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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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no alternatives ....


hoping on fixes ...


started read more books, if no change, last mounth this it.


Seems like you troll the forums more instead of um just quiting?


ppl threaten this all the time and still come around, really ppl just go, stop posting and saying your doing this/that blah blah and GO...


90% of the time ppl are still playing there just whining to whine...

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Seems like you troll the forums more instead of um just quiting?


ppl threaten this all the time and still come around, really ppl just go, stop posting and saying your doing this/that blah blah and GO...


90% of the time ppl are still playing there just whining to whine...




Mistake #1 for all of you was visiting an MMO PvP forum.

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I play this game because I really liek it. PvP is okay and I don't have to do it non-stop. When I'm not PvPing im either working on my companions, collecting Datacrons/updating my codex, helping guildies, doing group stuff or just hang around and have a little chat with other star wars freaks ;).


Seriously, I can't hold people back from quiting but it is sad when you only see the PvP aspect in an MMO. Of course, PvP is a huge factor for some players (including me) but there is alot more you can do beside PvP.


People were done with the underwhelming PvE content within a week of hitting 50. Then came a content patch with new bosses that died the first night.


You play casually and that's great. The hardcore audience is always the ones who get left out from over-absorbing the game. It may be their own fault for seeing all the content and boring themselves, but that's how MMORPG's traditionally were.

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Dunno i alredy unsub maybe some hope in last days


swtor will start process to goes free if in next 2 weeks if not start server merge anyway


before archeage comes feel just swtor looks like a aternative for me since everything in the market is boring and same wow clones included tera and gw2

Edited by lordhaizen
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But the PvP is so POOR on this game from a variety PoV.


PvE, yeah ok it's not bad but if you prefer PvP then you're out of luck. If they gave you 3 Flashpoints all the way from L10-L50 then you'd be on here complaining as well. Or suppose I told you that you could only play the BT Flashpoint 10 times in a row and you'd have to do that on a very regular basis ...


This game could have been awesome from both sides and kept both sides happy. But the PvP element is excrutiatingly limited :p It's like they just threw in some competitive multiplayer as an after-thought assuming no one would play it that much. 8-12 hours per Valor level between 50-60 ... in 3 WZs ... yum :D


Never mind that they said, from the start and even in interviews, that pvp wasn't a huge focus. Besides you wowbabies, and this is a term that applies to me since wow was my first game, wow did not have ranked anything for the first year of its game. No warfronts, nothing. The fact that they put in 3 interesting warfronts and a whole planet around it at launch is pretty impressive. Is Ilum broken right now? Yeah, but the players have a part of that problem since you 'hardcore' pvp players continue to exploit games to get your gear then complain that no one can stand up to you and the warfronts aren't fair, or you complain when they can, or you complain you got punished for exploiting.


I said it months ago, that despite this being a good game my biggest fear is these 'hardcore' pvp players were going to ruin the game for everyone. So far vindication has been mine.

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love BW the ME & DA (DA1) company if that makes any sense.


I even like DA2... although I will never forgive BioWare for what they did to the elves and that you could not play an elf in DA2. :(


But I also do like SW:ToR.

Edited by rainbow
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This game is definitely all about PvE unfortunately. I agree with most of you saying that it seems like PvP was merely an after-thought. Personally I think they are surprised to see so many people wanting to PvP. I don't know why they separated the factions so far apart on each planet. They clearly didn't want us running into each other, zerging the others' cities, or pvping very much outside of Ilum.


Why am I here? Because I have seen this happen in every single MMO at launch. When the dust settles, half of these people will be gone; half of these servers will be gone; a ton of improvements will have been made; and they'll be a decent and fun community to play with over the next few years.

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Why am I here? Because I have seen this happen in every single MMO at launch. When the dust settles, half of these people will be gone; half of these servers will be gone; a ton of improvements will have been made; and they'll be a decent and fun community to play with over the next few years.

Well said, I guess to a degree it's just frustrating to sit through it in game after game. These forum doods chasing the MMO messiah grow pretty tiresome after a while, particularly considering that there are games out there that theoretically fill whatever it is they want. I plan to pick up GW2 (probably) but I don't expect it to be any better than anything else on the market, hopefully its better than GW1 was as I don't recall it with the same faux memories everyone else seems to be conjuring up. I heard someone mention Darkfall 2, that might be interesting from a PvP point of view, but in part that is because it is not meant to be a AAA mainstream game.


Niche games are great for PvP, but this crowd consistently trolls from game to game ******** bricks over the fact that the game doesn't fill their vision of PvP. PvP in this game is crazy fun way better than I'd expected and it is primarily what I spend my time doing in game. More importantly it seems exceptionally clear that the developers actually intend to make the game's PvP better and continually develop it, that is a serious rarity in AAA MMOs. Most of the time PvP goes ignored for months if not years before getting a few token fixes, in the first 2 months alone we've seen tons of PvP changes/fixes and a good number more are on the horizon.

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Im here because i love star wars first and mmos second. I used to play SWG and before that UO. I lvl 50 and I spend my spare time when Im not doing the boring gear grind harrassing low level pubs on Tattooine.

I like to see if I can stealth into their towns or outposts, kill them, and then stealth out before the lvl 50 guards get me. Also my comp and I both wear sand people gear since were on Tattooine.

Im sure most of the pubs I kill hate me with a passion but if they pay attention they should realize I've never killed them more than once or maybe twice in a day. I don't corpse camp and I almost always leave them alone once Ive killed them. I know when I was low level I always wondered where the other faction was.

I know a lot of people will call it griefing or ganking or whatever, if they don't like it why the hell did they roll on a pvp server.


To me, getting just 1 or 2 kills on Tat beats 100 kills in wzs anyday.

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Well said, I guess to a degree it's just frustrating to sit through it in game after game. These forum doods chasing the MMO messiah grow pretty tiresome after a while, particularly considering that there are games out there that theoretically fill whatever it is they want. I plan to pick up GW2 (probably) but I don't expect it to be any better than anything else on the market, hopefully its better than GW1 was as I don't recall it with the same faux memories everyone else seems to be conjuring up. I heard someone mention Darkfall 2, that might be interesting from a PvP point of view, but in part that is because it is not meant to be a AAA mainstream game.


Niche games are great for PvP, but this crowd consistently trolls from game to game ******** bricks over the fact that the game doesn't fill their vision of PvP. PvP in this game is crazy fun way better than I'd expected and it is primarily what I spend my time doing in game. More importantly it seems exceptionally clear that the developers actually intend to make the game's PvP better and continually develop it, that is a serious rarity in AAA MMOs. Most of the time PvP goes ignored for months if not years before getting a few token fixes, in the first 2 months alone we've seen tons of PvP changes/fixes and a good number more are on the horizon.


vision of PvP 150 create's No wonder people complain.

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Because I like the game and have fun pvping ... also the guild I'm in has a lot of great people and are fun to play with. On top of that this game is 1.5 months old and they are still working out launch woes.


MMO'ers nowadays are WAY too impatient. Have fun game hopping (you are not a professional MMOer, you are a professional game hopper).


GW2 huh? because that pvp is awesome? It's a bolster buff to the Nth degree INCLUDING gear! Wow, fun! You don't even need to progress through gear, it's handed to you! Kind of nullifies all the "Gear is too easy to get now" / "what do I do now that all my gear has been gotten" arguments huh?


Have fun in that pool of suck.

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The thing missing from SWTOR is that they don't really leave anything up to the players. We need a ranked warzone, with the possibilty to create guild cities!!

SWTOR need to put some content into this game that is player-driven FAST.

Bioware, you can't use the Mass effect story-technique in an MMO forever! :jawa_eek:

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Its hard to admit for most, but the game is boring


Theres absolutly no end game content exept 2 operations.

Problem with PvE games is that games "end" at max lvl, and becomes a massive instance grind with 1 week lockouts


Thats why PvP games like DaoC are so great, it became more and more fun as you leveled and reached its peak at 50 where the "real" pvp started, and you didnt get there in 3 days, but noone complained about it.


I hate playing alts, going to the exact same areas, speaking to the exact same npcs, its a repeatable grind. New story? sure..but the the other things just ruins the experiance. I wouldnt mind beeing able to just do the story missions on my alts, beeing transported to the next area as soon as i finish the quest, not having to run all around the same planets over and over, spending 30 minutes killing the same enemies over and over, just to get to the story area where the story quests ends in 2 minutes. And the story quests are not enough. No, i have to do some of the damn sidequests ive already done, otherwise i wont get levels enough.


I play this to have soemthing to play and relax with after work until GW2, but i doubt it will keep me going that much longer. Maybe i should get TERA..even though i wasent planning to.


I think there are alot of people playing SWToR still just becouse of that, theres nothing better out right now, but the numbers will drop quickly after TERA and GW2 release.


Rift is actually a better game in every way, and its not that great.

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Well said...I bought game and 6 month sub so I too care and would like to see the "ground breaking pvp" BW promised.


If you're a MMO veteran you should know to never buy an initial 6 month sub for a new MMO. Hell if I wasn't jonesing for a MMO to play, I would have just waited for 6 months to get the game optimized and avoid the huge major game redesign that ALL MMOs go through.

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The main issue is the god damn mechanics you fan boys. When you have a machine and are able to run BF 3 and CoD on ULTRA and have a 120ish FPS on 30 man + servers then this game has failed. Every patch they make it worst. They do not punish exploiters, trust me I know. The melee lag, pure classes being out damaged in PvE and PVP is bs. Pushing the Sents/Mara into the dot tree cause of lack of healers for pvp.


Most of the BM did not work their way their they exploited. I am laid up from foot surgery To say the least I had a lot of time on my hands. The games mechanics are terrible, lag, fps loss, warping, wz exploits, ilum exploits, gear dependecy is one thing and I can live with that. But the mechanics should work they tested and work in beta, they worked before 1.1. Then 1.1 releases frame rates were cut in half, melee lag increased ! Alot of Sentinels I know prefer Combat spec but the animations are just to laggy to work with.


Mechanic pure dps classes are lacking unless you spec 1 certain way. 1-49 is easy mode the most that are complaining is like myself who went through the Champions early on and beat my face in the wall till I got around 400 expertise then the Sentinel began to shine. I did all my Valor Leveling legit. Vulkar Highway is a sesspool of Imperials. 8 v 1 most of the time.


All these BM's I see in WZ's and never seen them once before 50? Come on you fail *** fan boys open your eyes. I could live with the fail PvP exploits of gaining gear and the inbalance server but... I can not live with fail mechanics!


Fail *** Game.


Yogi Out.

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The thing missing from SWTOR is that they don't really leave anything up to the players. We need a ranked warzone, with the possibilty to create guild cities!!

SWTOR need to put some content into this game that is player-driven FAST.

Bioware, you can't use the Mass effect story-technique in an MMO forever! :jawa_eek:


I'd rather have them fix bugs than this absurd crap.

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Notice his choice of words. Tolerable.


Think that is an opinion shared by a lot of customers.


Exactly this game is tolerable but that is point, we were promised something better than status quo and mediocrity.


Besides leveling PvE, end game is simply mediocre at best PvE but especially PvP. If you never played WoW or a WoW clone great, enjoy SWTOR end game. However if you did you are most likely bored out of your mind with this end game and I think that is the sentiment of many. The next great MMO will do something different, something new, not copy the WoW formula for success.


I addition to end game content being same old boring stuff the game mechanics around PvP are horrible, again in the eyes of many, just read the forums and in game chat comments if you are still playing.

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