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10 Minutes to Kill


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Waiting for the death penalty to wear off. Don't want to rez somewhere else and work my way back to where my poor Gunslinger's corpse lies sprawled across the floor like a Zabrak rug.


So, with all this time on my hands I thought I'd post here just to say...


Hey, guys! How's it going? What do you do when you hit the ten minute mark?


Me, I almost always tab out and have a look at the forums. Sometimes I pick up my guitar and jam for a while. Sometimes I go to the kitchen to see if there's anything there that wasn't there the last time I went to the kitchen to see if there's anything there. On occasion I come back with popcorn or a cup of coffee (decaf in the evenings).


How about you?

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yeah.. nvr had my penalty that hi. recommend less dying


So you have never tried to see how many levels above you, you could really solo? I hit that mark regularly, usually when i was trying to see if I could elites that were 5 or more levels above me. One has to absolutely sure, it's not possible. Different specs, companions, tactics. I have to try them all.


Easy to say you never die that much, when you don't push yourself to the limits.

Edited by Khyler
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I find it amusing that OP thinks he can push the boundaries on what can and cannot be solo'd, when the game mechanics have it built in that above a certain level higher than you, you're just going to constantly miss while the enemy bashes your face in. You're not meant to solo something five levels higher, go play the game the way it's meant to be played and you won't have 10 minute rez timers.
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So you have never tried to see how many levels above you, you could really solo? I hit that mark regularly, usually when i was trying to see if I could elites that were 5 or more levels above me. One has to absolutely sure, it's not possible. Different specs, companions, tactics. I have to try them all.


Easy to say you never die that much, when you don't push yourself to the limits.


i know what my character can/cant handle.. why would i go and commit suicide like that lol

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I find it amusing that OP thinks he can push the boundaries on what can and cannot be solo'd, when the game mechanics have it built in that above a certain level higher than you, you're just going to constantly miss while the enemy bashes your face in. You're not meant to solo something five levels higher, go play the game the way it's meant to be played and you won't have 10 minute rez timers.


Except that it wasnt the OP that posted what you are replying to. Also if you look one post above yours you will see a SS of the Boss the OP just killed and note that the Boss is 1 level higher not 5.

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I find it amusing that OP thinks he can push the boundaries on what can and cannot be solo'd, when the game mechanics have it built in that above a certain level higher than you, you're just going to constantly miss while the enemy bashes your face in. You're not meant to solo something five levels higher, go play the game the way it's meant to be played and you won't have 10 minute rez timers.


It wasn't the original poster who said he was pushing boundaries. Reread the thread.

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All the OP asked was what do yall do when you have a some free time while waiting, be it from death penalty or whatever. This wasnt about "L2P Noob" that yall have turned it into.


I have no idea why Bioware is resisting adding a LFG finder to this game in order to preserve "community". This thread is a perfect example of why this community, by and large, has already gone toxic and needs to be purged with fire.

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So you have never tried to see how many levels above you, you could really solo? I hit that mark regularly, usually when i was trying to see if I could elites that were 5 or more levels above me. One has to absolutely sure, it's not possible. Different specs, companions, tactics. I have to try them all.


Easy to say you never die that much, when you don't push yourself to the limits.


To each his own.


I've never found dying repeatedly to be fun.

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