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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Its hard to admit for most, but the game is boring


In reality - interesting / boring are subjective.


It's like asking which is "better", fishing or golf. A fisherman is likely to rate fishing higher and a golfer golf.


If this game's not for you then I see no reason for you to continue playing - but it's your choice.

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If you're a MMO veteran you should know to never buy an initial 6 month sub for a new MMO. Hell if I wasn't jonesing for a MMO to play, I would have just waited for 6 months to get the game optimized and avoid the huge major game redesign that ALL MMOs go through.


I do know this and have been playing MMOs since 2000 however I got caught up in hype and wanted this game to be a step forward in MMO gaming. I played beta weekend and based on story leveling made my decision. I just assumed end game would be awesome, I was wrong, never again :)

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In reality - interesting / boring are subjective.


It's like asking which is "better", fishing or golf. A fisherman is likely to rate fishing higher and a golfer golf.


If this game's not for you then I see no reason for you to continue playing - but it's your choice.


It is subjective but feedback nevertheless, a lot of people find endgame a borefest so devs should try and understand this so they can improve game.


Of course by the time they do most will be gone so maybe there is no point, leave game as is for those that enjoy it and start server merges!

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Because it's better than the alternatives and I still have several classes to try out. Tanks are useful in this game, Huttball is awesome, and well, the leveling is the best yet so it works to pass time with. Edited by vrok-
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Because it's better than the alternatives and I still have several classes to try out. Tanks are useful in this game, Huttball is awesome, and well, the leveling is the best yet so it works to pass time with.


Leveling I think is only thing the game has that is better than other games that already exist. Problem is most dont want to continue to re-roll.

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Man I feel sorry for NCsoft. There is no way that any game can live up to the amount of hype being piled upon it by every MMO forum malcontent.


I agree and was going to play both since technically I would only pay for one, but I don't want to deal with TWO boards with this much negativity.


How exactly did we breed so many needy unhappy people on the internet?

Edited by Tetrablade
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Man I feel sorry for NCsoft. There is no way that any game can live up to the amount of hype being piled upon it by every MMO forum malcontent.

Yet they have already proven themselves with Guild Wars - which has absolutely first class pvp, the only way they could fail is by making a completely different game - which from the current videos/info we have, is entirely unlikely.

Edited by Manigma
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Man I feel sorry for NCsoft. There is no way that any game can live up to the amount of hype being piled upon it by every MMO forum malcontent.


Call me crazy but SWTOR was hyped up way more than GW2. Surely, by the time GW2 is about to release it'll be advertised more but I doubt it will be a massive marketing campaign such as SWTOR.


Bioware hyped this game as having sex for breakfast. Instead, it's just World of Warcraft in a Star Wars coat.

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The game could have been more if the development team for PvP had actually listened to the PvP community when many of us warned against the implementation of Warzones/Battlegrounds/Arenas which award PvP gear.


They didn't.


Now we have a PvP gear grindfest to valor 60 and no fun reason to stay.


Edit: I will also be cancelling my subscription when GW2 comes out. Even if the game isn't perfect, the PvP will still be 50x closer to what I enjoy when it comes to PvP. Warzones/Battlegrounds/Arenas can all burn for all I care. They do NOT promote a healthy PvP community or a fun PvP experience.

Edited by tomroark
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Yet they have already proven themselves with Guild Wars - which has absolutely first class pvp, the only way they could fail is by making a completely different game - which from the current videos/info we have, is entirely unlikely.


Proved they could let a certain build solo farm almost everything for how long before it was nerfed?



If the A/E stuff happened in TOR with one class people would flip out. Anet proved one thing- they can run a free to play game because the standards are extremely low.


There's a reason they're making another f2p- they know they can't make a game good enough for people to pay a sub, and they know they'll never get any real criticism as long as they don't require subs.




If they tried to pull GW with a sub- it'd be torn up and forgotten.

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Call me crazy but SWTOR was hyped up way more than GW2. Surely, by the time GW2 is about to release it'll be advertised more but I doubt it will be a massive marketing campaign such as SWTOR.


Bioware hyped this game as having sex for breakfast. Instead, it's just World of Warcraft in a Star Wars coat.


Not really- there was very little hype and advertisement- in fact, the lack of advertising and hype the TOR devs put out was a subject of constant critism.


The FANS on the other hand overhyped this game to colossal levels- every word a dev spoke would be turned into a novel that either foretold the end of the world in fire and brimstone, or the second coming with bacon fountains and mountain dew rain.

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Proved they could let a certain build solo farm almost everything for how long before it was nerfed?



If the A/E stuff happened in TOR with one class people would flip out. Anet proved one thing- they can run a free to play game because the standards are extremely low.


There's a reason they're making another f2p- they know they can't make a game good enough for people to pay a sub, and they know they'll never get any real criticism as long as they don't require subs.




If they tried to pull GW with a sub- it'd be torn up and forgotten.


Torn up kind of like SWTOR? This game is also not worth a sub! What does this game offer that is deserving of a sub?


At least GW and GW2 offer PvP, here we get WZs, a gear grind, and ground breaking pvp a.k.a Ilum. Gimme a break, wake the **** up!

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Because I like the game and have fun pvping ... also the guild I'm in has a lot of great people and are fun to play with. On top of that this game is 1.5 months old and they are still working out launch woes.


MMO'ers nowadays are WAY too impatient. Have fun game hopping (you are not a professional MMOer, you are a professional game hopper).


GW2 huh? because that pvp is awesome? It's a bolster buff to the Nth degree INCLUDING gear! Wow, fun! You don't even need to progress through gear, it's handed to you! Kind of nullifies all the "Gear is too easy to get now" / "what do I do now that all my gear has been gotten" arguments huh?


Have fun in that pool of suck.


Guild Wars 2 replaces the gear stat grind with...actual pvp content.


At launch ToR had:

3 warzones

Ilum (straight garbage tbh)


GW2 will have:

WvWvW, basically world pvp between three servers on a giant map...for three weeks.


Premade PvP server with full skils + gear


Gear means little outside of cosmetics so you can compete right away, thats awesome.


Enjoy grinding for stats that don't hide how bad you probably are and in stale content that's poorly designed and implemented.

Edited by golfwang
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I play because there are not other games that appeal to me right now, I paid a six month subscription and most of all because I still find enjoyment. Are warzones repetitive? Sure, but they're made a lot more fun with friends and guild mates. I sincerely doubt any game will ever live up to the hype people place around it. I'm content with SWTOR, and hopefully they'll give me reason to renew in six months when I'm done collecting/hoarding/socializing/being addicted.


I'll be tempted to try GW2 when it releases, mostly because all my friends are going to give it a shot and games are always less fun if you don't have folks to enjoy them with (in my opinion, of course).

Edited by CandiceAurora
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