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Am I the only Marauder who plays Carnage @ 50


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Been browsing the forum for a few days now and I come to realise that I might be the only Marauder who still plays Carnage @ 50, and I feel like I'm doing a fair amount of damage (Far from bad).


When it comes to running only Flashpoint HM and an occasional operation , is there a huge difference between the Carnage tree and the Annihilation tree?

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Been browsing the forum for a few days now and I come to realise that I might be the only Marauder who still plays Carnage @ 50, and I feel like I'm doing a fair amount of damage (Far from bad).


When it comes to running only Flashpoint HM and an occasional operation , is there a huge difference between the Carnage tree and the Annihilation tree?


difference? yes


huge difference? no


play whichever you like, get good at it, youll be fine

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Thanks for the comments, I've never felt like I'm doing poor dps while playing. But I just had to confirmation from the community just incase I've missed something important regarding skilltrees.
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Just today I respecced into Carnage... Why? I have fun with Carnage and that's all that matters to me.


Yeah, it sucks compared to Annihilation.


I have infinitely more fun doing Carnage over Annihilation.




Annihilation was fun for a while. I quickly got bored of it. Spamming Massacre/Crit screams is way more fun than those dumb dots. The dots aren't really "Marauder" IMO. You put them on and you can potentially walk away. That's not what a Marauder should be like.


Granted, Annihilation is better. But that's too bad. I actually seem to do well with both specs. Sure, I die more as Carnage, but have more fun in doing so. On top of that, if you happen to have a good healer, you are crazy good as a damage dealer, and you have a 10 second immobilize/stun if you use all your CC at once (3 from Deadly Throw, 3 from Ravage, 4 from Choke). That's 6 seconds more than any other spec!)




And yet... Carnage is weak. But I don't care. I love it.

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Nope you are not the only one, I have played as carnage since release, and if played correctly it is a great spec.


It's only "great" as far as it's CC goes. The problem with Marauders is that each of the three trees gives a big bonus.... But that bonus should probably be universal anyway.


- Charge being 0-30m should be standard.

- Ravage should just be a three second uninterruptable, interrupting nuke. Either way, it's only useable if you're Carnage, else it's a pile of dung. And even then, it bugs out way too often.

- Ravage is only useful for one tree. Why? Who knows.

- Ataru is bugged as hell.

- Force Camo has no benefits in the Rage tree.

- Berserk needs buffs to both Carnage and Rage specs. Carnage has some utility (mostly in PvE) but Berserk is quite weak in PvP unless you're Annihilation.

- Predation is the only viable option to spend Fury on for Rage, and even then, Annihilation has the strongest Predation.

- Our ranges on saber THROWS are pitifully low. They need a 5m increase across the board, if you ask me.


(no I don't want all of this at once. Just some of it)



Think about it. Actually, don't. Just think of Sorcs/Sages. They have everything: Healing, Insane damage, range, CC up the wazoo. We have Damage and that's pretty much it.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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Been browsing the forum for a few days now and I come to realise that I might be the only Marauder who still plays Carnage @ 50, and I feel like I'm doing a fair amount of damage (Far from bad).


When it comes to running only Flashpoint HM and an occasional operation , is there a huge difference between the Carnage tree and the Annihilation tree?


I love carnage, its just alot of people write it off to fast.

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Carnage to be perfectly honest is still a very strong spec. especially if you look at what your guild considers the hardest end boss. for us its Soa nightmare. the last phase u can really only get a gcd on the boss everytime is shield is of and a massacre gore fs ravage. is extremely strong.


i have been playing both here and there and notice that on council it takes roughly the same time to kill the add. only difference is u get lot of self healing and camo is 100% reduced damage which is pretty baller too.


i think when we get logs ull notice they arnt to different as far as dps. i know with gore adrenal and relic im gettin 6k FS thats pretty high burst.

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It's only "great" as far as it's CC goes. The problem with Marauders is that each of the three trees gives a big bonus.... But that bonus should probably be universal anyway.


- Charge being 0-30m should be standard.

- Ravage should just be a three second uninterruptable, interrupting nuke. Either way, it's only useable if you're Carnage, else it's a pile of dung. And even then, it bugs out way too often.

- Ravage is only useful for one tree. Why? Who knows.

- Ataru is bugged as hell.

- Force Camo has no benefits in the Rage tree.

- Berserk needs buffs to both Carnage and Rage specs. Carnage has some utility (mostly in PvE) but Berserk is quite weak in PvP unless you're Annihilation.

- Predation is the only viable option to spend Fury on for Rage, and even then, Annihilation has the strongest Predation.

- Our ranges on saber THROWS are pitifully low. They need a 5m increase across the board, if you ask me.


(no I don't want all of this at once. Just some of it)



Think about it. Actually, don't. Just think of Sorcs/Sages. They have everything: Healing, Insane damage, range, CC up the wazoo. We have Damage and that's pretty much it.


I played a Combat sentinel and a Carnage marauder, it is great. If played correctly it actually has more dmg potential then anni does, I say that as someone who competes on both chars against players who do nightmare 8-16 man weekly.


Are there a few issues? sure, mainly the issue is on rep side though, Blade Rush (reps massacre) suffers greatly from ability delay still, and sometimes dosnt activate at all, which cause the rep massacre version to do CONSIDERABLY less damage.


Charge is fine.

Ravage is great if used correctly.

And no its not only useful for one tree, those 2 first hits always easily hits, and they are free and do considerably damage.

Yes Ataru is bugged.

Force camo has benefit for everyone, its a escape and/or a interrupt, its one of our greatest abilities, no mather the tree.

Absolutely untrue, Berserk is NASTY in ataru form, being able to spam massacre at ungodly speeds for 1 rage per use is HIGHLY effective.

Berserk not worth it in rage? are you serious? free vicious slash that hits 2 targets at once, its absolutely amazing.

Yes our ranges on saber throws are very short, and marauder should have a saber throw focused on actual damage.


One thing you didnt bring up is our set bonuses which is perhaps the biggest insult of them all.

Edited by Munx
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Comparing to WoW Warrior playing experience as it was the most fun experience I had in MMORPG before they ****ed up the class.


Gore VS Colossus Smash (CS) - both give armor penetration.


And Gore to me is frustrating while CS was fun epic carnage:


Gore has a static cooldown while CS was a proc. Proc, obviously, is more fun, not so predictable to blow cooldowns against you or stun you. Gore is also way more powerful, you need to time against it. It's basicly the ability that your class depends on. One ability. CS was there it was nice it was fun. As Annihilation I have Deadly Saber, Annihilate, procing Rupture. More skills to depend on are more fun. With static cooldown and 100% armor ignore you need to time and prepare and that makes you revolve around ONE DAMN ABILITY.


What makes you revolve arround ONE DAMN ABILITY even more is also the fact that you don't generate Rage after you use Gore. So once again - prepare, time for this ONE ABILITY with full Rage bar ignoring cool skills. With CS, you're still auto attacking and getting rage to use on big damaging cool fun skills - so I don't care about resource management, I just have fun hiting stuff. With Gore - you certainly don't want to waste GCDs for Rage builders.



Berserk - again, another ONE DAMN ABILITY to spam - Massacre. With Annihilation (and while getting loads of fury) it's more fun - oh Berserker's up, you blow it - BAM Deadly Saber crits and your HP starts restoring and you just proceed to use other cool abilities, not just spamming ONE DAMN ABILITY.


I also don't enjoy a channeling skill as a melee, even if it roots the target.



That's my opinion why I don't enjoy Carnage.

Edited by Deviltreh
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Rupture can proc Ataru Strikes off it's dot, so it's an extra chance at that per GCD.


But don't you have to be extremely close to the target, because people were posting that Ataru Strike's range is even lover then 4m in some cases.


It's not that you put Rupture, step away and you still get extra damage on dot tick.

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Point taken I never noticed ataru procs off the bleeds I will have to test thanks much :)

Use massacre to buff the chance, hit rupture, then immediately Choke them. You'll do ataru strikes while channeling Choke, it looks hilarious, like you're holding up your own pinata.


Ataru Strike's range is 4m, so if you can hit them with your other melee attacks, it's just a extra shot per GCD at an ataru strike.

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Rupture isn't worth the rage and gdc in carnage unless your keeping someone from planting bomb or slicing turret in PVp


Agree. Dunno what I was thinking ... you always wanna burn through berserk asap so that you can berserk again asap.

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Use massacre to buff the chance, hit rupture, then immediately Choke them. You'll do ataru strikes while channeling Choke, it looks hilarious, like you're holding up your own pinata.


Ataru Strike's range is 4m, so if you can hit them with your other melee attacks, it's just a extra shot per GCD at an ataru strike.


Adding this to my reportoire, thanks! I love the ataru stike during choke btw, hilarious

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