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PvP versatility spec


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I am just theorizing. Only level 33 on my first character. I was so annoyed when I got into PvP and blade storm doesn't stun, and only cc is force stasis which has to be channeled.


It's got good CC. Stasis is no longer a channel so can keep beating/fighting. Hilt strike. Stun from added to force leap.


Unremitting to avoid snares after leap. Resolute CD cut in half.


Blade barrier for some defense.


45% damage increase on sweep. Plus quicker cool down on force push so can use more leaps.


Feel free to be honest. Won't hurt my feelings.

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I am just theorizing. Only level 33 on my first character. I was so annoyed when I got into PvP and blade storm doesn't stun, and only cc is force stasis which has to be channeled.


It's got good CC. Stasis is no longer a channel so can keep beating/fighting. Hilt strike. Stun from added to force leap.


Unremitting to avoid snares after leap. Resolute CD cut in half.


Blade barrier for some defense.


45% damage increase on sweep. Plus quicker cool down on force push so can use more leaps.


Feel free to be honest. Won't hurt my feelings.


Honestly hybrid specs for guardians in pvp are all pure garbage, pretty much not taking a 31 point talent as guardian, severely gimps your dps or burst in all three of your specs.

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I think in a way actually helps. Guardian slash does 1500-1800 dmg. But with the stuns I could substitute that with Pommel Strike which has to be uses on an incapacitated target and hits for 2300-2800 Edited by Flyguybc
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Seriously!? :eek:


They should seriously label which skills actually work in PvP.


Post fail :(


I just want a build that has a stun.... Cry


I still think that 1500-1800 from guardian slash could be made up somewhere else though, but again....I'm new.

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Just my 2 cents. I honestly don't like this spec. The first person to respond went as far as to say that all hybrid specs are garbage. I don't personally think that's true but I guess from a certain point of view it is. Putting 31 points into any given skill tree with a guardian to get the top tier ability will ALWAYS make you better than any hybrid class every will. I know this from personal experience. I toyed around with a bunch of different builds in order to find something that worked better for me in PvP but then I found out that it wasn't my spec but it was just me actually. So I just learned to play better! :D


As far as why I don't like the spec, I don't like that it's a hybrid. From personal experience the top level guardian abilities are all worth it. More so than anything in the lower levels of other skill trees. Also, there are a couple of abilities that you picked that I really don't like for a lot of reasons.


Courage - Is useless in PvP. The odds of defending, parrying or shielding an attack in pvp are slim and none. You'll get murdered waiting for the 50% chance that this ability may proc on a 0% chance that you'll defend an attack. These 2 points are better spent literally ANYWHERE else in any skill tree.


Defiance - You put 4 points in Defiance and I don't like that one bit. I only put 1 point in defiance because I'm vigilance spec'ed and I needed it there to get to the next level. I guess in Soresu form it makes sense because it's harder to generate focus but honestly more than 1 point in this ability is a waste.


Accuracy - I guarantee you that 1% accracy isn't going to make a hill of beans of difference in game. Spend that point elsewhere.


Hilt Strike - There was actually a misunderstanding about this ability. There are 2 different abilities. Pommel strike is the PvE ability that hits like a truck but doesn't work on enemy players. Hilt Strike is the AWESOME 4 second stun that I desperately wish I still had. Force Leap your target, Sundering Strike, Hilt Strike and then guradian slash. You'll do a decent amount of damage but what's better is that your team mates SHOULD murder whoever you're targetting because the target is stunned and they'll have 20% reduced armor. But then you have to go all the way up the defense tree for that.




If you're going to be primarily defense spec'ed then this is what I recommend. Enure lasts 5 seconds longer, you generate 2 times as much focus from taking damage and you have guardian slash which is pretty much enough said.

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Thx for the input. I really didn't necessarily want to have thoe skills you mentioned. But needed to fill in something to get to the higher trees. I've played around with it and found some other combinations, but I've gotten a lot of feedback that like u said Nya irds aren't the best. So probably will go vig. I will really be sad not to have instant stasis and hilt strike :(
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I like this to keep peels on heals and keep them alive. When you get better with switching guard you can prevent hard switches to dps. All about keeping people alive and either locking down healers when your healer is ok, or peeling off dpc on your healer. Make sure to leap as soon as its up to get unremmiting and use blade storm as much to gaind bonus dmg mit

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You can move around a few of the points around to your taste.


The vigilance build is pretty much a tanking build that you can use instead of a full defense build. It works, but you need to make sure you use guardian leap almost on CD with it. You lose a little utility no 4 second stun, no reduced CD on challenge and the channel free stasis. You dont really lose any DPS or survivability though and you gain some things.


The real build though is the focus build. They are all pretty standard and this one isnt special, but its built to use Soresu w/focus which is the point. Tank classes are able to put out huge damage and still get the same protection with guard and taunts, the only thing you lose is survivability. So unless you are running with a group that has such good DPS that any more would be a waste(could never happen) this is the way to go.


If you solo queue and just want a build that has high survivability and lots of CC, because you hate getting killed, then a deep Defense might be for you. If you play with a group or just want to be more useful you should play something like one of these two build. The latter is probably the way to go, although the Vig/Def build is the best build in the game for huttball.

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Yeah only climb to the top of defense if you really care about some damage. I do not and rather play to keep people alive. thanks for the feedback btw


The best way I have found in keeping people alive is to instant gib the enemies attacking my allies, and guardians are very well suited for that purpose since our taunts are off global cooldown along with having some of the best burst. This means you can actively defend AND attack at the same time.


The best defense is a good offense.


There are 2 types of players.


1. The player that makes things happen.


2. The player that reacts to what's happening.


Player type 1. will always have an advantage over player type 2.

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