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Thana Vesh crazy?


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What the heck is wrong with this girl?



I play as a Sith Warrior (Marauder) and by the time I get to the planet Taris I have been promoted by Darth Fatface himself to Sith Lord. This means I can start mouthing of to other people including other force users who are below my rank right?!


But then I get to the planet Taris and this apprentice of Darth Gravus starts thinking she's all cool with her ugly tattoo and starts mouthing off to me.


Isn't this a bit weird? I'm the Sith Lord (1 step under a Darth and have my own apprentice) and she thinks she can boss me around. I should be able to force choke some sense into that girl. She deserves it if you ask me!


Any of you know why it's possible for her to this and make me look weak in front of Darh Gravus?


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You are just an apprentice of Darth fatface aren't you?


Her cahracter is what we needed, everyone is kissing your butt and doesn't speak up to you, I like characters like her.. One of the many that signed the petition for her to become a companion.


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You haven't really even gotten to the good part yet. Also, go check in the cantina at the arrival base and you will see her there too hanging out. At least it looks and acts like her. I won't spoil the cool stuff you will come across on Taris. As a marauder this was my favorite place so far.

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Seems like you ingored my post, She is a sith.. She's on the same level as you.


It didn't made sense to me that's all, I'm no longer an apprentice but a Lord, thats a rank above apprentice (which she is).


By your logic an apprentice should be able to call a Darth any sort of name they want, they're both Sith right? Shouldn't make a differance...

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So what? You "graduated" a bit earlier than she. To her you're just another squirt who thinks he's better that her. To the Darth's you're just another kid with a glowbat. They won't stop her from mouthing you off, you're not THAT important yet. If you don't like it, deal with it yourself.


You'll have the chance



And Darth Gravus chockes sense into her via holo, when she starts acting too smart but it isn't effective enough.

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It didn't made sense to me that's all, I'm no longer an apprentice but a Lord, thats a rank above apprentice (which she is).


By your logic an apprentice should be able to call a Darth any sort of name they want, they're both Sith right? Shouldn't make a differance...


You don't stop being an apprentice. As evident in both of the Sith stories, there is a power congo line present in which a Dark Council member's apprentice is a Darth, whose apprentice is a Lord, whose apprentice is merely a Sith, etc. Just because you are a Lord, doesn't mean you aren't an apprentice.

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Of course you are still an apprentice after Darth Baras gave you the title of Lord. Continue your story a bit and you'll see that he still calls you apprentice.


And hell, you have even met Darth Baras master... The Lord title gives you prestige amongst the sith but it does not mean that Thana isn't one too.



Anyway, just wait till the end of Taris and you'll get a shot at silencing her for good


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She is out of her mind bat **** crazy!


On my first play through I hated her, second play through she became my fav NPC in the game. Not sure what changed.


She's a wannabe Sith . She try way to hard to fit in. Some Sith are clearly just evil and crazy .. But she seem different .. Maybe because she does not have that zombie face with purple glowing vein.


She try too hard to be a monster and that just not working with her lol.

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It didn't made sense to me that's all, I'm no longer an apprentice but a Lord, thats a rank above apprentice (which she is).


By your logic an apprentice should be able to call a Darth any sort of name they want, they're both Sith right? Shouldn't make a differance...


Obviously you dont understand how the sith operate. If any of the dark council thought it was stronger then the emperor, they too would mouth on the emperor.


Born into wealth and privilege on Dromund Kaas, Thana Vesh spent her childhood cultivating an explosive temper and destroying everything she laid eyes on. When Thana discovered her talent with the Force, she tested her destructive talents on her military parents’ bodyguards. After the eighth guard was found broken and mangled, Thana’s terrified parents tried to suppress their daughter’s power; Thana lashed out, and the resulting devastation burned an entire Kaas City block to the ground.


Thana’s parents were consumed in the blaze and their Force-adept orphan was sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban. The incident was widely publicized as an example of the terrible fate of parents who fear, rather than embrace, a potential Sith child. Thana tore through her Sith trials and fellow acolytes at lightning speed, earning the attention of Darth Gravus. When her studies concluded, the elder Sith Lord took Thana on as his apprentice with the promise that she would finally sink her teeth into the Republic in the jungles of Taris.

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She is actually a lord and an apprentice


She can only focus her force powers during conflict and finds it difficult when not in one


Baras is apprentice to Vengen even though he is a darth etc


Apprentice is an all encompassing title


don't let that thing go to your head, you are the same 'rank' as her on that planet


also tc read the codex entry on characters to get background

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i really enjoyed this character, also, if you choose not to kill her:


she will send you a very gloaty (and to me, with a hint off respect) letter with 2.someting thousand credits telling you that she wishes to show you a tiny tiny hint of the reward true power awards.


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