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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead


get over it thes is not a pvp game damm it wen u all get thes in u fuk head - all the way from 2008 we got told is a STORY and pve focus game . BIO only put pvp in swtor so we got som ting els to try if we like to - - and stop look at swtor as SWG or other games -

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Here is greece we say:


The one-eye man rules over the blind ....


Swtor is the new hot one-eye man...

+ because it is a new game it is still populated...


I still have high hopes for this game only because Bioware and EA are behind it = money to spend.... so i am willing to give them some more time


and ofcourse....


All other games have no players to kill.....

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get over it thes is not a pvp game damm it wen u all get thes in u fuk head - all the way from 2008 we got told is a STORY and pve focus game . BIO only put pvp in swtor so we got som ting els to try if we like to - - and stop look at swtor as SWG or other games -


I think everyone has pretty much enjoyed his character's story, now it's time for some endgame content (and don't tell me to reroll, that's not an answer). while pve is overall good (except some instances that are just bugged), pvp is terrible. Ilum has been a joke from the beginning... objectives in warzones just ruin the whole pvp aspect, bioware has got to understand that people want to kill eachother, no one cares about the objectives... but then again, this gear grind based pvp system makes it so you're forced to win. Not to mention resolve bar, it's the worst cc counter i've ever seen, it needs a complete change. I'm a pvper, so I'll get bored of doing the same instance over and over pretty soon... I was hoping it would be pvp to keep me hooked to the game, but looks like this is the wrong game.

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get over it thes is not a pvp game damm it wen u all get thes in u fuk head - all the way from 2008 we got told is a STORY and pve focus game . BIO only put pvp in swtor so we got som ting els to try if we like to - - and stop look at swtor as SWG or other games -


Yes but BW said "just wait we have some ground breaking pvp". BW talked up PvP all the Pre-launch videos had PvP themes or many did.


Reality is BW handled pvp like space and crafting, just cobbled together a mini game to check off feature boxes to sell more.


They deceived the pvp population IMHO!

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I enjoy the company of my guild mates. Nothing else is keeping me here. Just waiting till the day Blizzard releases the next big Real MMo, cause I have come the conclusion that they are the only company who can truly pull it off.
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My Republic Gunslinger is 50 (I switched so I didn't have to play 10 Huttball matches 1 other type match.)


I'm still here because I'm still enjoying PvP, I only made 50 on my GS a week ago, and I like PvE and really haven't done any OPs yet. So there is a lot of entertainment value left for me even if PvP doesn't improve, and I think it will.

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You mean ArenaNet.


Guild Wars is not an MMO. It is an instancing playground for small groups. With that said, I have yet to see if GW 2 will be different. Don't get me wrong GW is a fun game. Just not really a true MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online). SWTOR is also not an MMO in my eyes either. I never see more then 60 people online at a time and then they are all instanced into different zones of the same city.

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I'm hit or miss on this stupid game. I go to Ilum and get to sit outside of the republic base looking at the 10 or so hiding inside vs the 60 of us stupid *** imps outside. Or I get to go into a warzone and get absolutely rolled by the other team because... well most of the time our team blows and I'm undergeared... but there are no ranks. I'm in with whoevers playin, so i get to get slaughtered most times. I also love being a healer who has the chance at getting a max 6 badges, but most of the time if I'm actually just healing my *** off, I get maybe 2 on most warzones, 4 on the civil war. That's great to watching these folks getting 8 and 9 by just dpsing and doin their stupid little shield thing. Seams like great fun and is very fair. By and by most days I'm happy I'm playing out the remainder of my subscription without renewing. I will probably not miss the aggravation that is this games pvp. But they got time to fix before my sub runs out...
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get over it thes is not a pvp game damm it wen u all get thes in u fuk head - all the way from 2008 we got told is a STORY and pve focus game . BIO only put pvp in swtor so we got som ting els to try if we like to - - and stop look at swtor as SWG or other games -


Then why is there a pvp forum, and why are you *********** writing in it. **** off ***, let us complain and write better.

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TERA beta tonight. Played on Wednesday night for their pre-beta test. Should be good to hold me until GW2. Finally a game that actually takes more skill than this trash. Laters, SW:ToR.


Awesome I am w/you even though I have 5 months left on my sub, I doubt I will even login to SWTOR, biggest POS ever!

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I'm still having fun with the game. I'll cancel if and when I'm not having fun.


This may be the first MMO where I take every class to cap or near cap just to enjoy the storyline. Also enjoying the PvP and looking forward to the future.


Never played an MMO at release that didn't have issues but this one is easily the most polished and most stable in terms of uptime I've ever experienced. Will easily go down in MMO history as one of the best ever.

Edited by Hellapain
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I'm still having fun with the game. I'll cancel if and when I'm not having fun.


This may be the first MMO where I take every class to cap or near cap just to enjoy the storyline. Also enjoying the PvP and looking forward to the future.


Never played an MMO at release that didn't have issues but this one is easily the most polished and most stable in terms of uptime I've ever experienced. Will easily go down in MMO history as one of the best ever.


I doubt SWTOR will go down as one of best MMOs in history, more like the most ordinary and best copy of WoW and the last MMO trying to clone WoW.

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PVP is good and I still enjoy it. There are things that make me rage but thats every single game ever with pvp. a few tune ups to CC issues and a lot of tune ups to open world and this will easily the best out there.


If you are sold on Guildwars or Diablo 3 being better, good luck with that.

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When will you deluded PvP'ers learn that YOU are the MINORITY. I am a PvP'er, and I realize this, which is why I have patience.


PvE is still the majority of Subs in ALL MMO's. So contrary to what your over-inflated egos tell you, the game won't die because a few people who consider themselves leet PvP'ers leave.


Seriously, need to get over yourselves, you are a drop in a bucket.


Oh and to all the "I am waiting on GW2" folks, let me be the first to say LOL.


Have you been to the GW2 site lately? They have a one pager on what PvP will be like. And from this one page you deduce that the PvP will be awesome x 10? The PvP in GW1 sucked, so what makes you think it will be any different?


Some people... :rolleyes:

Edited by Lividcalm
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get over it thes is not a pvp game damm it wen u all get thes in u fuk head - all the way from 2008 we got told is a STORY and pve focus game . BIO only put pvp in swtor so we got som ting els to try if we like to - - and stop look at swtor as SWG or other games -


Could you at least attempt to use some form of proper spelling?


Besides, your argument is not coherent, truthful, or even contextually accurate.


Any MMO game that doesn't build competent platforms for end-game play is setting themselves up for a high-turnover customer base, but this goes triple for a game about "story". You can scream you love the story so much that you will have it's babies, but the bottom line is that there are only eight class stories and 2 sets of side quests and 2 sets of planet quests. Once that content is exhausted, there very simply is no more story.


The devs said in several places, "since 2008", that the game would incorporate PVP and that it would be a core component. Story is meant to add to the game, it isn't a single player game.


Finally, nothing in what you said has any application to what is being discussed in the thread. If you like the game -- if you and people like you appreciate the PVP -- if you think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread -- you are very simply WRONG.


This isn't an opinion issue.

This isn't a "well I like this or that" issue.


You have two maps directly copied from WoW, a borked open-world instance which has never worked and has horrible FPS even for people on dual-card 3 GB VRAM 16 GB rigs with i7's, and a nice original sport-PVP game that becomes a trial in masochism if you are a fresh 50. Saying "Bioware didn't say it was going to be about PVP" sounds about as useful as saying "Bioware never said there wouldn't be bugs" or "Bioware never said Ghraj wouldn't kill you clean inside the fleet".


Stop excusing broken systems because you like the story. I'm not comparing this game to SWG -- this game doesn't deserve to be compared to SWG, it's not even remotely good enough to be in that class.


I guarantee you when this thing goes down, be that in 1 month or 1 decade , no one will go and EMU it.

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Could you at least attempt to use some form of proper spelling?


Besides, your argument is not coherent, truthful, or even contextually accurate.


Any MMO game that doesn't build competent platforms for end-game play is setting themselves up for a high-turnover customer base, but this goes triple for a game about "story". You can scream you love the story so much that you will have it's babies, but the bottom line is that there are only eight class stories and 2 sets of side quests and 2 sets of planet quests. Once that content is exhausted, there very simply is no more story.


The devs said in several places, "since 2008", that the game would incorporate PVP and that it would be a core component. Story is meant to add to the game, it isn't a single player game.


Finally, nothing in what you said has any application to what is being discussed in the thread. If you like the game -- if you and people like you appreciate the PVP -- if you think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread -- you are very simply WRONG.


This isn't an opinion issue.

This isn't a "well I like this or that" issue.


You have two maps directly copied from WoW, a borked open-world instance which has never worked and has horrible FPS even for people on dual-card 3 GB VRAM 16 GB rigs with i7's, and a nice original sport-PVP game that becomes a trial in masochism if you are a fresh 50. Saying "Bioware didn't say it was going to be about PVP" sounds about as useful as saying "Bioware never said there wouldn't be bugs" or "Bioware never said Ghraj wouldn't kill you clean inside the fleet".


Stop excusing broken systems because you like the story. I'm not comparing this game to SWG -- this game doesn't deserve to be compared to SWG, it's not even remotely good enough to be in that class.


I guarantee you when this thing goes down, be that in 1 month or 1 decade , no one will go and EMU it.


This This and more of This


Very well written and IMHO SWGemu is a better PvP game than this today and your right nobody will EMU this ever.

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