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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No one will remember if a game is late, only if it's great.


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I feel from numerous threads, some people have played some mediocre games in their life.


No, people come into game with too many ideas of what they think they want it to be.


I usually start a new game with no conceptions of it being like any other game that way I enjoy my time more. I learn to use what they have given us and don't ***** about what other games have.


I don't think any MMOs out there have the same UIs and such. If you come into a game with no expectations of to be WoW, EQ, or whatever game, you seem to have more fun. Or atleast I do.

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Bravo for Blizzard learning from their WoW crap launch to make sure the game actually works, but now with the delay to polish the game I should expect a 100% bug free game right? No patches in the future because its being delayed to be perfect because Blizzard only ever releases no bug free games? HA HA HA


Consider this thread stamped STUPID from your favorite doctor, Dr. Wolfman

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I cant believe people think this way. Bioware DID NOT rush


They were forced to release earlier then they wanted to just like the last 10 or more games


Can you not understand the fact that investor control dates because they want their money after a certain point in time.


If you cannot understand a point as simple as this I dont know what to say


IT WAS rushed , otherwise wed be able to play with the awesome textures that were in beta , the same ones that are being advertised as playable in screenshots.

Edited by Urko
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Bravo for Blizzard learning from their WoW crap launch to make sure the game actually works, but now with the delay to polish the game I should expect a 100% bug free game right? No patches in the future because its being delayed to be perfect because Blizzard only ever releases no bug free games? HA HA HA


Consider this thread stamped STUPID from your favorite doctor, Dr. Wolfman


Theres far more wrong that just bug fixes.


Thats why we are seeing a scaleable UI being made, it SHOULD have been in there at launch , thats just one i can think of.

Edited by Urko
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So as a well seasoned MMOer (ive played WoW for 6 years and left it) and played most others around.


The graphics issue for one , you think the majority of seasoned MMOers are content with these texturs on the gear ?


As a seasoned MMO veteran, been playing since Meridian 59 birthed the genre and then about 15 years before that on BBSes...


I don't weigh a game based solely on one aspect, and honestly graphics are one of the lowest things on my ladder.


I'm quite happy with TOR. Are there things that need to be fixed, tweaked, adjusted, changed, added, removed, etc etc? Yes, that's the grand nature of MMOs and their development process.

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So as a well seasoned MMOer (ive played WoW for 6 years and left it) and played most others around.


The graphics issue for one , you think the majority of seasoned MMOers are content with these textures on the gear ?


I'm not going to make assumptions about minority or majority, cause I have nothing to back that up at all. Here is what I know, in my guild, again a guild created during UO, graphics is one thing that has not come up during our conversations among ourselves that we would like to see fixed in the short run. We wouldn't mind better graphics, but it is not a deal breaker for us.


You cannot say that the majority of seasoned MMO players are upset about the graphics, cause you have nothing to back up that claim.

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As a seasoned MMO veteran, been playing since Meridian 59 birthed the genre and then about 15 years before that on BBSes...


I don't weigh a game based solely on one aspect, and honestly graphics are one of the lowest things on my ladder.


I'm quite happy with TOR. Are there things that need to be fixed, tweaked, adjusted, changed, added, removed, etc etc? Yes, that's the grand nature of MMOs and their development process.


If your happy with graphics quality from years back, so be it.


I (and again thousands of others if you see the threads on textures) definately am not.

Edited by Urko
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So as a well seasoned MMOer (ive played WoW for 6 years and left it) and played most others around.


The graphics issue for one , you think the majority of seasoned MMOers are content with these textures on the gear ?


You played WoW for 6 years and you think SWtOR's gear looks poor?



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You played WoW for 6 years and you think SWtOR's gear looks poor?




Everything on Ultra in WoW looks far better , depends what your settings were set to.


The game itself WoW, there will be no going back to whatever happens.

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Subjective, not factual.


Factual in the amount of threads/posts on these forums that are almost saying the same thing.


Full list of things i cant be bothered to list as they have been a thousand times.

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If your happy with graphics quality from years back, so be it.


I (and again thousands of others if you see the threads on textures) definately am not.


Maybe I'm old fashioned and since I grew up on graphic-less games that I've learned to appreciate the actual meat of the game instead of the pretty veneer of it.


Yes, I understand that this generation of 'gamers' are those instant gratification-driven, shiny-object oriented types of gamers, and sadly gaming as a whole has seen deterioration because of them.

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.


I will be completely honest here. I don't like the majority of Blizzard games, despite the Star Craft franchise. I also don't approve on the design course they are (producing mostly ezmode mainstream games), BUT they at least deliver! Their games have bugs, too - but they know how to handle and communicate it. They also have an almost peerless development process, like ArenaNet.


EA is hated for a reason. It's not pure conspiracy or anything like that. The recent Bioware games (i.e. DA2) and almost 99% of all EA games are being critiqued for a reason.


EA is the WalMart of gaming industry and they are still there ONLY because of their financial status and because they were build upon awesome games from developers they've aquired later.


Not more, not less.

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...by the same vast minority over and over again


For every one so called minority how many feel the same ingame but dont come onto the forums.


This minority your on about seem to get more and more appearing on the forums each day.

Edited by Urko
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For every one so called minority how many feel the same ingame but dont come onto the forums.


This minority your on about seem to get more and more appearing on the forums each day.


And the same could be said the other direction...it doesn't prove anything.

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I'm pretty sure it wasn't BW who gambled but EA. There's propably some frustrated people in the BW team about this fairly mediocre "unfinished" product they had to release on someone else's orders, when it could've been a great game with just a bit more time put into it. EA is the big bad in the gaming industry, they'll crap all over your game just for the sake of holiday sales if they see fit.
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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.



Blizzard has been putting out mediocre junk since before WoW was out of vanilla imho.


Blizzard did for the MMORPG genre what Green Day did for punk rock. Green Day took a genre of music and went soo pop with it that it actually being punk rock is debatable. But hey, they made alot of money. Blizzard took a MMORPG and went pop with it all the same. The problem you don't see Green Day fans hanging out in some other band's forums who haven't changed the purpose of their music while sharing their ever so important opinion with them them about how their latest album failed over and over.


Sometimes the old cliche "go back to WoW" is really all you can say.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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I'm pretty sure it wasn't BW who gambled but EA. There's propably some frustrated people in the BW team about this fairly mediocre "unfinished" product they had to release on someone else's orders, when it could've been a great game with just a bit more time put into it. EA is the big bad in the gaming industry, they'll crap all over your game just for the sake of holiday sales if they see fit.


The Truth shall set you free.


+10 and cookies for you Sir.

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The Truth shall set you free.


+10 and cookies for you Sir.


5 years and this is all they came up with? Remember they have a great engine that allows them to place things in development in real time without stopping.


SWTOR will have spent for time in development than live.

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So you admit that we dont know what anyone that doesnt post on these forums think of the game and can only really go by whats being posted.


I don't believe I admitted to anything other than that there's no factual proof to support either side of the coin...


Forums, especially for MMOs, are notoriously used by those that are not entirely happy with a game and generally have a negative ambiance to them. The reason for this is that most people don't need to be posting on a forum because they don't have anything to say about the game that warrants going out of their way to do it.


In other words, those that are content with the game are probably more inclined to play the game rather than to be posting on the forums. Those that have issues are more prone to post on the forums in a larger volume.

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