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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Did I miss the big sign on the website that states that this game was perfect and free of any bugs? All these people act like they were robbed as consumers when in actuality, Bioware never promised you perfection.

I have to try this on my next client, seriously, thank you man.......

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Did I miss the big sign on the website that states that this game was perfect and free of any bugs? All these people act like they were robbed as consumers when in actuality, Bioware never promised you perfection.


I am a fan of star wars as a franchise, and therefor I am able to enjoy the game for what it is. That doesn't have to mean this is a best game out there, honestly what does that have to do with anything. Every game that is out or will come out will be basically the same thing with slightly different flavors. Star wars is like WoW or any other fantasy MMOs only with Lightsabers and lasers. It comes down to one question, Do you like the game? If you don't enjoy it, leave. Honestly, no one cares why.


BW promised "ground breaking pvp"


Nobody got to test or really see this ground breaking pvp know as Ilum until launch. So yes I feel they lied and cobbled together a game of mini games and deceived us and for that BW deserves what is coming to them!

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BW promised "ground breaking pvp"


Nobody got to test or really see this ground breaking pvp know as Ilum until launch. So yes I feel they lied and cobbled together a game of mini games and deceived us and for that BW deserves what is coming to them!


The ground broke in Ilum, and then people stopped going



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BW promised "ground breaking pvp"


Nobody got to test or really see this ground breaking pvp know as Ilum until launch. So yes I feel they lied and cobbled together a game of mini games and deceived us and for that BW deserves what is coming to them!


SO true where's that video on youtube,, comments here i come

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Is the PvP perfect? not by a long shot. However, as someone who has been an avid PvPer since Ultima, to finding the holy grail of PvP MMO's which is DAoC IMO. I find this games start to be a few solidly non-idiotic patches from successful PvP, i have had a few early morning fights on Ilum that were not simply smash and grab 60vs10 zergs, where i found myself and my Ops group AJing and using terrain and strategy to win.


I don't like warzones, and i hate PvP gear, but the beauty of what BioWare has done is made the PvP gear pretty easily accesible... ultimately giving everyone the same playing field, does it need something to make the same classes more unique other than this cookie cutter build or that one? yes, but almost every game forth coming or in the last 10 years has/ and will have this same problem. The only thing i see differently is that BioWare at least acknowledges that these things need to be addressed and have all the resources to address them properly, to stack so much money in to this game then let it flop seems highly unlikely to me.


While others have lost their faith in BioWare so soon, i expect quality gaming to come from their patches and even more so expect that they will try to please their audience, will i hang on forever with my sub if they do not make an attempt? no, however they will never get the game exactly how i want it but i feel they can get it to be acceptable.


Have to agree.

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Till yesterday i would say that I kinda enjoy the game while waiting for something nice to happen. Today after another patch failure I'll tell you that I'm just waiting for the next game. Got 2 months of playtime on my account, can utilize them to meet new people and decide what my next game will be. Edited by gtdead
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Im sorry, but the fact that everyone is saying they are waiting for GW2 is getting ridiculous, i mean come on, every year its a new MMO that everyone is drooling over and waiting for to come out that they swear will blow everything out of the water, but in the end they always end up with bad launches, far from what the hype said it would be, and are soon forgotten. I know SWTOR had a rough launch and is far from perfect, but at least it has the whole Star Wars theme backing it up, and thats enough to keep me playing, instead of another generic flavor of the year medieval fantasy MMO like GW2, or Rift, or Aion, or Warhammer, or Conan, or FF14, i mean come on.
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Wow, I seriously have grinded out alot of champion/centurion gear the past few weeks (in addition to raids), and now they are handing out gear like candy while adding no new gear to attain. Not to mention they can't even get the frame rate in Illum to function properly for a top of the line computer.

Consider me and my group out.

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What kind of person pays for a 6 month sub on a game tehy do not know is any good? The kind of person who is so worked up about a game that they will be disappointed no matter what is released.

Not really I paid for 3 months of RIft for the monthly savings and figuring it would take me that long to hit endgame (didnt take near that).

If the game is buggy, or they start devalueing the time you put in to attain your gear before adding anything substancial in return, subscribers get upset.

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I canceled but have a few months left, since I paid 6 month sub :(


What is your excuse?


Guild Wars 2 and Dominus are not out yet. I do not enjoy WoW arenas. Guild does not want to go back to DAoC or WAR. Guild is still playing the game. Fights are fun. Bugs and RNG loot just annoy me.

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All I can say is ... a good guild. Seriously I think that's the onyl thing shielding me from all the shenanigans going on.


I am a republic, and believe it or not I have a 80%-85% winning rate in WZ. Our guild has a lot of good pvpers and we play often. We hold premade every night and have fun. We have no BM in our guild yet but probably gonna have quite a few in a week or so since a lot are floating around the 50ish right now. The reason is we don't endorse valor farming on illum. FYI, it's not like we're going annal or gkick/look down on those who do (since of course there are pepople in our guild trade kill), we just don't do it as a whole, at least among the top players.:rolleyes:


The thing is it just makes it all the sweeter. There are so few BM on republic side that I think we know the name of all the current republic BMs, and now aday you'll be running into at least 3 Imp BMs per WZ. Still, we kick their arse BM or not, and it's satisfying. My guild is quite hated on the IMP side for all the arse kicking and trolling we do to the other side in WZ. Like when our premade ran into a BMs premade by two of the top Imp guilds and stormed them to the ground (we have no BMs) and then trolling them near the end game, that's some guilty pleasure right there. Sometime we go a bit farther after pushing the 2 doors on VS quickly to ensure our win (defending first), we don't bring down the barrier and just gather on the other side and /dance with holodancer/bumpbox/trooper scanner ...etc... while IMP /spit and taunt us on the other side, hilarious. :D



So yeah, I played an underdog in WoW for 2 years and I felt every bit of pain there, undergeared, outnumbers ...etc... Honestly TOR seemed to head that way and I would have quited after the first month if not for the guild. The bonus is while we have hardcore skill, we take it pretty easily. No talk about "bad" (at least within the guild :) ) or min/max analing, we just know what we have to do and have fun. Oh, and we try hardest with every fiber of our being to make the Imp mad :o

Edited by mightysword
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If you neglect the pvp centric player base, which are chomping at the bit for a new dynamic pvp MMO, you will fall into mediocrity.


So go ahead, throw PvP on the back-burner, and watch your numbered dwindle. SWTOR spent over 250 million on this game and this is the pvp we get?


Nothing about it is dynamic, nothing about it is challenging for a solo player OR a guild, it was an afterthought from day one.


The funny thing is all you PvE whores who love all the attention you get cost the game devs a ******** more time and resources to appease, whereas PvPers can be happy with barely any new content for many months if the game just took the time to make it fun / challenging, non-repetitive, and grindless.


The greatest trick MMO Devs have played on PvPers is making them believe gear has the majority of purpose for PvP.

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