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About that PvP...


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Well, I never in my entire history of WoW PvP got a piece of top-tier Arena gear. It required you to have an arena rating which was not a simple feat to get. It was, in other words, quite impossible for me.


In this game, it looks like it'll be a reality in less than a month of mundane Warzoning.


This game gives you easy lootz.


I would 100% much rather there be an arena system that required you to have rating to get the gear. I am all for arena in SWTOR. In fact, I WOULD have full battlemaster gear if there was an arena system. Please bioware, give us arenas.

Edited by Niaoru
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I would 100% much rather there be an arena system that required you to have rating to get the gear. I am all for arena in SWTOR. And by your logic, I should have damn near a full set of battlemaster gear.


You don't need battlemaster gear to compete. This is not a problem.

Move along.

The stuff may as well be cosmetic, the difference is so small

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On my first day I got two pieces of champion gear with casual pvping. That's a **** load faster than I'd ever geared in WoW.


Then you've never run the new and improved Alterac Valley. You can gear out in a weekend (assuming it's AV weekend). You won't be in the top-end gear but you'll have more than enough to function.

Edited by rainingcrazy
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On my first day I got two pieces of champion gear with casual pvping.


Since its a fking double RNG (one is to get token and one to not get dublicate), there is always be a guy tellings us on forum "hey there, it is nothing wrong with random bag system, i got my full champion in a few days of casual pvping". Well, good for you, whats about people reaching 60 lvl after month of pvp (not Ilum kids) and having only 3 pieces of champion gear, but 12 trinkets, 8 boots and 9 wrists... huh?


From 30 (or even more, did't counting) bags i got 2 MH and 2 boots, even admit that 4 pieces from 30 bags is nice luck, i may have 4 pieces (and bonus), but double luck is't happend, so no pvp cookies for me, stick with my MH and boots :(

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In a system without ratings, good. Half premade half pug is significantly more fun than the very high likelihood that you will face an almost entire pug, for everyone


I would really prefer full premade vs full premade. PUG is not an option in competitive PVP.


You are entirely competitive with Battlemasters when you are in Champion gear. It doesn't take very long to get.

I know that the increase is really tiny, but if stuff matters, I really like to have the best. And better if it is with steady farm than relying on RNG. I played some korean MMOs, and really I can't stand RNG anymore. And I think i'm not alone :

I would be much happier if you got one token per bag, but the gear cost 15 or so tokens. At least I can physically see I am working towards something, and not just "MAYBE I'll get a token today, MAYBE."



- CC : Resolve Bar does not work as intended, people can be CC at least three times in a row with 4sec stuns or 8sec mezz. That's not competitive PVP either, that's lousy and careless one.


Yep, when you use an CC ability in a 1vs1 fight, no problem at all, but in group fights, that's another story. For example, my AOE bump fills the bar at almost 80% but I can be be stunned, than bumped, than otherwise controlled in a very small timing. Anyway, there are too many CC/all classes have at least two, and I think that there should be a classe dedicated to CC rather than all having lots of controls. 4 sec is freaking long in PVP, i was used to 1-2sec stuns.


And snare & roots are totally free, no DR or Immune to those, which is really lousy for PVP IMHO.


If you aren't used to bugs by now, you haven't played very many recent games... They do need to be fixed, but it's just how the industry is now.

Sorry but you're wrong. Last MMO i played was Rift and there was no single bug at launch. Imbalances, sure but game-breaking bugs, none. Same for AION a few years back. And it lacks some basic features (target of target, customizable UI etc...) SWTOR really needs code-polishing, it seems like a 5years old beta right now.

Edited by Sovietik
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