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Romance--show of hands?


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Looks like it's all about the choices during companions stories. If you choose LS options in dialogs with companions - you can be as DS as you want, they will count you as a good one. And affection is easily corrected by gifts.
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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Yes and no. For reference: female playing female but for one character, male IA. Up to this point I've only had the options of Corso and Andronikos. No=Corso, meh, not too big on the idea of romancing him but probably will. Andronikos=had my first FTB of the game tonight with him and am quite happy with it but then again- he fits not only my Assassin's personality but my actual own. We both like to see things go 'boom':p and I always did prefer Han to Luke.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


Not yet. I might on my IA. Not sure how that will play out. I don't usually roll male characters. Should be interesting.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


Moff Yurrion. What? Not joking. So droll...

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

Yes on most all my characters. Though I've only gotten my SW up to 50 and completed the romance with Quinn. I rather enjoyed their dynamic.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?

Yes, on my Bounty Hunter cause she isn't into guys. o.o


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

I'm an RPer with about 16 characters, 11 of them or so being female, so there really aren't a lot of missing holes here. Pretty much just wish my female BH could romance Mako. XD

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Yes, I romanced Quinn. I found him attractive and I liked his professional manner. I can see him being the one my SW settles down with.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


Nope, and with Quinn really being the only romanceable guy for the SW it wasnt hard to miss.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable to.


I would have liked to see a love triangle between Pierce and Quinn like you can have with Vette and Jaesa but that's about it.

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As a female Imperial Agent, I only get one romance option, Vector Hyllus. People have dubbed him Bugman, since he's a Joiner, and there are two distinct camps who either love or hate him as the only option. I wanted to see for myself (though I've found that despite having over 8,000 affection, I can't talk to him anymore and I've no idea why).


I'm having a similar issue myself. So now I'm wondering...


-Does anybody know if companion quests are triggered by affection, character level, storyline events, some combination of the above, or something else entirely?

-Do you get locked out of romance options with your companion if you flirt with other npcs? I was overly amused at the fact that flirting with other guys when Vector was around didn't lose me any affection points so... I may have screwed myself over in that regard, but I really hope not.


Anybody know what happened?

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My smuggler is happily romancing Corso but would like to explore other options were they available to her. For example, I'd like the option of dumping Akaari on a barren moon and picking up Numan Brock just to give Corso some competition.
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I'm having a similar issue myself. So now I'm wondering...


-Does anybody know if companion quests are triggered by affection, character level, storyline events, some combination of the above, or something else entirely?


I believe comp quests are affected by all of the above. I noticed when I gave all of my comps a boatload of gifts I had stashed in the bank, I suddenly had a bunch of quests with them.


-Do you get locked out of romance options with your companion if you flirt with other npcs? I was overly amused at the fact that flirting with other guys when Vector was around didn't lose me any affection points so... I may have screwed myself over in that regard, but I really hope not.


No. Flirting with other NPCs won't lock you out. It'll only cause negative points. AFAIK, the only way to lock yourself out is if you reject your comp's option to flirt in one of their quests that takes place aboard your ship. If you turn them down, you can still gain affection points but the romance option is lost. TBH, I don't mind taking the negative hit and always select to flirt with the NPCs just because some of the comp dialogue is pretty funny.

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I would be a little less nervous about flirting in my convos if I knew that there wasn't the possibility to miss the entire romance if I did not flirt in one of them. It is one thing if you outright say "thanks, but no thanks". Then you know that you turned down the romance, but like the "sleep it off" with Corso, no warning that it locks you out of the romance.


Something like the DAII-system with a warning that this options ends the romance-arc would be really good. Just a simple warning perhaps, [ends romance] like my little suggestion below. Hmm... don't know if it's something a lot of people would like to see, but I would be very happy for something like it.


Corso: says something flirty

Smuggler options:


A) something flirty

B) something friendly [ends romance]

C) something rude [ends romance]

Edited by SilentKitty
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Ah, okay. Thanks to those who answered my question.


Something like the DAII-system with a warning that this options ends the romance-arc would be really good. Just a simple warning perhaps, [ends romance] like my little suggestion below. Hmm... don't know if it's something a lot of people would like to see, but I would be very happy for something like it.


Yeah, I think that would be helpful in general... sometimes I'll pick something that I think would be a good idea, but it ends up being something other than what I thought it was.

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Something like the DAII-system with a warning that this options ends the romance-arc would be really good. Just a simple warning perhaps, [ends romance] like my little suggestion below. Hmm... don't know if it's something a lot of people would like to see, but I would be very happy for something like it.


Corso: says something flirty

Smuggler options:


A) something flirty

B) something friendly [ends romance]

C) something rude [ends romance]



That would be a great feature.


Thumbs up

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I have to say that it upsets me that Warrior has 2 Female romance options and Two Male romance options. It feels that every other job you get one. I play a variety of sexes for different alts because it's fun. For my Smuggler female, I don't even want to touch Corso Riggs. If I could push him out of an airlock, I probably would. For my Female Bounty Hunter, my only option was Torian. For my Trooper its Jorgan, and I really am not feeling that pairing either. My Male Consulars only romance option is the girl I get at the end.


I feel that Bioware has dropped the ball on relationship options. It would have been awesome to romance the Devronian for my Bounty hunter. It would have been nice to push Corso out the airlock, so I could have another option. The only character I felt had good options was Sith Warrior. I don't know how the Jedi Knight counterpart is, but how awesome would it have been to be able to romance the Sith that you get as a companion? It would have been epic!

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