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Romance--show of hands?


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As all the imperial agents, I’ve started romance relationships with Vector. And actually, I started playing IA because it’s the only class that has an interesting companion I wanted to start a romance with (he does have a very attractive look to my taste).:rolleyes:


My IA and Vector are already married (10 000 reputation), and it was easy for me (got it on 39 lvl), because I’m the light one. I’m a RP player, so I do think that for my agent he is the best choice. She is the one, who struggled because of poorness, betrayal and lie, and Vector is the person she can rely on. It is a fact that he doesn’t show his feeling a lot, so it is hard to say, if he does love my agent as much, as she loves him. However, he gives her confidence. And I was really impressed, when he showed his human eyes to my agent, because she’s eager to know, what kind of man he was before the joining. That is how I see it. :)


As for the continuation, I sure can’t imagine them having any children soon. My agent will be a poor mother, if she remains working for intelligence.

However, I do want to settle things up with his ex-fiancée and maybe help him find the way to restore his relationships with family and friends, because it seems to be important to him.


The only thing that bothers me about romantic aspect is that out of the companions quest there is no sign of your relationship. There was only one letter from Vector that I haven’t deleted for me to be sure, there is something between them. :(


P.S. I guess it was when I got 5000 reputation that I couldn’t go on with the Vector’s quest. It appeared I had to finish the 2 chapter, to proceed.

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I guess that depends on what you consider young :-p Mako strikes me as in her early 20's


Really? Mako comes across as like 18-19, to me. She just seems fairly young and idealistic in a lot of ways.



-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Smuggler: Flirting with Corso, but haven't gone further yet.

Trooper: Nothing so far (Jorgen hasn't 'opened up' at all yet, at the end of act-1)

Consular: Nope, she's in a relationship with her leveling partner (my bf's jedi knight) :)

Knight: Haven't gotten past 11th or so yet, so nada


Sorceress: Andronikos has flirted with her a bit, and gave her a present.

BH: Nothing yet (almost 30th), she's not really the "romance" type anyway

Warrior: In a relationship with her leveling partner (my bf's sorcerer) :)

Agent: Just getting into act-2, so nothing's really opened up on the romance front yet for her


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


I haven't actively AVOIDED them, although I have no interest in Vector on my agent. She's holding out for a lesbian relationship. Same with my smuggler, really, though she's more an omnivore than lesbian. My BH doesn't put much faith in men, overall (or anyone other than herself and Mako, for that matter).


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


My BH would romance Mako if she could, and would fool around with Juda (the twi'lek girl running the accounts for Nehm'ro on Hutta). My agent would probably have a roll in the hay or two with Kaliyo (or at least, would have before Kaliyo threatened to "get even" with her :p). My trooper is attracted to Dorne, but would never do anything about it, because she's so very, very closeted (hee!).


So yeah. :)

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I play swtor for the story, to be honest i don't care the slightise bit about PVP and warzones, i do play warzones only to get credits, experience points and commendations and I did save the commendations to buy vanquisher armour which i think looks great.


Having a romance with a character adds more to the story, I am a level 41 Jedi Guardian on light side with vanquisher armour and having a romance with Kira Carsen makes the story better, in the films there was always romance, there was Aniken and Padme and then Han Solo and Leia and also in Kotor 1 there was Revan and Bastila so romance has always been a part of Star Wars. I have had choices to flirt with NPCs like the twi'lek on Typhon for example but i thought nah i didn't want to do that to Kira.


"hmmm jedi who cheats, a path to the dark side it is"

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My BH totally wants to romance the crap out of Gault, even though she's in an RP relationship. Simply because she and Gault would have the best back-and-forth. They're both exceedingly mouthy. Edited by tehjai
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My BH totally wants to romance the crap out of Gault, even though she's in an RP relationship. Simply because she and Gault would have the best back-and-forth. They're both exceedingly mouthy.


Gault's pretty damn funny, it's true. I laughed my butt off when he joined me as a companion. I totally didn't see it coming. :)


And one of his "I'm wounded" lines is awesome, too.


"I need a medic! Or a drink! Make it both!"

Edited by LyriaFrost
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There's like one for males: Ashara Zavros, the Jedi Padawan that you cannot corrupt or change in any way, honestly feels kind of hollow to me, I would have preferred Vette, a former slave and -not to mention- a fellow Twi'lek, who also makes me laugh, Mako is pretty cute, I could see myself romancing her, and Nadia Grell (from what I've seen) is kind of cute. However, these characters are restricted to classes I'd rather not play.


Let me start by saying I have NO problem with the Sith Warrior as a class, the Rage system is amazing, I don't usually feel starved, my armor is pretty good, and the class is very survivable, Force Charge has the perfect cooldown, low enough to be useful but long enough to be balanced, but I like the Inquisitor story better. Jedi Consular just isn't my thing, I do like helping others, but the Jedi Code forbids romance, even if I am not ICly forced to uphold it, the very Jedi philosophy makes me question how to play the class, and I overall dislike the Republic, I haven't even reached Corusant. Bounty Hunter doesn't have the Force, and really, take away all his guns (even if it's never going to happen) and he's just another weaponless sod. I like having the Force ICly, I don't know why, I just like the prospect of "I don't need a weapon to kill you."


As Lexster said, it cuts off very quickly when it gets to the scene, I found it far more enjoyable emotionally pulling off a Mass Effect 2, when both characters begin making such movements and actually move toward the bed, also playing appropriate music, but don't actually strip and have sex, that was far better then... what Bioware did... Honestly, I was wicked happy when I saw this was a Mature game in the beta, though I am not officially 18 years of age, I am close. Still, when they dumbed it down to a thirteen plus game I was severely disappointed, even if I could play it, it wouldn't have anywhere near the same emotional level as Bioware is known for, simply to appeal to a larger crowd.



Meira something about unsolved tensions with Zash, I'm surprised to hear this, but not by much, Bioware could have pulled it off, if Zash didn't try stealing your body and permanently suppressing your soul, and wasn't wicked old.


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------ Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


No. I don't bother with them, and I wish I had more story options. I think most of the story line is pretty lame. That is why I spacebar through most of the story, because it is poorly written. Whenever I watch the scenes - it makes me want to leave the game and read a good book. BioWare needs to put their money where it matters - in the script not just graphics.

Ok, so if you are hitting spacebar all the way through how can you consider your critique of the game's storyline lame? How many stories have you played completely to 50? Have you bothered with any bonus missions on planets? Flashpoints? Or are you so worried about hitting zomgwtfbbqsauce 50 so fast that you decide to cry foul when the story isn't l337 enough for you?


------ Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


It is not that I am avoiding romance options. Why would I want to romance with some pre-set responses written by who knows who? I think these options were obviously put in the game, because BioWare knows that it will attract people that can't find that affection anywhere else. Sadly, people need to realize that they could find affection elsewhere if they would develop some character and get some sun. There is also the other set of individuals that like the romance options, because their entire life revolves around sexuality. Unlike those weirdo's - my life does not revolve around that.


So basically the rest of us are weird, socially challenged albinos? You obviously have some deeper issues here to lash out like that...as you say, its just a game!


I get embarassed when I look at the SWTOR community and how they are embracing this. It makes we wonder - hmmm should I even consider playing this game? I think there are many like me - true gamers, who have been rping since the text based games, and yes we know what a true MMO is really all about:


Crazy PVP Scenarios and Good Storylines


I've been rping since 1997...text based in Yahoo...back when you had to write out your duels and your grammar won your battles. So I don't know what you were trying to say with this. Am I not a true gamer because I am not looking for "crazy pvp"? If you don't like the product your free 30 days should be up soon.


Sadly I am totally unsatisfied with the weak 3 PVP scenarios and lame WarZone areas (with almost no missions by the way) for levels 1-49.


And the discussion about same-sex relationships with your companions? C'mon this is a game. With all of the things that need to be improved to include a horribly poor script people are more concerned with how they can't fulfill their perverted fantasies in the game? Not a suprise. I recommend BioWare putting some real efforts somewhere else. How long has this game been developed before it came out? Nearly a decade? I hardly believe it, because I've watched cartoons that have a better plot than this. So much for trying to entertain adults - except those that think they're adults, because they can watch adult movies. There is a big difference...


Again, you strike me as the pew pew pew player who only cares about getting to the end game fast and quick, and sit there and complain about lack of content. I can't comment on PVP cause I haven't done much, too busy rping and PLAYING THE GAME. Same-sex relationships shouldn't even be talked about on this thread so if its an issue to your values, go comment on that thread the mod put up.


I felt I needed to address this poster b/c I am quite frankly tired of the trolls who can sit there and complain about a game left and right and have absolutely no middle ground at all. If the "script" is so horrible, then by all means present us with an alternative...Lets see you re-write the Prologue for the Jedi Knight on Tython...or whatever class you play...now with all that said...back to the topic.


Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


Yes, as I've gotten my Sith Juggernaut up in level, so has the affection for both Vette and Jaessa. I'm leaning towards Jae more as there is something about her darkness that peaks my interest in her more then the cutey pie that is Vette. We'll see...


Did you avoid the romance options? Why?

Haven't avoided any...lol


Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


During beta I really liked Zash...sadly I haven't gotten past lvl 23 with a Sorc so I am not sure what happens storywise...something to look forward to.

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Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


During beta I really liked Zash...sadly I haven't gotten past lvl 23 with a Sorc so I am not sure what happens storywise...something to look forward to.


Uh, just a small piece of advice here, having played through the SI story myself. Without saying anything spoilerish, you might want to reconsider that, just saying. :p

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I started with a female Consular, in part because I knew the same-gender romance stuff wouldn't be in at launch and Jedi play well as, as you said, willingly abstinent. She's not exactly opposed to affection, she just feels more familial toward her companions, which was a bit of a surprise. I thought she'd be more aloof, but Qyzen brought out a lot of protective and primal emotion in her - the philosophy of the hunt appealed to her.


So, funny as that sounds, I can sort of see a Qyzen romance. It would likely be a cerebral relationship, perhaps even without a sexual component at all, but certainly their bond is the strongest among that particular crew for me. But that aside, deflecting romantic attention was easy for her and I felt good about everything.


Then I began an alt.


I think I knew from the first moment that I was lost. My smuggler dude was always meant to be gay - no question - but I figured I could just level up, see the story, and wait for word on the promised SGR companions. Then, about twenty seconds in, my gay smuggler met Corso Riggs. I may have facepalmed. So, unhappily in love snarky smuggler dude with a heart of gold. Playing him the way I want to play him is so much work, avoiding unwanted sex is really difficult on a male smuggler. Still, I love that dude, and I want him to be happy. I think the smuggler story is fun and everything I wanted from my space privateer. But having that companion romance just out of reach, I won't lie, it bothers me and affects my game.


So to relax from all that woe, I play a straight Jedi Knight who wants to get with ALL THE GIRLS. It's glorious and fun and when I play him I can almost forget that I want that same feeling on my much further progressed smuggler. Hell, I'd re-roll the smuggler today if I could only have Corso. That type of buddy romance with a good guy and a snarker is like narrative catnip to me.


(Then I tried a Trooper and realized that, no, I could not do the whole unhappily in love thing again, so he's benched for now. My literary masochism only extends so far. Bioware only gets to break my heart once a year, isn't that right Alistair, Ashley and Aveline?)

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I have not played any of the romantic content in game.


For my Jedi, it is not really in their character. They genuinely do sublimate those urges into compassion and service. This is simply who and how they are, and I play them accordingly.


My Bounty Hunter has deeply seated antisocial issues and is probably a psychopath. I am not interested in playing the varieties of "romance" he'd be interested in pursuing.


My Sith I do not know very well, yet. But my general sense of her is that unless it offered a clear benefit to her in terms of greater power in the Force and in Sith politics, she would consider it a wasted effort.


That brings me to my Smuggler, who would be happy to have a romance or even the occasional casual no-strings fling. However, my sense is that he swings exclusively on his own side of the tree, so no in-game flirts or romances are available.


I like to explore game content, and am curious about the romantic options. Until some that more appealing to me make it into the game, however, I don't feel that this aspect of play would be particularly worthwhile.

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

My first character is an Imperial Agent, whose only option for romance is Vector Hyllus. Luckily, I ended up having quite a soft spot for him so I went with it. I actually think that adding the extra layer of story there made me more attached to my Agent, and a lot more interested in seeing through the class story to the end. My second character, a Marauder, is going after Malavai Quinn. He's so awkward and it just makes it more amusing to take him out to level/quest. All in all I think I will strive for a romance with each character I make, just because it adds a little something extra and is generally fun to watch.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

IA storyline-

I think Hunter would be a really epic romance considering all that happens during the story. It probably would have been a lot of work to put in, though.


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That aside, I'm expressing my curiosity on various aspects of the romance options, and how some players reacted to them.


-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


I'll be blunt: my Marauder is gay. There is no question in my mind. He is 100% interested in men. I never intended to make a big deal out of the fact, so the lack of a [flirt] option with the various male NPCs of the worlds didn't bother me much. I also never intended to have him romance any of his companions. My boyfriend and I created our Sith--his a Dark Side Sorcerer--with the intent of pairing the characters themselves together. We're RPers at heart. We RP, as RPers tend to do. We wove our own story within the constraints of the game and we had a wonderful time doing so.


If I was going to romance any companion, it'd likely be Quinn. I even teased at the notion by giving him a few courting gifts--which, amusingly enough, he rather liked. And if my Marauder was remotely interested in women? I'm not sure. He'd view a relationship with Jaesa as incredibly unprofessional, and he views Vette as his little sister.


When I created my Shadow I had no clear goal in mind. I just wanted to see what the Republic side of things was like, and I have a weakness for double-bladed lightsabers. I pegged my character as--not so much asexual, as willingly abstinent, as most Jedi seem to be. I still haven't given any clear thought as to his sexuality. Pansexual, I suppose?


Regardless, I didn't plan to romance any companions with my Shadow for the obvious reason of: he is a Jedi, he doesn't want to feel that level of attachment to anyone.


But--and I'll get a lot of flak for this--if I had the option, I'd romance Qyzen Fess. Yes. The trandoshan.


It makes sense to me. He's the first companion I got, he seems quite protective of his "Herald", and occasionally seems to lift him to a point of hero worship (which my Shadow tried rather insistently to downplay, to no avail--now he just kind of rolls with it). Since the romance option isn't there--and wouldn't be there regardless of my Shadow's gender--I just shrug my shoulders and pretend. A lot like with Quinn, depending on how you treat your companion, the dialogue seems to lend itself well to interpretation. You can see a budding relationship, or not. I don't need set-in-stone canon validation to derive satisfaction from a potential story.




Share you romance stories, wants, or lack thereof.


I completely understand- and agree. I currently have Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Smuggler characters- all Light Side - and I RP them all hardcore, with more emphasis on my Knight and Warrior. For my Knight, (all my characters are female, though I am seriously considering rolling a male Consular and Trooper eventually) I was sorely tempted for her to romance Doc... but I want her to remain true to the Code.


And even though I'm a bit torn about it, I'm happy that a game can cause me to weigh a situation so thoroughly. In the end, she isn't going to romance him, one of the many choices of sacrificing something dear to her for staying true to her duty and loyalty to the Order.


When I imagine my Knight (I am contemplating writing a novelization of the game for fun with my RP characters as the main characters- of course) I picture her not strictly gay, bi, or straight. Like, she rarely shows romantic attraction to anyone to the point some people wonder if she's asexual.


Even with Doc, she isn't flirting or coming onto him. More like she seems him as not just an acquaintance or close friend like she would others-Doc holds a special place in her heart.


He's becoming more than a brother and more than a friend, but nothing sexual. He flirts with her (its in his nature) but both she and (and he) knows its platonic and that the bond developing between them is so much more.


... Huh. I guess she might be asexual. :confused:


Now, with my Sith Warrior, its a bit difficult as well. Because when I RP her, she's this Light Sided Warrior who initially frees Vette from her collar because its the right thing to do. And she keeps Vette with her because she's a good companion, willing to jump in the fight and help. In my mind, I see my Warrior starting to find herself attracted to Vette, because of her resillient, go-get-'em nature and it compliments her more reserved, cautious and meticulous one.


Of course, Vette is undeniably beautiful as well, which my Warrior certainly isn't blind to.


(One thing I really liked was when I clicked on Vette once while we were travelling, and she says, "What? Are you afraid I'll leave you?" And it made me smile. I imagine my Warrior responding, "I certainly hope not." :p)


Unfortunately, as much as I try to imagine some kind of UST between them, I can only see my Warrior's unrequited attraction remaining just that- for Vette (as it seems in the game) will only come to see her as a good friend or, at most, a sister.


But, like you mentioned, I don't need a canon validation to make it seem real. I guess it just makes it all the more fun, in a bittersweet kind of way, that my Warrior treats Vette with kindness and respect while secretly harboring feeling for the Twi'lek, only for Vette to remain completely oblivious and see my Warrior as just a good friend and nothing more.

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

I'm a sucker for the romances, so I most certainly tried a few out.

Urtel was my Inquisitor's first choice but... well, things happened. She eventually fell for Andronikos. She enjoys his relaxed attitude, gruff voice and his ability to surprise with little romantic things like the gift and the letters. It did help a great deal that his personality fitted in perfectly with hers.

My Warrior will aim for Malavai, she enjoys pushing his buttons with the flirting and is looking forward to seeing him snap and push back.

My Smuggler and Corso are getting on like a house on fire, though it doesn't stop her from straying, she knows he's there for her no matter what.

My Imperial Agent has eyes for Vector but I haven't gotten far with her yet.



-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?

My Knight avoided Doc like the plague, she found him irritating and his attempts at seduction made her want to punch out his teeth. She's a fallen Jedi and immediately liked Lord Scourge, so she's holding out.

A similar story with my fallen Consular, Tharan stole her heart and for various reasons I won't go into due to spoilers, she refuses to persue anyone else.

My Bounty Hunter is waiting for a sweet girl to light up her life.



-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

Lord Praven and Lord Scourge... I have a big thing for Purebloods.

I also wish Tharan's romance could go further without being blocked by certain things but I'll just keep waiting.

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...did you bother with romance options?

Not very much, frankly. I did a few flirts to see what happened, with a few NPCs; very hit-and-miss, and just a fade-to-black-after the companions excuse themselves (which was amusing at least). No apparent repurcussions,

though Beryl and Risha had a nice verbal catfight today over my smuggler

no lasting interest. Trying to romance a compaion isn't worth the trouble as I see it - plus, I chose the wrong sex it seems: my male smuggler only got a female companion late in 'life' and my female agent's only appraent option is a bug-head, bleah. Meanwhile, my wife's female smuggler is having several amusing moments with Corso

one convo where an NPC suggested a candlelit dinner, had Corso butting in with 'no candes! She's...um, allergic to candles!'



...did you avoid the romance options?

I didn't avoid them; but I'm not going out of my way to romance anyone, either.


...did you wish you could romance anyone? Why?

Not really. I guess it's just not an area of interest to me - it's not compelling enough, I'd rather concentrate on heroism/villainy than romance. And when it comes to same-sex, I'm afraid I fall into the 'don't care, don't want' category.


I look to the Star Wars films for my standard of romance when playing a Star Wars game: it's there, it's occasionally interesting, amusing, or (rarely) plot-important, but it's not supposed to be much about romance or dating or flirting, whatever. Personally, I don't really care if they ever do anything more with this in any way; there are too many other things I'd rather they spend their time on (space combat (which I like but could be more), interface options, cosmetic changes to gear, etc., etc.).

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I haven't gone out of my way to pursue or avoid companion romance, but have ended up in a romance with both of my toons anyway. Bounty Hunter and Trooper, both male, both of my medics are female (medics really fit my gamestyle), both gain easy affection through the decisions and dialogue choices I make naturally....it was pretty much unavoidable. Which I'm fine with that. Romance has always been a part of Star Wars so why not? Edited by Jmannseelo
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Actually, if Praven or even Scourge had been an option, I would have seriously considered them on my JK because they're interesting guys (had an amusing final conversation with Scourge involving my Jedi's future children too, heh).


However, I was pretty much smitten with Doc from the start on my Sentinel and did the full romance with him. As I described Doc in another thread, I pretty much consider him Han Solo with a medical degree. Sure, you might think that all there is to the relationship is the physical thing with the initial flirting and whatnot, but he mans up if you stick with the romance. I find Doc charming, handsome & funny.


On my Smuggler, I'm romancing Corso. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't quite do it for me like Doc does. He's so...earnest - it's kind of cute, but I prefer the slightly roguish type, as in Han Solo as opposed to Andronikos. Speaking of Andro, my SI is sort of romancing him I suppose. I don't know what relationship we have as yet since I guess I'm around 1300-1800 affection with him. That and my SI had a fling with this semi-attractive Sith guy on Alderaan, which Andronikos seemed to kind of be okay with.

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Sort of went with the flow on my female-Sith pureblood Sith-Inquisitor and romanced/married Andronikos Revel, and I rather enjoyed it, due to my high affection gains the cutscenes sorta got clumped togeather, so it all went down too fast for me..so right now I just hope for more content.. ;) I dig his blunt honesty ["I'd like to blast his eyes out of his sockets!], + if he with one line can make a darkside Sith wince with surprise/fear..he's the perfect man, haha.





Edited by gaskull
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I always do romances thats what i do in Bioware games. I even played a male in Mass effect and did romance.



I guess i forgot i have only played SI and IA til 50 but i did both romances and I like SI better cause he was so blunt and I don't know i just liked it.


totally light side

Edited by Kaylahn
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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

(-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?)


So far I've done all the romance options with my female characters. I'm a fan of the romance arcs. I find they add a bit more depth to my characters personal stories. So it's a little bit of a driving force (for me) to get through the class stories and see how the companion relationships work out. I've not been disappointed in them yet.


It also adds a feeling of my characters not being alone and isolated in their journeys. They have someone to return to at the end of the day/someone to fight the battle by their side. Sure the companion friendships are great, but the romances just add something extra to it.


The only character that I've rolled that hasn't pursued a romance option (or chosen any flirt options) is my Shadow. So far my Shadow seems to take the Code too seriously to ever consider a romantic relationship/encounter.

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


On smuggler, yes, with Corso. I have enjoyed romance storylines in Bioware games and wanted to see how it went. However, I now kind of wish I hadn't, and am deliberately stalling/not taking further conversations with him as I don't want to commit - he's a bit too sexist for me. (Also see below...) He's nearly maxed out and waiting to say 'I love you' now on the bridge, but he's been waiting awhile. :jawa_tongue:


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


On my JK I haven't met Doc yet, but not planning to take the romance arc as I'm playing her pretty strictly light side Jedi - her work is her life. (Also the droid is too cute not to have around!)


Not sure on the trooper as I've only just started with her, and Jorgen seems like kind of a...well, anyway.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


Numen Brock on Balmorra. He has fantastic flirts, he's a fellow Twi'lek (like my smuggler), he's a decent and good-looking guy. The 'spend the night' option is there, I know, but I didn't take it because there isn't a chance for anything more that I know of, unfortunately. I'm trying to pretend that Numen is actually the guy I met on Ord Mantell and Corso is the Balmorran resistance fighter, but Corso's lekku are sadly lacking. :t_wink:

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


I'm completely apathetic when it comes to 'romance' in SWTOR. I've never chosen a romance option on any of my three characters (Agent, Trooper, Warrior).



-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


Well, my Imperial agent is very humanocentric, so it'd be an abomination to engage in a romantic relationship with someone like Kaliyo, who is a Rattataki. Besides, she isn't even attractive.



-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?



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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Still working on mako at this time but I hope to get her soon.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why? with Kaylio on my agent i did she at first got me interested but I heard she betrays you so I left her be.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable? I would have loved to have all of the mako (clones ?) I am still working on my BH so I am not sure the full details of mako's sisters but to have them all as my ladies would have been swell.

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?

-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?

Romance is one of the main selling points of games to me. Aside from strategy games like Civ, I think I've only bought romance-enabled games (Sims + RPGs) for the last 5 years or so. So it should be no surprise that I try to get maximum mileage out of the romance options in this game as well. I generally pick every single romantic dialogue option I can unless the opposite side is really unappealing.


Also, my character generation is largely romance based. I select class and gender based on who I want to romance, rather than the other way around which I suspect is more common. So when I wanted to romance Vette, I had to create a male Sith Warrior for it even though I wasn't so wild about playing Imperial in general. Similarly, I wanted to romance Kaliyo, so I was forced to create a male Agent even though I really had no interest in the class.


My biggest gripe at the moment is the lack of same-gender options, because I'm one of those guys who prefers to play female characters. If I created my preferred gender of character, then I would be locked out of romancing the NPCs that I the player find aesthetically appealing. It's a fairly major issue for me and one that will probably be the #1 reason for cancelling subscription when I do, since I'm pretty satisfied with the rest of the game.


Aside from not being able to romance same-gender companions, I also wish that non-companions like Darth Lachriss could become recurring romantic interests rather than just one-time flings. But I understand that expanding the game in that direction would require work so I can be patient about that and give them a year or two to see if that'll happen.

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-Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?


My Vanguard is all over Aric Jorgan. I love his tough-as-nails attitude, and sure he can be an arse at first, but if he likes you, he mellows out a bit, and becomes really sweet if you romance him, but not to the point of completely losing his hard edge, which I absolutely love. I also get Garrus vibes from Aric's romance arc as well, and that makes me smile.


My Operative is on the fence when it comes to Vector Hyllus. I find him intriguing, but I'm not sure if I'll go for him or not.


My Gunslinger is sorely tempted by Corso, but she's holding out for Akaavi.


-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?


As my lightsided Sentinel, hell yes, I avoided Doc like the plague because of how much I'm disgusted by his attitude, but I've said my piece on this over at the Jedi Knight forum. I don't find Doc handsome, funny, or charming, and he definitely does not give me a Han Solo vibe at all. He seriously creeps me out, and my Sentinel felt threatened by him to the point where she responded to him with hostility every time he hit on her. I seriously wish there'd been an option to give him a good ol' German Suplex or at least a backhand to the face. In fact, my Sentinel holds a permanent grudge against Warren Seeru for making her accept Doc as a member of her crew even after she protested against it.


-Did you wish you could romance somebody (any NPC or companion) but were unable?


Yet another player disappointed that Lord Praven isn't a romance option, here. I'm also deeply disappointed that Lord Scourge isn't an alternate romance option because I'm absolutely intrigued by his personality and backstory, and I admit that I harbor a deep weakness for pure-blooded Sith men, so either of them opening up as a romance in the future would be very nice. In my head, my Sentinel is torn between Praven and Scourge, so she hasn't told either of them how she feels because she's too busy trying to sort it out on her own.

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