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Everything posted by MaxHelix

  1. Unfortunately, the only way to level effectively as immortal jug is use your healer pet and only your healer pet once you get him. This means that you never die but the fights take forever. You are starting to get to the point in the game where you are going to start seeing def shield and absorb on your gear. If your gear has no crit, acc, power etc you wont be doing any damage. It doesn't matter what spec you are if you have tank gear you will have tank damage (no damage). The best way I can think of to level as tank is to get a buddy. If they go heals, even better. You can queue for FP all day and get nearly instant queue pops. I luckily started with 2 friends and we played as a trio all the way to Belsavis. This will also let you get used to tanking.
  2. I know that this would be very very very time consuming to do mainly because of the VO for all of the classes and all of the companions. I still want to bring my consular over to Empire like I could bring my Villain over to Hero's side in CoH. Knowing Bioware the story would be AWESOME!!!!
  3. I know I am not alone in wanting to experience the class stories of every class. This, however, leads to many, many hours of leveling multiple characters through every planet numerous times. For those of us that can't or don't want to invest that much time for a class's story, are there any plans to allow us to do this without the hours of time needed to level?
  4. Darth Maul murders everyone he sees, including Anakin, until he comes down from his meth high. Then he just starts slashing the ground over and over.
  5. Personally, I would want a remake of 1-3 into coherent sequals, and plots THAT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE AND MAKE US LOVE THE CHARACTERS. Go watch Plinkett's youtube reviews of the first three (1-3) movies and you will see what I'm talking about. 1-3 are filled with more plot holes and bad writing than Swiss Cheese.
  6. I <3 Whataburger guy on Tatooine. Dropping those Lemon Pies into the sand people's water supply to help them out was fun. If you know what I'm talking about hats off. If you don't know what I'm talking about I'm sorry (youtube is your friend). Also, I like hearing Batou on every planet I go to.
  7. First of I would like to say that I am having a great time leveling in SWTOR so far. I have played with friends mostly and I must say that greatly improves the experience of the game. That being said I wanted to express an addition to the game that I think would be great as well as bring in an entirely new crowd to the game. Story Mode Characters (SMC). Let me explain what I mean. Currently my highest character is a Sith Warrior. While leveling with friends I did spectate a few bits and pieces of their class story. Then I got to thinking "how could I experience their story myself without running all the planets 8 times?" I came up with the idea that there should be characters that only level from class quests so I could in fact see the entire game in a much more reasonable amount of time. Lets face it, if someone plays one or two characters up to level 50, most people aren't the kind that will sink another month of playtime to level other characters up just to see the story of the class (I know I'm not). This would mainly be because they have already leveled up characters and ground out quest after quest, planet after planet. They have already seen that content and wouldn't necessarily want to see it again. Story Mode Characters (SMC) would completely fix this issue. There are a few things that would need to be implemented to get the framework into place for this to work: 1) SMC would only be eligible for class quests. This means NO FLASHPOINTS, NO PLANETS, NO HEROICS, NO PVP, NO OPERATIONS, NO GTN, NO CRAFTING. These characters are only created to experience the story of the class, not so people can get a Sith Assassin to 50 for next weeks raid. 2) EXP rewards would keep you at the correct level for all your class content. You wouldn't need to worry about not being high enough or out leveling class content. Often times this would make content more of a challenge and appeal to a crowd that likes a boss fight to be tough. 3) Loot rewards would need to be overhauled for these characters as well. Not only for the players but the companions too. These are the basics that I have thought up on my own. Feel free to add suggestions to this list. This feature I think would attract a whole new player base to the game, as well as coincide with Bioware's innovative look at a genre that has gotten stale over the years. TLDR; Single Player Story MMO
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