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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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I am all over this! SWGemu is better in it's current state than this joke of a game


There is no current state. I am waiting as well for SWGemu, but they have no permanent server yet. Also, Shadowbane EMU is almost ready.


This game is going to be a large PVE game same as Wow, that's where the money is it seems. The pvp is so lame I can't even bring myself to log in anymore. The pvp community is always left with a carrot on a stick in front of our faces.

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Please see this thread regarding a VERY VERY SIMPLE way to fix Ilum using existing Game design. I find it to be a viable addition to end game pvp.


It will greatly benefit Battlemasters and encourage them to be out in the world rather than killing new 50's in Warzones (unless they want to of course ;P)




It is by far the most simple and plausible solution to the Ilum problem requiring VERY LITTLE dev changes to the zone.



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Ok but you aren't a PvPer then if voice acting keeps you paying monthly sub alone and this is a PvP thread but enjoy.


Yeah Darth Knine? Screw you. Sorry but after reading through your thread and you constantly putting down anyone who doesn't agree with you pretty much solidifies my original response. Why are you here? You already canceled and now just lurk on the forums. I wish mmo companies would revoke your ability to use the forums after you cancel for people like you.


I pvp, I also do raids, do the space missions, explore the zones, do dalies, and pretty much whatever is my fancy that day. Voice acting keeps me going cause being a snarky woman myself I enjoy being able to play one in the game. PvP is, and always is, the minority in these kinds of games. It has been a while since I was on the GW2 but i'm pretty sure that while the regular warfronts don't use gear, the open realm vs realm does in fact have gear. Guess what? That means you still have to pve.


Same with The Secret World. No classes but you still have to pve to get abilities for your 'deck'. I imagine the pvp will still be determined by who did more pve.


As for Diablo? Single player game with a multiplayer option. Still single player hack and slash though.


Just leave, you aren't even paying or offering solutions that would make you come back. Just another whiny kid who expects everything instantly. Wow is my generation screwed. >.<

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Pre season is coming up , and pvp is extremely fun to me. Haters....not sure what to tell you.


Pre-season to boring, skilless PVP? Nah. I had far more fun in an hour of Lv22 open world deathmatch PVP in TERA than I ever did in tens of hours of endgame PVP in SW:TOR. Anyone who says SW:TOR PVP takes skill is delusional.


Funny thing is that I didn't even look at TERA with SW:TOR and GW2 on the horizon (not a big fan of Asian MMO's -- GW isn't an Asian MMO, before you try to argue that it is). SW:TOR was supposed to be the go-to game for me until GW2 came out, but it turns out TERA was a far better game.


So, really, what can you tell me? That you're a Star Wars/BioWare fanboy who thinks they can do no wrong? Because if you try to say SW:TOR PVP is superior to either TERA or GW2 PVP (which I played at PAX), then you're severely mistaken.

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Yeah Darth Knine? Screw you. Sorry but after reading through your thread and you constantly putting down anyone who doesn't agree with you pretty much solidifies my original response. Why are you here? You already canceled and now just lurk on the forums. I wish mmo companies would revoke your ability to use the forums after you cancel for people like you.


I pvp, I also do raids, do the space missions, explore the zones, do dalies, and pretty much whatever is my fancy that day. Voice acting keeps me going cause being a snarky woman myself I enjoy being able to play one in the game. PvP is, and always is, the minority in these kinds of games. It has been a while since I was on the GW2 but i'm pretty sure that while the regular warfronts don't use gear, the open realm vs realm does in fact have gear. Guess what? That means you still have to pve.


Same with The Secret World. No classes but you still have to pve to get abilities for your 'deck'. I imagine the pvp will still be determined by who did more pve.


As for Diablo? Single player game with a multiplayer option. Still single player hack and slash though.


Just leave, you aren't even paying or offering solutions that would make you come back. Just another whiny kid who expects everything instantly. Wow is my generation screwed. >.<


Last I checked this was a forum where all are free to express opinions, that is all this is.


SWTOR is a putrid horrible game once you get past leveling. Even leveling is really only fun once since 90% of content is repeat. There are many reasons, too many to even capture in a thread this large, that is an opinion and one shared by a large amount of folks on the forums, if you can't deal w/that don't come on forums and continue to enjoy the voice acting! The rest of us will continue to express how we feel until BW kicks us or our accounts are cancelled!


And I will continue to say "ground breaking pvp" which BW communicated before release. Now we know that was just LOLUM.

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Because it's a lot of fun?


I agree It's still a lot of fun for me period. Yep it has issues every fing new game and even old games has issues ask me about skyrim lol. Ask me about FFXI latest patch that broke the mouse control really no mouse movement come on man lol.

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I absolutely love it when the pvp ppl start whining about imbalance and such, if u wanna play a pvp game go play black ops with all the other nine year olds that cry when the NPC's whoop them on solo quests.


Implying people pvp because pve is too hard,

It is the other way around my friend.

All the bad pvp'ers love to pve since pve is for braindead zombies.

Edited by SmokingGoose
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To be honest, I dont know what I am going to do.


Even though I like to do group PvE content with my guild or pugs, Im mostly a Solo/PvP kind of player, so PvP is important to me. But in this game PvP is pretty busted in my opinion.


PvP here has some pretty serious class imbalances, bugs, exploits, performance issues, Faction imbalance, and even Hacks. All of wich are abundant and obvious.


And now that the population (atleast on my server) seems to be dwindling, finding groups for PvE content is getting harder and harder. Its practicly turning into PvP or nothing.


Even though I really like this game Im not sure how long I can hang on.


I am trying though. Im really trying

Edited by Apache
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Why people think GW2 will be the MMO Jesus for PvP I'm not exactly sure. I know some people who play in beta and I did not hear good things from them.



I hope they get it right but I'm not holding my breath at this point.


If they do at all like GW1 where everyone has same gear and skills, it wil be just as boring. LOL, the next great hype.


MMO pvp is not about balance. Its about working to gear yourself to curbstomp the competition. Thats what makes it fun. At least for me. Having everyone be the same power, same base stats, same HP and same burst is dull and boring. I have more fun playing BF3.

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If they do at all like GW1 where everyone has same gear and skills, it wil be just as boring. LOL, the next great hype.


MMO pvp is not about balance. Its about working to gear yourself to curbstomp the competition. Thats what makes it fun. At least for me. Having everyone be the same power, same base stats, same HP and same burst is dull and boring. I have more fun playing BF3.


just lol @ you. i have nothing more to say.

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If they do at all like GW1 where everyone has same gear and skills, it wil be just as boring. LOL, the next great hype.


MMO pvp is not about balance. Its about working to gear yourself to curbstomp the competition. Thats what makes it fun. At least for me. Having everyone be the same power, same base stats, same HP and same burst is dull and boring. I have more fun playing BF3.


So.... having skill matter most is boring? OK.

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Stop sitting here whining if you quit the game, then get the **** off from here and do something else. I play pvp and pve, on my 50, i level new classes, im having fun. And its a NEW MMO GAME all those have this phase in the beginning, stuff need to be processed.
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To be honest, I dont know what I am going to do.


Even though I like to do group PvE content with my guild or pugs, Im mostly a Solo/PvP kind of player, so PvP is important to me. But in this game PvP is pretty busted in my opinion.


PvP here has some pretty serious class imbalances, bugs, exploits, performance issues, Faction imbalance, and even Hacks. All of wich are abundant and obvious.


And now that the population (atleast on my server) seems to be dwindling, finding groups for PvE content is getting harder and harder. Its practicly turning into PvP or nothing.


Even though I really like this game Im not sure how long I can hang on.


I am trying though. Im really trying


This about sums up how bad and dire the situation is. People that LIKE the game are barely hanging on.


@All those that say bla it's a new game all new games have issues...yes NO **** but what is happening to SWTOR is much more, it is the core game components that people are running from not just bugs / glitches or things that can be fixed.

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