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As a new 50, PvP is impossible


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This game is ridiculously broken. As a new republic 50, it is nearly impossible for me to even complete my WEEKLY on my server due to the Imp Ilum bug battlemasters.


Republic win rates on my server are nearly 1/20 and consist of 8 battle master imps vs maybe 1-2 battle master (if we're lucky) and 6 regular 50's.


Here I am Monday night in WZ's and I can't win a single warzone, not due to skill, but because the gear difference in battlemaster vs. a lvl 50 is so great, there is no chance to win.


And if I do manage to win a couple (mostly hutball vs. republic) or sc****** together 800 warzone commendations, it is RANDOMLY generated if I might get some gear for all the time I've spent in this game.


I work 40-50 hours a week, and it is nearly impossible to get any gear to compete at all.


Though I know they're working on some sort of fix to close the gap, this is not the way to keep subscribers (and they're about to lose mine) that didn't have 10 hours a day to grind to 50, then take advantage of Ilum respawn camping.


Sorry just had to vent.

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if its a matter of getting battlemaster gear then do what i did,


1-49 pvp a lot!!!!! spend 0 pvp commednations( ecxpet to make warzone commendations merc commendations) get to level 50 and have enough commendations to buy several battlemaster bags. My hold has 4 of them just waiting for me to go up 3 levels

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if its a matter of getting battlemaster gear then do what i did,


1-49 pvp a lot!!!!! spend 0 pvp commednations( ecxpet to make warzone commendations merc commendations) get to level 50 and have enough commendations to buy several battlemaster bags. My hold has 4 of them just waiting for me to go up 3 levels


Definitely did this :) - I had 6 bags to open at lvl 50, and have since opened a good 7 more, i have 2 pieces of gear.


We literally win 1/20 warzones, unless we get more hutball vs. other republics :( - it is not fun at all

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spend 0 pvp commednations( ecxpet to make warzone commendations merc commendations) get to level 50 and have enough commendations to buy several battlemaster bags. My hold has 4 of them just waiting for me to go up 3 levels


I'm sure you don't know what are you talking about.

First of all, your hold can't have 4 bags, since the ones you get for comms are unique and you can have one only. = Fail Liar. (you can save commendations for 5 bags and have one taken already at a max.)

Secondly, commendations have nothing to do with battlemaster bags.

Edited by Stranger_LDR
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if its a matter of getting battlemaster gear then do what i did,


1-49 pvp a lot!!!!! spend 0 pvp commednations( ecxpet to make warzone commendations merc commendations) get to level 50 and have enough commendations to buy several battlemaster bags. My hold has 4 of them just waiting for me to go up 3 levels


Bags are unique.

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I call BS. I was a ArBH and have almost full champ gear when i decided to go heals. I started from scratch with lvl 50 gear, I did not transfer mods. It sucked, as healing until I got used to it, but I've been having more fun playing that way. I got full champ healing gear (minus MH weapon) in 2 weeks. Yes I got lucky, but if you are going to sit here and think you should get full champ gear in 2 weeks playing maybe 2 hours a night...sorry, not going to happen. Put in your time, farm your bags, get your weekly and dailies done, you will be geared.


I got in early access, 4 days, and did not step into a WZ until I was lvl 50. Valor lvl 56 almost 57 now. So don't say it can't be done and don't come here whining because your gear was not handed to you. Suck it up and drive on or go back to wow.


I also work 40+ hours a week, so pick your poison.

Edited by elacourse
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My alt reached 50 last tuesday so i see where you are coming from op, it certainly is frustrating, especially when all you have to show for in a week's work is... 3 belts, 3 relics and a pair of pants -_-


Next patch will somewhat alleviate it, getting the centurion set easily will at least give fresh 50s a fighting chance

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TBH, i don't PVP a lot, i only really started when i hit level 50 but I'm gonna have to side with the pvper's on this one, Those who spent 1-49 pvping deserve to be where they are and deserve to be ahead in gear for the work they put in, those newly 50's (and i am one) shouldn't complain if they only started pvping at 50 or around that mark, sorry but its tough luck, you chose to play the game through pve and so should rightly have to work very hard to get on the same terms as those who spent all there time pvping.... You can't have everything your own way.


Now I've been doing the daily and weekly warzones missions and over the past few weeks i've gotten better pvp gear and I'm slowly getting better, but then i put the effort into doing lots of WZ's so it really isn't impossible.

There's also no point in complaining about getting ROFL stomped on Ilum, do what i did, focus on the WZ's, get gear and with a bit of luck it'll get better.

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TBH, i don't PVP a lot, i only really started when i hit level 50 but I'm gonna have to side with the pvper's on this one, Those who spent 1-49 pvping deserve to be where they are and deserve to be ahead in gear for the work they put in, those newly 50's (and i am one) shouldn't complain if they only started pvping at 50 or around that mark, sorry but its tough luck, you chose to play the game through pve and so should rightly have to work very hard to get on the same terms as those who spent all there time pvping.... You can't have everything your own way.


Now I've been doing the daily and weekly warzones missions and over the past few weeks i've gotten better pvp gear and I'm slowly getting better, but then i put the effort into doing lots of WZ's so it really isn't impossible.

There's also no point in complaining about getting ROFL stomped on Ilum, do what i did, focus on the WZ's, get gear and with a bit of luck it'll get better.


This doesn't make sense, the max Valor level = current level until level 50. I was nearly valor lvl 40 when I hit 50. To get to level 60 valor (battle master), it's exponential.


I don't have a problem with random bags, if I were playing competitive warzones, as it is, it is impossible to win vs. 8 battlemasters, we simply cannot kill them due to the gear gap from lvl 50 gear to battle master. The rate at which I can even get a CHAMPION bag is horrendous - I had to Warzone, consistently losing, getting 35ish commendations per warzone of 15ish minutes to get 800 warzone commendations (enough for 1 bag), with a RANDOM chance at a champion gear.


800/35 = ~22 warzones

22 warzones * 15 minutes = 342 minutes, or ~6 hours of warzones to have a ~8% chance at champion gear. Come on - who would want to play a game at that rate to just catch up to battlemasters created by the Ilum respawn camping bug.

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I call BS. I was a ArBH and have almost full champ gear when i decided to go heals. I started from scratch with lvl 50 gear, I did not transfer mods. It sucked, as healing until I got used to it, but I've been having more fun playing that way. I got full champ healing gear (minus MH weapon) in 2 weeks. Yes I got lucky, but if you are going to sit here and think you should get full champ gear in 2 weeks playing maybe 2 hours a night...sorry, not going to happen. Put in your time, farm your bags, get your weekly and dailies done, you will be geared.


I got in early access, 4 days, and did not step into a WZ until I was lvl 50. Valor lvl 56 almost 57 now. So don't say it can't be done and don't come here whining because your gear was not handed to you. Suck it up and drive on or go back to wow.


I also work 40+ hours a week, so pick your poison.


see my above post

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This game is ridiculously broken. As a new republic 50, it is nearly impossible for me to even complete my WEEKLY on my server due to the Imp Ilum bug battlemasters.


Republic win rates on my server are nearly 1/20 and consist of 8 battle master imps vs maybe 1-2 battle master (if we're lucky) and 6 regular 50's.


Here I am Monday night in WZ's and I can't win a single warzone, not due to skill, but because the gear difference in battlemaster vs. a lvl 50 is so great, there is no chance to win.


And if I do manage to win a couple (mostly hutball vs. republic) or sc****** together 800 warzone commendations, it is RANDOMLY generated if I might get some gear for all the time I've spent in this game.


I work 40-50 hours a week, and it is nearly impossible to get any gear to compete at all.


Though I know they're working on some sort of fix to close the gap, this is not the way to keep subscribers (and they're about to lose mine) that didn't have 10 hours a day to grind to 50, then take advantage of Ilum respawn camping.


Sorry just had to vent.


Don't worry man. They hear you.

As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.




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Personally I think the wins not counting for the quest sucks *** and is the most frustrating part for me personally. Then they finally count and you get 3the tokens. Some people are lucky though when I hit 50 I went 2 for 6 on bags. Since then 2 for 28 with a duplicate it is frustrating when you grind out the wins then get shat.
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if its a matter of getting battlemaster gear then do what i did,


1-49 pvp a lot!!!!! spend 0 pvp commednations( ecxpet to make warzone commendations merc commendations) get to level 50 and have enough commendations to buy several battlemaster bags. My hold has 4 of them just waiting for me to go up 3 levels


Too funny Jethro ... little clue for ya ... battlemaster bags are UNIQUE


Definition of UNIQUE


1: being the only one : sole <his unique concern was his own comfort> <I can't walk away with a unique copy. Suppose I lost it? — Kingsley Amis> <the unique factorization of a number into prime factors>

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Personally I think the wins not counting for the quest sucks *** and is the most frustrating part for me personally. Then they finally count and you get 3the tokens. Some people are lucky though when I hit 50 I went 2 for 6 on bags. Since then 2 for 28 with a duplicate it is frustrating when you grind out the wins then get shat.


I totally agree, if I do get lucky enough to win one, every one in awhile it doesn't even count :(

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Don't worry man. They hear you.


Thank you for posting this - I don't visit the forums much at all but felt that I had to post something...


This at least gives hope, because I have no reason to log on right now :(

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You know, enough of your Republic tomfoolery. Quit the QQ already.


Besides, shouldn't the lot of you be holding hands and singing in a circle somewhere? What are you playing at, trying to PvP anyway?

Edited by Aribethx
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I don't understand all this whining over being a new 50...


Coming from me, a person who had all orange and green peices and was a COMPLETE GEAR NEWB when I reached 50, I had ZERO problems in PvP. Just suck it up and PvP for 5 days and get some gear.


If you go to the GTM you can find gear that will suit you untill you can either get Cent, Champion, Tionese, or Columi gear also.




My God...

Edited by Skapek-Skocap
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