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5k crits, and the myth sorcs don't have burst.


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I start the fight by using Affliction. Sure the damage of affliction is horrible, but it is done to trigger lightning barrage. Follow up with a death field. Then start unleashing your full power using force lightning, shock and chain lightning and when wrath is procced and cl is on cooldown, crushing darkness.


I'm using a variant of yours:



Same here, you really have to spam your dark heal for some time if you really want to be OOF.


1. why did you take lightning storm ? Do you use force storm that often ?

2. crushing darkness does more damage per cast than CL. If you're going to hit only one target, use crushing darkness first.

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Well I love playing the hybrid spec, but in my opinion the problems are:


- the toptier powers arent strong enough

- Lightning tree doesnt really feel at all great without wrath from madness. The cast times just feel too hideous.


Its like the the trees are designed to be made hybrid. Being exclusively one tree doesnt offer enough benefits, bioware should buff the toptier stuff of the trees to make them more lucrative. Creeping terror just looks way too weak.


Lightning is actually a great tree for damage if you get used to seeing the procs for FL and CL and use them immediately.


It unfortunately isn't a very good tree for PvP, being that it is very cast heavy, and in PvP, casting ANYTHING is just screaming out "HAY interrupt me!" to anyone around you.


In PvP, LoS is also a huge issue much of the time, and being that you have to cast your spells within LoS, it doesn't work very well, very often.


Not to mention it has next to none for survivability.


For PvE in my experience, Lightning is the absolute best when it comes to damage, this is coming from 1700 WillP 35% crit, 90% surge, 3% alac.


I've been mildly testing and looking at trying to get more alacrity, but haven't done much yet.


Don't give up on Lightning (Like I did, I'll admit) until you test it in PvE, and you get used to using FL on proc, CL on proc, and affliction auto critting Thundering Blast every time cd is up.


Second to none.


Chain Lightning does hit slightly harder in a tri spec with wrath than in 31 Lightning, but it has to crit to do that 4k damage.


Having the ability to do almost that same damage with CL, and 100% auto crit Thundering Blast hits for 3.5k+ every 9s without fail, is very much a better route for "reliable" burst.

Edited by Wheelerific
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Not to mention it has next to none for survivability.


You're spot on about most of the stuff but, what?! Are you serious?


Bubble +20%. -> Lightning Barrier

Overload AoE Stun. -> Eletric Bindings

Blinding bubble when burst. -> Backlash

Reduced cooldown on Force Speed by procs. -> Lightning Effusion


Lightning has the best survivability skills among the three trees (if you discount healing, obviously - but, then again, healing just makes you a priority target).

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Reduced cooldown on Force Speed by procs. -> Lightning Effusion


You're totally right IMHO. About survivability, Corruption gives us heals, madness gives mobility (and an instant cast mezz), but lightning gives tools - you listed them.


Just a detail, through. The reduced cooldown has nothing to do with proc. Lightning efflusion has 2 effects. First is a proc that reduces force cost. Second is a constant reduction of Force Speed cooldown. With 2/2 LE, your cooldown is 20s. Always.

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Is it? That's even better. I haven't test that one a lot. Since I heal in PvE, I end up healing in PvP a lot, even though I respec hybrid when there isn't an Operation in the very near future. I've never dumped that many points into lightning. Just enough for Electric Bindings and sometimes Backlash. Edited by Xehoz
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Sure it is. I would say, if it wasn't ... well, just imagine.


-10s CD on force speed every critical hit by force attacks ? Wait, what happens if I simply cast Force Lightning ? 30-35% base crit chances, +10% with Disintigration ... Oops, I can force speed after every Force Lightning. I guess it would be a little overpowered ^^

Edited by Nenyx
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another big problem i see at the moment, madness wil be less and less desirable, the more surge u get. same for deep lightning. the increased crit dmg talents ARE TOTAL GARBAGE to even begin with



surge is capped at 100% ... given the fat that most ppl already got 80-85% surge ... 30% or 50% more crit dmg is just a huge waste. as u will never see the full effect.

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another big problem i see at the moment, madness wil be less and less desirable, the more surge u get. same for deep lightning. the increased crit dmg talents ARE TOTAL GARBAGE to even begin with



surge is capped at 100% ... given the fat that most ppl already got 80-85% surge ... 30% or 50% more crit dmg is just a huge waste. as u will never see the full effect.


Um how do you know that crit talents don't allow you to crit for more than 100%? Is this posted somewhere? Do you have tested proof of this?


Surge on the character sheet is capped but that doesn't mean that surge plus talents can't result in 120% damage (example).

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You're spot on about most of the stuff but, what?! Are you serious?


Bubble +20%. -> Lightning Barrier

Overload AoE Stun. -> Eletric Bindings

Blinding bubble when burst. -> Backlash

Reduced cooldown on Force Speed by procs. -> Lightning Effusion


Lightning has the best survivability skills among the three trees (if you discount healing, obviously - but, then again, healing just makes you a priority target).


But, you can NEVER discount healing.


Tri spec with force bending, CL and wrath, is 100 times more effective in pvp than deep lightning.


You may think the couple lightning talents will save you, and sure, they do, ONCE. Then you get bent over and get taken to town.


It isn't viable to spec lightning for pvp, end of disc.

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It's not that I'm discounting healing... As a healer, I know how a priority target I can be. If you're talking about survibability, then, against a decent team, you won't survive that much unless you have a fellow tank xD
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Um how do you know that crit talents don't allow you to crit for more than 100%? Is this posted somewhere? Do you have tested proof of this?


Surge on the character sheet is capped but that doesn't mean that surge plus talents can't result in 120% damage (example).



death field skilled, 30% more crit , still same dmg if i use surge raklata stim.

ofc this could be an another way round thingy ... but then again... the system would even be more fuxcked up, then my previous statements stated ^^

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death field skilled, 30% more crit , still same dmg if i use surge raklata stim.

ofc this could be an another way round thingy ... but then again... the system would even be more fuxcked up, then my previous statements stated ^^


I just went to Ilum and hit 3 ravenous lisks with my force in balance (I'm a sage sue me) twice. My surge with trinket is 92% and i have the 30% bonus from balance (madness) with the base damage of my force in balance being 1356-1388 with my crits (5/6 mobs were crit) all being over 3K with a high of 3.3K which isn't possible if surge rating and talent abilities cap at 100% combined.

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Thx _Minmaxer_...


Loving this build so far...I was leveling up as a healer when game first started but it was hard to get medals/valor being a healer in warzones....So I changed to 0/13/28.... With this build I can easily heal myself when its 1 vs 1 and good chance I can kill them....


I changed it a little...I am running 14/11/16....Could not pass up 2/2 on Force Bending....I can live without instant CC...




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im gonna need video evidence


im full champ with 4 pieces battlemaster geared



with rakata willpower stim, rakata surge adrenal, 220 crit/surge relic, wrath proc +20% dmg, and warzone expertise buff i can barely hit 4k on badly geared light armor wearers and thats a stretch


this is all with a 7/18/16 build (which also maximizes aoe dmg)


and the biggest crit ive seen since the stacking adrenals nerf patch is 4.2k



regardless of me arguing wether 5k is attainable or not with you..


i think we can all agree the stars have to align to even crit for 4k let alone 5k


lets also focus on whats important, not how much u can crit on bads but how much u can crit vs equally max geared players


best case there is a max geared sorc, there youd see about a 3.5k crit and it goes downward as the classes armor types go up


now even SINCE the nerf patch operatives still crit me and my 600 expertise for 5k repeatedly



this class has probably the lowest single target burst out of all the dmg classes. go 1v1 with a sniper in the open if u want to see OP burst

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"full battlemaster or champion gear" doesn't mean jack #@$%. Since most parts have bad enhancements and some mods with crit which don't really matter on overall dmg. You need to swap mods from extra pvp/pve parts you have, to get the max numbers.


So instead of people saying "full bm/full champion and I do xXxXx dmg", post:


Force damage


Buffed or not and what buffs

What relic+arenal are you using

Surge rating


You can as well post willpower and crit rating.

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The problem is you are using the crit/surge relic instead of the power relic. The stars have to align for a 5k crit, I won't deny that; I've only had one since I made the initial post and it was exactly 5000. I know I have a chance to hit a target for that much if my force lightning is ticking for 1500+.


But 4k+ crits are common place for me with my high hit in most warzones in the 4300-4500 range. I hit a geared sage for 4500 yesterday. It is very very rare that I ever take a bigger hit than I give in a warzone.


I am about to go on a three week vacation, but I can look at getting some video recording software when I return. I've never recorded myself before, it would probably be a useful learning tool.

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The problem is you are using the crit/surge relic instead of the power relic. The stars have to align for a 5k crit, I won't deny that; I've only had one since I made the initial post and it was exactly 5000. I know I have a chance to hit a target for that much if my force lightning is ticking for 1500+.


But 4k+ crits are common place for me with my high hit in most warzones in the 4300-4500 range. I hit a geared sage for 4500 yesterday. It is very very rare that I ever take a bigger hit than I give in a warzone.


I am about to go on a three week vacation, but I can look at getting some video recording software when I return. I've never recorded myself before, it would probably be a useful learning tool.


the power relic works out better than a surge relic?


if so this is good to know.


idk about your server but operatives still open, vanish and re open on me for ~4.7k each


snipers can do about 8k~ in a gcd


all very consistent faceroll easy dmg


whereas we pop everything and barely scratch those numbers

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I've had a 5300 force in balance crit. (I'm assuming it was force in balance, since I'm balance spec). [death field for you guys]. This happened yesterday. I have no idea how it happened since like the OP I usually crit between 3k-4k, and on weak geared targets 4.4k.


So maby your crit is a fluke too?

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There are some modifiers too ...


A dps sith warrior (I never remember their classes ^^) can buff you (and in fact the whole group) with +15% damage. A tank sith warrior can decrease the target's armor - and you'll like it, cause your chain lightning is reduced by armor (death field is not).


So if you're playing in group, your teammates can help you reach higher scores, even if you're not doing anything different.

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Death field and Thundering blast are *internal* damage. ie, they ignore armor. Sage/sorc/assassin/shadow are your worst targets because they have a 10% reduced internal damage buff and in the first minute of the WZ, everyone has this buff. Wait for respawns and you might find someone without it.


Also, many classes have a 4-6% reduced damage taken skill in their trees


But to max out your hits:



Warrior 5% damage buff

Force Suffusion

Creeping Death

PvP adrenal (15% expertise)

WP/Power Stim

Power Relic



Maxed expertise

No +alacrity

No +accuracy

Capped surge

As much WP/Power has you can get...none of the armors with high end

Some crit



The noob with no expertise that dies easy


However, it's stupid to optimize your char around one single medal. Die too much and you miss out on the 300k damage or 25 kill or 75 healing medal.

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the power relic works out better than a surge relic?


if so this is good to know.


idk about your server but operatives still open, vanish and re open on me for ~4.7k each


snipers can do about 8k~ in a gcd


all very consistent faceroll easy dmg


whereas we pop everything and barely scratch those numbers


Very much so Nihil.


I'm at ~90% Surge and popping the rakata surge adrenal barely adds 8%.


Use Rakata Power instead.


I regularly pump out 4.4-4.5k CL's.

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i gave up on trying to get a 5k hit, but death field does it better since it goes thru armor and has 30% surge tied to it if you go 0/13/28, but you are still stuck finding a fresh 50 to cast it on... not worth the effort, much better to just kill ppl and be done.
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