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An Open Letter to the PVP Developers.


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To the SWTOR Developers and Community Managers,


I am writing this letter to you as a plea for more information and help. As someone who has now accomplished everything they can in the pvp community, and as a leader of a pvp guild I am begging Bioware to release to us more information for what is coming up in the future for pvp. I have watched the videos, listened to the podcasts, and read all the forum posts on the DevTracker and still I worry about what is coming next.


I am a fortunate person to lead a guild on the server Iron Citadel named Bad Reputation. We are a pvp guild that constantly runs 4 man groups in warzones, and are considered to be one of the top pvp guilds on a large pvp server. My guild is full of pvp enthusiasts who want nothing more than to play with the best players and against the best players as often as possible. We have no desire to participate in pve content. Having said all this, we are growing tired of playing SWTOR and are all starting to log on less and less, while considering playing different games.


So what went wrong for our guild? We are all very active computer gamers, from different areas of the world. Most of us did not know each other at all before this game, but have come to be great friends over the course of just a few weeks of playing together. We all love to compete and win, but that has become less and less important to us over the course of time playing this game. Simply, we are all burnt out by the lack of content. We are not worried about class balance, we do not care about which class is better than which in solo combat. We are even often able to look past some of the bugs and crashes that still happen with this game (although the awfully low FPS in warzones is increasingly becoming frustrating).


A lot of our guild members were battlemasters pre 1.1. This means that we went through the unintentionally long grind to Valor 60 by competing in warzones as often as possible, and by fighting republic in Ilum. We did not sit in Ilum and trade bases. We would attempt to actually control bases and kill republic, for 50 valor at a time. We loved doing this. Fighting in Ilum used to be fighting in small groups in different locations, while queued for warzones. Now fighting in Ilum for us is grudingly sitting in front of a republic base, or at a central location and “AoEing down” the opposing forces, hoping to get credit for 30 kills as fast as possible so that we can leave the zone. On top of that, the titles and gear we worked so hard for have lost the prestige that went with them. We used to have 5 of the top 10 players valor ranking wise in our guild. Now many people that we have never seen before have past us without doing any truly meaningful pvp.


While Ilum has many issues, playing warzones also have their own. Once again, we do not care about the class balance or the class make up that we bring to our groups, but we want the ability to queue as eight. It is very frustrating to be unable to talk to, understand, or debate with four other players who we do not know. More often than not, matches between premades will come down to “who was lucky enough to have better random players on their team.” This cannot be what Bioware means for us to suffer through. We want to be able to play more with our friends.


Now our guild has not just sat around and complained about the issues we face. We have done our best to grow a pvp community on our server and for the most part we have succeeded. We have hosted tournaments on Tatooine that players from both republic and empire have participated in, watched happen, or chatted about on streams. We have members that have made videos, and members that are active on the forums in promoting pvp. We love our servers community, and that alone has kept most of us continuing to actively play this game. We cannot keep this going for much longer though. We cannot keep queueing for the same three warzones over and over again with only half of a team. We do not enjoy going to Ilum and participating in that “form” of pvp. We want to have a strong, competitive, pvp community that is welcoming to all that want to compete.


What we mostly want, is answers. We would like to know from you Bioware what your plans are. I would like the opportunity to speak on behalf of my guild for a half hour to one of the developers who works on pvp. I would like to express concerns as a guild leader of a pvp only guild on a server full of pvpers, and hear back from a developer how they plan to help us with these problems. We cannot wait months for more videos and more patch notes. We are coming up on a time when players will be deciding whether or not one month of paying for this game was too much.


Once again Bioware, you have given us a strong game and allowed me to meet plenty of fantastic players I would consider friends. My friends and I will simply look for a game that has more competitive pvp and a stronger community if we cannot achieve it in this game. I truly hope that through open dialogue with the pvp community we can achieve a stronger, more competitive community.


Thank you for your time.

Edited by sarcatic
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I agree on all points of this post, and definitely think Sark can give the development team some much needed feedback/tips on where to go next. Or, at the very least, some more information needs to be shared with the PvP community.
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It's a very fair request. I don't even think that Sarc is requesting some sort of platform to speak from on what should be done with the game. He, like the rest of us, would just like some sort of pvp road map for the future. The game has some great concepts and has thus far been really enjoyable, but I'm also an exclusive PvPer and it seems like there's still a lot of work to do. I think everyone would be interested in getting an idea of how it's going to be done.
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I'm concerned about how the ranked pvp is going to work...

Civil War and Voidstar are going to be very unbalanced if its premade vs premade (8v8)


Right now in Civil War, whoever gets mid has a big advantage. With an 8 man premade, I would say it's almost impossible to lose once you get mid and a side node.


In Voidstar it's going to be really hard to go through the first barrier against an 8 man group. The map design (walls and columns) around the doors makes it easy for the defenders to LoS and defend doors (btw, fix the DoTs breaking caps please), specially if it's a well coordinated premade with guards healers and good dps...


I'm not really worried about balance at the moment, pvp is enjoyable and there are no extremely OP things that make the game unpleasant to play. But yes, like Sark said, it would be awesome to know whats coming and being able to give feedback about it.

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I approve of this thread. I do think, however, that something like this needs to be given more time. The game was released less than 2 months ago. If you're completely bored of it already, you need to sloooow down......


I am confident though that Bioware will make good decisions regarding PvP in upcoming patches.


Also, a lot of people are coming to this game from WoW, (or other games with a battlegrounds-like system). WoW in particular though had highly developed and refined PvP implementations. If you played WoW at release, however, there were no battlegrounds or arenas. There was no honor system. There was no PvP stat. People PvP'd for fun. Like many previous MMO's, they would attempt to raid each other's capital cities, take over towns, among many other things that varied from server to server.


Did battlegrounds and resilience kill world pvp for everyone? ****...

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I am confident though that Bioware will make good decisions regarding PvP in upcoming patches.


Bioware seems to be on a trend of horrible decisions at the moment.


Like whoever came up with this Illum revamp should just stop.


I feel like im in that Robot Chicken skit.


Bioware: I have altered the deal, pray I dont alter it any further.


Edited by BendakStarkiller
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I approve of this thread. I do think, however, that something like this needs to be given more time. The game was released less than 2 months ago. If you're completely bored of it already, you need to sloooow down......


I am confident though that Bioware will make good decisions regarding PvP in upcoming patches.


Also, a lot of people are coming to this game from WoW, (or other games with a battlegrounds-like system). WoW in particular though had highly developed and refined PvP implementations. If you played WoW at release, however, there were no battlegrounds or arenas. There was no honor system. There was no PvP stat. People PvP'd for fun. Like many previous MMO's, they would attempt to raid each other's capital cities, take over towns, among many other things that varied from server to server.


Did battlegrounds and resilience kill world pvp for everyone? ****...


Hello, I agree with your point about how it is early and that WoW was all world pvp at the beginning. The problem we have is that world pvp has been semi-forced into one zone. Their is no benefit for people to try pvping in other zones, so the general population does not go there.


I'd like to thank all the people who have replied with support for this thread, hopefully we can grab the attention of someone who can answer our questions.

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First off, OP is 100% correct. We need to know where this game is going, why is that seriously SO HARD?


However, Bioware ALMOST never responds to user-threads which attempt to address actual gameplay issues. Just saying - this thread will never be responded to officially, because to do so would be an admission that the pvp system is flawed.


Just take a look at the new patch notes for 1.1.2

Ilum is exactly the same - the only change being nerfing chest drops (which was REALLY ambiguous btw Bioware - do you mean THE ARMAMENT CHESTS, or loot chests?!?!).

They addressed NONE of the issues such as constant base-camping, and the fact that the actual objectives on the map are NEVER utilized in the manner intended.


All we can do is hope that EA does not yank all the developers off this project once they make their money back. Which i am giving a 75% chance of happening, personally.

EA is to the video game industry as Satan is to humanity. The fount of all things evil (aka extreme greed).

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People need to know what is going on with the devs regarding pvp. So many players are turned off, especially with illum. I've heard of so many people saying they are going to quit, this could all be avoided with a little communication.


The is a universal concept, people aren't happy when they have no clue what is happening.


I remember a convo between a couple cops I had back ago and it was pretty much the biggest concern people have during an incident ( in this case the power outages in NJ this year) is the lack of information that the people get.


Need moar infozzzz

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Morning Bump for this thread.


As the comments have said, we aren't looking for anything to be redesigned, any classes to be buffed. We just want to have an open dialogue where we can talk about what has gone wrong, and you guys are planning for in the future so that we can all get the best for this game.


We tried PvE content last night as something to do, and I didn't find it that enjoyable. On top of that one of the bosses (the puzzle) bugged out and we couldn't progress any further. Our night of PvEing was a failure, but with all of our guild on - we could not even pvp together because of the queue as 4 only system in place.

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