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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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You realize they are not really "healing" anyone? Their bubbles count as healing. It is an odd mechanic scoring wise, one would think those would be defense points.


And then people would complain even more.. The people here on these forums are not worried about winning, they are worried with metals, which is quite sad.

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People mention 4-5 Sorcerers because there are 4-5+ Sorcerers IN EVERY WZ.


People are re-rolling the obviously OP classes, which on the Imp side are Powertech/Sorc.

There are already screenshots popping up of 100% Sorc/BH WZ's for F's sake.


If one is interested in PvP you will gravitate to classes that are effective in PVP, Sorc/BH Sage/Troopers, up until recently the operative/gunslinger had a huge advantage with stunlock (still violable IMHO). the one class that i have found that is pvp gimped is the DW jedi/sith -- they have no knock back or stun -- in a cc heavy pvp game they just suck.


I bet if you have them a root they could use force leap >root kill sage/sorc or give their DPS form root/knockback immunity while active. That would end many of the perceived "issues"

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I reckon the guy who "balanced" the bright wizard back in warhammer online was let loose on these classes. It's like they don't know how to balance ranged classes correctly.


Bright Wizzard renamed to to Inquisitor.

Witch Elfes renamed to Operative.

Operative about to get nerfed into oblivion




Now I know where this Déjà vu comes from :-/



Guess the next thing to expect is:

"relics that give healing commandos 1 extra ammo per second"

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If one is interested in PvP you will gravitate to classes that are effective in PVP, Sorc/BH Sage/Troopers, up until recently the operative/gunslinger had a huge advantage with stunlock (still violable IMHO). the one class that i have found that is pvp gimped is the DW jedi/sith -- they have no knock back or stun -- in a cc heavy pvp game they just suck.


I bet if you have them a root they could use force leap >root kill sage/sorc or give their DPS form root/knockback immunity while active. That would end many of the perceived "issues"


huh? they have a root, a stun, and damage breaking immobilization. Not to mention they hit like a freight train.. One hit from them can do more then double what our shields block.

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Dude, you really have no clue....The is animation delay.. It is a known problem... When you pop project it does not do damage until AFTER the animation is done, it is not a truly instant ability, where as the sith sides does, because its ability does not have the long animation.


I do, you know you can move after activation? I do the throw when the object is pulled from the ground I move -- whatever the flight time is I am usealy somewhere else by the time it hits or hitting them with another spell. you are not locked down for the entire animation, just the GCD.


I am sure this will be addressed in a later patch to make them a more "perfect mirror" lets face it no matter what it will never be as cool as force lightning.

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huh? they have a root, a stun, and damage breaking immobilization. Not to mention they hit like a freight train.. One hit from them can do more then double what our shields block.


I have not played the class beyond 20, so i guess they come later. I used forceleap to get in tange to beat things up, i just don't care for melee classes.

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I do, you know you can move after activation? I do the throw when the object is pulled from the ground I move -- whatever the flight time is I am usealy somewhere else by the time it hits or hitting them with another spell. you are not locked down for the entire animation, just the GCD.


I am sure this will be addressed in a later patch to make them a more "perfect mirror" lets face it no matter what it will never be as cool as force lightning.


What does moving or casting something else have to do with animation delay? I dont care about being cool, I am tired of using an instant ability before I am dead, to be killed after it starts, and it do no damage because of the animation delay... Or to start a force wave only to be hit with the "mirror" classes version after I cast mine making it totally ineffective but still wasted a cooldown all with less then 40ms latency..


It seems you are trying to argue in circles.

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I have not played the class beyond 20, so i guess they come later. I used forceleap to get in tange to beat things up, i just don't care for melee classes.


you already have your root then, and your stun is coming soon. Stop trying to argue imbalance from the perspective of level 20. BTW since you know the class, you obviously know force leap has a built in root, hence why they cant move why you beat on them when you jump to them.

Edited by Lormif
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What does moving or casting something else have to do with animation delay? I dont care about being cool, I am tired of using an instant ability before I am dead, to be killed after it starts, and it do no damage because of the animation delay... Or to start a force wave only to be hit with the "mirror" classes version after I cast mine making it totally ineffective but still wasted a cooldown all with less then 40ms latency..


It seems you are trying to argue in circles.


Actualy you are talking flight time, I hit the button all the time while on the run, when the gcd is up i use another skill.


In truth I have specked for pebble throw, so it no longer has a cool down so i use it way more. I use force throw (or other instants) when on the move. I play both a sorc and a sage (40ish on both) I have not noticed an appreciable difference in either one of them.


I do not solo anywhere on a WF I stay in the back spamming AOE or the pebble thing, bubbling the guys in front of me drawing all the DPS. I get most of my damage in because I am ignored and i work at hiding in the background.

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Play to the objectives, quit trying to be Captain America of the WZ, and bring some friends to focus the sorcs/sages. It's really shocking how often sorcs/sages are left alone, with all this rage towards them, you'd think they'd be facedown in a ditch more often. Now I seem to see the word sorc alot more often in this post than sage, i can only assume that's due to server imbalance. Of course there are going to be alot of sorcs in a WZ when the empire outnumbers you x:1.


Now, moving some of the talents higher up in the trees would be the best possible solution as opposed to just straight breaking abilities. But then where would that leave the sorc/sage? Forced into a choice between going straight heals, or running around with a white flag because anything they did have to stop people from facerolling them was moved out of reach?


Things might seem ridiculous from the outside looking in, but I assure you that it isn't as fancy inside as you might think. There is a reason that most sorcs/sages choose hybrid for pvp. Because honestly the individual trees, taken by themselves, have very little to recommend them.

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It is not possible to heal as much or more than a Sorc with the other heal class, when the Sorc knows how to play and is not brainafk. I only and always played healers, and I can't keep up with Sorcs and Sages, its pathetic. :(


Against equivalent geared healing mercs there is no way a sorc can dps you down if you're healing yourself. Even with mind snap and stun, they just don't have the burst. Especially when you 'break' free from the stun. I don't know how many times I've called for backup against geared healing mercs on mumble because they sat on the node spam healing. They make really good alderan guards for this reason.


There is a reason why people are calling mercs the unkillable healer due to their high armor and mobile channeled healing.

Edited by Orangerascal
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you already have your root then, and your stun is coming soon. Stop trying to argue imbalance from the perspective of level 20. BTW since you know the class, you obviously know force leap has a built in root, hence why they cant move why you beat on them when you jump to them.


If there is it is verry weak in pvp, like i said it is not my play style.

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Actualy you are talking flight time, I hit the button all the time while on the run, when the gcd is up i use another skill.


In truth I have specked for pebble throw, so it no longer has a cool down so i use it way more. I use force throw (or other instants) when on the move. I play both a sorc and a sage (40ish on both) I have not noticed an appreciable difference in either one of them.


I do not solo anywhere on a WF I stay in the back spamming AOE or the pebble thing, bubbling the guys in front of me drawing all the DPS. I get most of my damage in because I am ignored and i work at hiding in the background.


Flight time as you put it is part of the animation delay.......Again, has to do with imbalance more then use another ability.w

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Just give up the fight and play a sorc/sage guys. If you do not want to join the ranks of the overpowered deal with it.


If you are thinking of rerolling because you think sorc are OP then i suggest you go and roll up a merc, jugg or maruder, you will be much happier in the long run.

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And this doesn't take into account that all of their damage bypasses almost all types of armor and defenses.


No it doesn't.


We have 4 spells that are listed as internal dmg.

1.) Weaken Mind

2.) Sever Force *requires 30 pts in Balance so the Hybrid specs can't get it*

3.) Force in Balance *requires 10 pts in Balance*

4.) Turbulence *requires 30 pts in TK spec, which atm no Sage uses since TKmomentum is bugged (Sorcs still can but likely don't)*



Our spells that are kinetic and do not bypass armor when dealing dmg:

1.) Mind Crush

2.) Disturbance

3.) TKthrow

4.) TKwave *Requires 10 points in TK spec*

5.) Project

6.) Force Slow

7.) Force Wave

8.) Force Stun

9.) Force Quake

Edited by Khadroth
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No it doesn't.


We have 4 spells that are listed as internal dmg.

1.) Weaken Mind

2.) Sever Force *requires 30 pts in Balance so the Hybrid specs can't get it*

3.) Force in Balance *requires 10 pts in Balance*

4.) Turbulence *requires 30 pts in TK spec, which atm no Sage uses since TKmomentum is bugged (Sorcs still can but likely don't)*



Our spells that are kinetic and do not bypass armor when dealing dmg:

1.) Mind Crush

2.) Disturbance

3.) TKthrow

4.) TKwave

5.) Project

6.) Force Slow

7.) Force Wave

8.) Force Stun

9.) Force Quake


How dare you post facts in a QQ thread from a bunch of l2ps !!


The nerve!

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So why should sorcs be able to heal 7-10 times what another average dps heals for?

And why is static barrier still unaffected by trauma? 4.3k absorb every 17 seconds..

And why are dps sorc's main heal larger than every other dps classes main heal.

(5k+ compared to 3.5k crit)


A telekinetic-balance build sage will get heals from their force armour.


The main heal for a dps Sage is deliverance and with gear it can be over 5K, but the cast time for dps sage is real slow, so apart from medals they tend not to viable for deliverance-based healing. It is possible to play a hybrid build as a sage, but the dps isn't great and they lack some heals.

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A telekinetic-balance build sage will get heals from their force armour.


The main heal for a dps Sage is deliverance and with gear it can be over 5K, but the cast time for dps sage is real slow, so apart from medals they tend not to viable for deliverance-based healing. It is possible to play a hybrid build as a sage, but the dps isn't great and they lack some heals.


And the only way you get 5k is with WZ buff, relic, adrenal and your crit buff.

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I think the trouble is, people can't differentiate between the various specs of the sorc. They see a Sorc who is full corruption and heals himself up and others and see 300k+ Warzones. Then, they come across a madness/lightning Hybrid who gets 300k+ DPS. They get killed by large DPS etc.


This is probably true but i also think its the fact that they dont get the kill with a sorc as they can run away which feeds the rage (you get the same thing with stelthers). People find it annoying when they have won the fight then they dont get the kill. Of course they forget that they burst most of our health off in a couple of attacks and our only defence is to run away.

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After sorc/sage gets nerfed who is next? Bounty hunters? Marauders?


I think, its to early to call for nerfs. This game is to young to start nerfing every class into the ground before we all get to experiment with them. Test things out with your build, try some different tactics if your getting beat by a certain class.


Or come here and cry for nerfs. Then come back and cry about nerfing someone else a week later, and then do it again. I wonder how many of you guys crying to nerf sage/sorc were also crying to nerf the agents/smugglers. This will never end with some of you...


If you think your class is weak then post why its weak, and ask for buffs. I'm sick of the nerf this class, nerf that class threads. You guys need to play better.

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