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Marauder Current Issues/Bugs Thread


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Figured it was high time to create one of these. Always seen these in the past. Might help make BioWare aware of the current issues we are facing. No balance changes, class changes, suggestions will be put here. But issues during our class quest should be thrown in here as well.


Please feel free to respond/message me for updates on abilities. This goes double for Annhilation and Rage Marauders. It is not the spec i play primarily so you will know of issues better than I will.


Confirmed Bugs


Ravage: Ravage will occasionally bug out, root us in place, do no damage, and not use the Cooldown. There is currently no way to break this. It typically happens after a Force Charge.


Force Charge: This one is quite buggy. Will occasionally make us "fall through the world" when used on the bridge in Voidstar, or if an air pump is between us and the target in Huttball.


Ataru Strikes: These do not currently work on Large hit box mobs. In order for it to work, the player must stand very close to the center of his model. BioWare is aware of this issue as noted in another thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=229775&page=9


Force Choke: The client will start the channel, but does not cancel it if the ability is invalidated. Similar to how the Ravage bug works.


UI Bug: Cooldowns appear erroneous when spamming abilities. Potentially linked to swapping bars via the paging system.


UI Bug: Ive noticed that abilities on CD no longer appear grayed out but instead show a "curtain" that gradually goes away as the CD dissipates. The problem is, its hard to tell when something is off the CD because the last little bit of cool down is hard to see. I wish there was a timer on the ability or it would stay grayed out. It was this way on Launch but was changed around 1.1.




Force Charge: When force charging over an air pump in Huttball, the air pump will shoot us up even if we technically never walked over it. Its odd that out of all the classes, the warrior is the class that has to be wary of this area on Huttball and it happens too often that this object prevents us from Force charging up. I place this in the unconfirmed section because I don't know if its intentional or not. Ranged classes can shoot through it, why cant we Force Charge through it?

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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Force Choke has simply the same bug as ravage. Channeling while in reality not channeling.


For the air vents you can also pick up warzone buffs although you technically didn't walk over them.

Edited by Pappus
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Force Choke has simply the same bug as ravage. Channeling while in reality not channeling.


For the air vents you can also pick up warzone buffs although you technically didn't walk over them.


You mean like the expertise buff in Voidstar, if someone else is going for it we can Force charge to them and pick it up at the same time?

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Force Choke: I have read peoples complaints about this ability not stunning the target, however this could simply be explained away if the target has a full resolve bar. I have never seen this happen.


All channeled abilities have this issue. The client will start the channel, but does not cancel it if the ability is invalidated.


For example: enemy player appears to be at 9' range. Due to lag, they are 11' away. Client-side, you are allowed to Choke them. You do so. The server invalidates the ability because you were at 11' away. However, your client will not cancel the channel OR revert the cooldown.


This bug is most glaringly obvious with BH/Trooper Unload/FUll Auto when they PEWPEWPEW for half a minute at nothing (this often happens when they activate the channel on a "DYING" target, who is not dead YET on their client, but who is dead to the server -- Marauders don't see this occurrence because we tend to use Vicious Throw when a target is dying, not Ravage/Choke).

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All channeled abilities have this issue. The client will start the channel, but does not cancel it if the ability is invalidated.


Just so we can be more clear about the bug, it acts just like the ravage bug, no CD is used, No damage is done, but we are locked in place.

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UI Bug: Ive noticed that abilities on CD no longer appear grayed out but instead show a "curtain" that gradually goes away as the CD dissipates. The problem is, its hard to tell when something is off the CD because the last little bit of cool down is hard to see. I wish there was a timer on the ability or it would stay grayed out. It was this way on Launch but was changed around 1.1.


I think the new method is better because it clearly shows which abilities are usable, ignoring cooldown. For example, Retaliation will be greyed out when it is not usable, but highlighted when it is, even if it is on cooldown. This means you know which abilities are usable ahead of time. With the old system you didn't "KNOW" if you had enough Rage to Annihilate until the GCD and cooldown were completed, and THEN it highlighted.


The issue though is the bottom of the icon -- there needs to be a more discreet indication of "COOLDOWN IS OVER". I don't know why they don't just supercede the hard cooldown with the GCD when there is <1.5 seconds left on the hard cooldown.



Client/Server bug: There is still a severe desync when your target approaches the edge of ledges, and your client interpolates a Z-axis change, where they, in reality, stopped before walking over the edge. If the enemy stops close enough, your client will NOT be updated to reflect the fact that they STAYED TOPSIDE.

Edited by EasymodeX
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I'm not really sure if this is a bug or not or if it's actually happening or if it's just my perception. It's really hard to tell due to lack of combat log..anyways


When knocked back while in mid-air during a smash it feels like sometimes the smash does no damage yet the ability has been used. I'm not sure if the smash is hitting at the point you land from the knockback, just the animation isn't showing or if it's hitting at the point you jump off of the ground but I just don't see the combat text pop up.

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When knocked back while in mid-air during a smash it feels like sometimes the smash does no damage yet the ability has been used. I'm not sure if the smash is hitting at the point you land from the knockback, just the animation isn't showing or if it's hitting at the point you jump off of the ground but I just don't see the combat text pop up.


The knockback displaces you instantly to your destination. When that scenario happens and you get knocked into other enemies players, you will see them eat the Smash damage. This is common on Voidstar.


This is similar to when you charge a random player who uses a PBAOE Mez, and you are mezzed before your client camera actually moves over to your destination.

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Does anybody else get the "invisible wall" bug? Sometimes I'll be fighting, get knocked back, and will try to run forward, but there's an invisible wall that won't let me go in any direction, and the only fix for it is force charging someone that comes near.
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That means you've de-synchronized your position from the server. E.g., your client thinks you are in location A. The server thinks you are in location B. Location B has the wall you are trying to run into. So you can't move. Because the server and client disagree on where you are, you cannot actually move. There is no automatic "resync" capability. Your only option is to /stuck. Note: if you do this while still in combat you will. If you're out of combat it will function like /stuck normally does.


Edit: This is common when you force charge across an air vent while the enemy does a knockback. Too many "YOU INSTANTLY MOVE" events on your character.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Force Charge: This one is quite buggy. Will occasionally make us "fall through the world" when used on the bridge in Voidstar, or if an air pump is between us and the target in Huttball.


There is the whole issue of discrepancy between positioning according to your client and server after a force charge too. Ie. how people will instantly move a couple meters as soon as the immobilize from charge is up, if they were moving when you charged them.

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The Retaliation issue isn't a bug; it's not aligned to the GCD at all and therefore won't apply Deadly Saber properly if used out of sync with the 1.5 second application cooldown Deadly Saber has.


Test it during the GCD after a Scream/Smash and I'll be quite surprised if it didn't apply.

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Does anyone have trouble buffing players in PvP? Predation and Bloodlust as well as Unatural Might never seem to buff everyone near me, sometimes i'll buff an the person close in front never gets buffed, sometimes only 2 get buffed or none. it happens alot. Same goes for aoe effect abilities like Intimidating Roar. It's annoying because if your team needs that buff to get them through it does'nt get to everyone.


Try it and pay close attention to who gets buffed and don't in large groups it's too random.

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Does anyone have trouble buffing players in PvP? Predation and Bloodlust as well as Unatural Might never seem to buff everyone near me, sometimes i'll buff an the person close in front never gets buffed, sometimes only 2 get buffed or none. it happens alot. Same goes for aoe effect abilities like Intimidating Roar. It's annoying because if your team needs that buff to get them through it does'nt get to everyone.


Try it and pay close attention to who gets buffed and don't in large groups it's too random.


It's not a ops-wide buff; it's your group only.

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