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This game is a nightmare for grouping.


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On my alts I haven't bothered with a single bonus serie or heroic quest NOR dungeon for that matter, because finding groups IS a nightmare. Didn't bother with endgame pve dailies either as pvp gear is better anyway. And for hard mode fps i only run them when people i started playing with are online.


With my first character i did most if not all heroic quests and some leveling flashpoints (not even all of them anyway, some i haven't seen and never will i guess) but that's just because i leveld with the people i started playing with and we did everything togheter.


Honestly, i'd want to run some more hm flashpoints on alts for the columi stuff, even just for looks but i'd rather die than spam for a random group or make one so they can stay where they are.

Edited by AzKnc
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It's mostly because people either don't want to group or don't know how to use the LFG tool. You can mark yourself as LFG and people from anywhere in the galaxy will see it and can join you. Most players, however, don't know how it works and are too lazy to learn. Instead, they ask for a tool that creates the group automatically, so they don't have to socialize.
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You hit the bonus series on a planet and collect your final heroics and it seems like no one wants a bar of them, makes you wonder if people are actually doing them at all, well?


Doing Heroics has been a nightmare for many people because of no LFG tool, and it's going to continue being a nightmare until Bioware adds one.


Everyone keeps saying that adding a LFG tool will make the game like WoW or whatever but that's just stupid, every MMO has a freaking LFG tool and there is a reason for that, people can find groups quickly and painlessly. Not everyone has time to sit there spamming for a group for 20 minutes or longer, many people just want to quickly use the LFG tool to finish a dungeon and then log off, maybe they have to go somewhere, it doesn't matter, the point is every MMO needs a LFG tool.

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It's mostly because people either don't want to group or don't know how to use the LFG tool. You can mark yourself as LFG and people from anywhere in the galaxy will see it and can join you. Most players, however, don't know how it works and are too lazy to learn. Instead, they ask for a tool that creates the group automatically, so they don't have to socialize.


Actually, the auto-grouping option isn't a factor of being lazy/antisocial, it's a matter of getting a group together in a much easier fashion. Who wants to sit there screamin lfg for an hour or shoutin for a needed class. Sides socializing isnt NEEDED outside of guilds in an mmo, grouping however often is.

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Actually, the auto-grouping option isn't a factor of being lazy/antisocial, it's a matter of getting a group together in a much easier fashion. Who wants to sit there screamin lfg for an hour or shoutin for a needed class. Sides socializing isnt NEEDED outside of guilds in an mmo, grouping however often is.


Y'know, if people did what he was suggesting, they wouldn't need to spam chat.

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Just tonight It took me almost 30 minutes to get a group together for a FP And on a pretty decent server. It had nearly 100 players on the fleet but no takers.



'Who' shows you who is in the area but the class diversity isn't that apparent. Lots of sentinels and slingers and sages. hardly any tanks.



dual Specc option is definitely needed. Many times the Vanguards and guardians shadows I see are DPS.

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I am on an RP server - hardly a place for PVE diehards. Yet if I am doing heroics, I seldom need to spend more than five minutes assembling a group or finding one to join.


I never use the looking to group interface. I haven't really looked at it. I haven't needed it. Grouping has been pretty easy for me with a few exceptions. The groups have been decent to excellent, with a few exceptions.


Can't explain it. Maybe we are just lucky where I play.


If the problem for you is low population, that will change over time. The game is new - that's why we're the ones with the Founder titles.

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It depends on daytime, asking for groups at night time is futile and so is until noon really.


On my Juggernaut I am currently on Hoth, I never bothered to group there - although I've been grouping/forming groups throughout all other planets whenever I felt like I needed a group. However on Hoth I have solo'd all heroics once on my Op so I was doing that again because finding a group there is difficult enough if you are tank or healer because strangely enough both roles seem to be vastly overpopulated on my server. If you get a LFG you will usually have 4 ppl signing up, if you are not careful you'll have a group full of tanks.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Y'know, if people did what he was suggesting, they wouldn't need to spam chat.


This is 100% correct. If everyone who was LFG flagged themselves and then put in the name of the heroic/fp they wanted to do, everyone else looking for members would be able to see them.

The mechanic is there. It works.

IMO, if everyone who is crying about the system they've implemented starts teaching others how to use it instead, finding groups will be easy.

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Is it really true that that LFG marked players will show cross planets? If so it is very strange as i think i have maximum seen 2 other players LFG marked in the time i have played. If that is on the whole server that is very sad(playing on proginator).
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Has anyone thought that maybe there are too many servers? Just a thought keen to see what others oppinions are on that. And yes HOTH is where I'm stuck on! I'm up to the last damn heroic (Frostclaw) before I leave, tried to 3 man it with a Sentinel Guardian and a Commando all 50's and we still couldn't do it even with the healer companion from the Commando. Stuff like this is why I'll probably never make an alt on this game.
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I always feel a little bad when I see a quest is Heroic. I just get through reassuring the questgiver that I'll take care of their problem, regardless of the scary things that may serve as a deterrent, and then I see that dreaded word, HEROIC, in my objectives. I know that quest is never going to get done, past Nar Shadda.
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I'm pretty sure the reason you find less people doing groups for heroics is simply that more people are realising you don't .have. to do them to go on with the game, but since the OP was about the heroics you get with the bonus series... yeah, I'm afraid even less people do the bonus quest chains, and .if. they do them they probably figure 'oh I just want to get it over with' and not bother doing any heroics they don't have to do... (unless there is magically already a group forming and they just tag along...)
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Getting a group together takes way to much time. I want to spend my limited time playing, not looking for a group. Until there is a better way to create pugs, there is a lot of content I will not get to see for a while :(


And no, its not because I'm anti social or don't want to use the chat channels.


I know a lot of people don't want the wow lfg way, but I for one, do. Its better to get a bad pug now and then, rather than not getting to see the content at all.

Edited by Sunblade
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Is it really true that that LFG marked players will show cross planets? If so it is very strange as i think i have maximum seen 2 other players LFG marked in the time i have played. If that is on the whole server that is very sad(playing on proginator).


It indeed is true. By default the social wondow is filtered by planet. If you delete the planet in the search window and enter LFG, you will see all players on your faction who are looking for a group. If you want a group for Black Talon, for example, you enter "LFG BT" or "LFG Black" and will find the corresponding players regardless of where you or they are.

Unfortunately, most people don't know this and don't use the function. Educate your fellow players.

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I hate the bonus series, some bonus quests anyone? No one? :(


that's the thing, though, when you do the bonus quest chain it will lead you to areas with new normal quests aswell (not sure if you notice the difference on planets like Tatooine, since the bonus quest chain is only 1-2 lvl higher than the rest of the planet, but you definitely notice on Nar Shaddaa and Alderaan... )

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I did do all the bonus missions / h2+4's on my first toon and all the non hm fp's, but now I don't bother with any of them as they are a waste of time. I see no reason to do them more than once, they are not exactly exciting. (which is a shame)
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