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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

game is bleeding itself to death


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I really enjoy this game overall, but hell man I can only level so many alts while waiting on them to fix what are to me gamebreaking problems. I can't count the times in the last day and a half alone that I have entered a WZ where the match started at 5 or 6 vs 8 and on huttball no less. Some of these matches end up being sheer blowouts within minutes, people drop and we never actually get a full team and it is crap that should not be.


WZ wins not counting is a serious pain in the ***, and beyond just being frustrating it is a massive time waster, not enjoyable at all. Figure the avg match takes 14 minutes, you get credit for a win every 4-5 wins, and if you go through a serious losing streak which happens on my server often due to idiots and game bugs. You can easily spend 5+ hours just trying to complete one daily, then if you are actually trying to do other dailies while queing for your pvp daily some planets take forever to load and you can miss or almost miss your next que if it happens to be instant because of this. Which means another team is starting a man down because of you clogging up the que and not being able to accept it to get in.


That is my biggest killer right there, followed in a close second to Ilum, that is a joke of a zone, is not remotely enjoyable and is on most days not even possible to complete your daily. Some of the other things I find a little ridiculous is the sheer amount of stuns, knockbacks, slows, knock backs that root you in place and have 1 ability to combat a constant barrage of CC is just bad design.


I'm really hoping this game gets back on the right track I was in anticipation of this game for over 2 years, but I've leveled two 50s, have another at 40, some 30s, 20s and a few 12-13s. I find myself logging in less and less and when I do log in after a couple annoying pvp matches of not getting credit I end up standing around and doing nothing or just logging out.


The character stories are nice, but as I said once you have done the main story a few times, grinding through the planets to get the levels needed to get the stories gets pretty old, so I'm hoping they fix this cause there is only a couple games coming out in the near future I'm really looking forward to, but I can't seem myself continuing to pay for a game that should still be in the beta phase.

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In before the Attack of the Fanboys and the games only been out for two months, 6 years of development should have given us a better product, a shame since there are so many people who love this type of lore.


Would like to add the lack of effort to remove exploits and bots from the game.

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Honestly the biggest problem I see is a lack of communication. They should be releasing dev blogs or something quite regularly(at least once weekly) addressing "hot" topics and what they are working on.


Even if it's something simple like: "We're aware operative healing is not quite up to par right now, we have are still testing possible solutions" or "We understand some people dislike taking missiles repeatedly to the face however this seems to be working within what we intended".


We've gotten so little... the only good info we got was from Gabe after nearly 40 pages of ************ about the new bag changes because the test notes were so vague and made people assume they were making things harder. He was able to confirm exactly what was happening... great that's one issue addressed... where's the info on the other 50 issues?

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The problem is not the sheer number of issues but their inability to fix them.


What I still can't wrap my had around is that they don't want to communicate. They don't tell us about changes yet they thought it would be necessary to inform us about added baby names in the credits. What is going on here?!

Edited by karcyon
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You guys. This game was never going to be the next big thing. It's a nice single player MMO. It's never professed to be anything else. If you exhausted that content, it's time to move on, it's that simple.


For me personally, SWTOR surpassed all expectations. I expected it to last me December and January at most. Now it looks like it'll last most of February as well. That's more than enough. In February ME3 will come out, and then D3, etc., etc.


If you're not happy, just quit and save yourself the aggravation. Let's be realistic. The game isn't just suddenly going to get better with a magic patch. They've been patching for almost 2 months now, and the game is pretty much exactly the same as it was at launch. Victories still don't count, ability activation delay is still there, abilities not activating still there, etc., etc.

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i was hoping swtor would carry me over until gw2 was out, but unfortunately the pvp is very, very terrible :(


i gotta laugh at the deluded fanbois posting the 1.7 million subs figure and expecting it to rise to 2.5 million next month.


are they not looking at the same server list i am light light light light light std light light light....

Edited by Evuke
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I am trying and trying to like this pvp. But I am serious the devs have ZERO common sense for what players like.


The NOT mirroed classes, ability delay, VERY apparent favoritism, BUG BUG BUG BUG poor performance.


The game loses in pretty much EVERY category.


I really hope these devs never get hired to do another MMO again.

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