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Why do roots bypass resolve?


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Seems pretty silly to have a resolve bar, when Jugg's can leap stun you no matter what. I understand being slowed with a full resolve bar, but not being able to move due to a root with a full resolve bar is odd.


It's not fun when a team has 2 juggs just stay on defense and leap at you while crossing the fire trap. Because no matter what it will stun you.


On a side note please fix the dam latency bugs.




Verizon Fios.


It's not me, and anyone who plays a lot will notice it as well. I spent two hours wiping on NM SOA due to latency bugs.

Edited by Remidi
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Well roots still give you control of your character, you are just movement impaired.


And the force leap stun should affect resolve, or be affected by it, because you lost control of your character for stun duration.


I do not know the names off all the classes abilities yet as I have been slacking sorry. But they can leap at you with a full resolve bar and you still become immobile.

Edited by Remidi
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I do not know the names off all the classes abilities yet as I have been slacking sorry. But they can leap at you with a full resolve bar and you still become immobile.


Yea losing mobility but still being able to cast is a root, and shouldn't be affected by resolve.

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Yea losing mobility but still being able to cast is a root, and shouldn't be affected by resolve.


I disagree with that. This leaves open the possibility to be immobile for more than 10 seconds. Which happens constantly and is to much imo.

Edited by Remidi
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I disagree with that. This leave open the possibility to be immobile for more than 10 seconds. Which happens constantly and is to much imo.


But you have the opportunity to cast still, and if there is a healing class present, they can purge the root off of you. If you put roots on resolve, you lose a lot of utility that classes rely on.

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But you have the opportunity to cast still, and if there is a healing class present, they can purge the root off of you. If you put roots on resolve, you lose a lot of utility that classes rely on.


Said classes can still slow you(I believe) and like everyone else they have a resolve bar to work against. If a class needs you immobile to kill you, that is pretty dumb. I have had every class kill me np while I slowly kited them.


With the information I have, I still don't see why certain roots and stuns bypass resolve.

Edited by Remidi
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But you have the opportunity to cast still, and if there is a healing class present, they can purge the root off of you. If you put roots on resolve, you lose a lot of utility that classes rely on.


unless you're a sniper. get rooted as a sniper and you're *********** worthless

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If you put the root on resolve, once you hit full resolve you would have 10 full seconds to sit there and lolstab gunslingers.


That's for every class when your opponents Resolve bar is full. You just spent that whole resolve bar stunning and killing that person. In most instances that person dies anyway. This is BM vs BM I am talking here.


Do you have a slow? I believe so. Not 100%


Why should you be able to root someone when their resolve is up? Being immobile is a very big deal in PvP.

Edited by Remidi
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So that I can kite

Lol, do you think that just because my abilities can fill up your resolve bar in 2 hits that you are entitled to a free kill? :p


See you do not even know what you are talking about...please leave the thread.


If you consider it a free kill in the situation you described you should learn your class better because you are wrong.


Your abilities fill a resolve bar in two hits?


How can you kite a rooted person?

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I've been stunned for 2 seconds by a force leap on multiple occasions. I cannot cast, nor move for the duration, as short as it may be.


Force Leap has a root baseline, not a stun. It can be specced to stun, however, and that stun DOES count toward resolve, which is why most Juggs will tell you not to put points into it.

Edited by Vember
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Sniper / Gunslinger root is on a 12 second cooldown, and I use it for people running away from me or rooting them in hazards. I'm not sure what the gunslinger up there is talking about. We get 2 stuns and a knockback + another knockback if spec'd into it. We don't have trouble with people coming towards us at all, at least I do not. Edited by ihateyouall
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Sniper / Gunslinger root is on a 12 second cooldown, and I use it for people running away from me or rooting them in hazards. I'm not sure what the gunslinger up there is talking about. We get 2 stuns and a knockback + another knockback if spec'd into it. We don't have trouble with people coming towards us at all, at least I do not.


flashbang is not a stun, and dirty kick is melee range

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