill everyone in on what's going to happen.


If this is going to be a serious hunt, this is how it will break down for the Yautja; One Elder, One Veteran, One Blooded and three Un-Bloodeds.


The Elder: A Leader or Adviser to the Clan with over 600yrs of experience. A Spearmaster; one dedicated to the art of using a spear in combat whose skill with the weapon is unparalleled. It is the only weapon he will use in combat. His armor is forged with the hide of a phoenix-like creature native to the Yautja homeworld, granting him protecting against heat and energy based weapons beyond the normal limits. A creature he had to hunt and kill with only a spear, in a desert area where the radiation is so strong that most other life forms are baked alive. His role for the Hunt is to judge the worth of those partaking in the Blooding Ritual.


The Veteran: 'Scarface' (Predator: Concrete Jungle Game). A Hunter of supreme skill, cunning and strength. He has fought against impossible odds, against man, beast, xeno, and his own kind. With over three-centuries of experience, he is adept in using all forms of the Yautja's hunting gear. His physical strength is greater than those younger than him, through great effort and constant battle. He survived a century long exile on a desert world, attacked by scorpion-like Aliens, with nothing more than a glaive and his wristblades, all other things take from him, aside from his basic armor (no helm). Returning to the Clan, he was sent back to Earth to make up for past mistakes, and would go on to eliminate everything from...well, this should give you an idea ->


The Blooded: A Yautja who has completed the Blooding Ritual and can perform hunts on his own or lead hunts for others who have yet to undergo their Blooding Ritual. Usually between 60-100yrs old, he is fairly well experienced and has been through hundreds, if not thousands, of hunts on various worlds and against various life forms, including Humans. He is well versed in the use of all his hunting gear, not yet having chosen a particular path, like the Spearmaster, and instead remains as a Hunter who utilizes his arsenal as he sees fit. Often matching his prey weapon for weapon.


The Unbloodeds: Young Yautja who have yet to undergo their Blooding Ritual. Normall between the ages of 40-60 (by Human terms), they have trained their entire lives for the honor of the Hunt. They have been on dozens to hundreds of hunts, assisted and lead by other Blooded Hunters who teach them and, when need be, clean up the mess in the event of a failed hunt. Many unblooded are overconfident and arrogant, eager to prove that they are worthy. Some, however, show true cunning and the patience necessary to overcome even the strongest prey. They are all given appropriate gear for each particular hunt, suited for use by the Youngsters.


Scarface and the Elder would both be at the top of their game, meaning Dark Blade Clan equipment. Weapons and gear of the highest order, tempered in plasma for unbreakable strength and unparalleled cutting power. Which means an extraordinary resistance to weapons such as lightsabers.

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6 predators? trololo kind of unfair.


I'd say one predator vs maul, anakin and a tropper squad - still think the predator would win this one.


Typical scenario:


They are all in jungle, predator drops one of them distraction thingies - troppers start shooting at each other, killing themselves (based on 4-6 movies). anakin gets pissed, turns to maul and chokes him telling him that he betrayed him and stuffs.


Then when predator decloaks on a tree, anakin tries to jump over him and preds just cuts of his legs and arms with one swipe. Then takes of his skin and hangs him on tree.

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