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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Way too many bugs that make the game unenjoyable. PVP unbalance. HMs are a joke. OPs are a joke. If you wipe on the last boss and the boss dies you can't get back in to the instance. BW has failed big time. They created something that is more along the lines of a single player RPG than a MMO. This game won't have legs to stand on for much longer.

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I give it a yes for now. I 'd like to see the direction the game goes as it continues.


For my answer to continue to be yes I need a few things to happen:


1. Alternate levelling planets. I love having a few different characters levelled but having to do Balmorra and Taris again... the thought makes me slightly ill.


2. Better LFG tool. I use the one in game currently, but generally it devolves into spamming general chat for a tank.


3. Fix PvP somehow. I don't like PvP nearly as much as PvE but it is a nice break. However, after running Huttball 8 times in a row without having ever once seen another WZ it turned me off. I'm sure if I did it more I'd see the others, but I'm still not willing to sit thru huttball ten times to see another one once.


4. Did I mention more planets?


5. I enjoy healing, and I'd like to see a mouseover macro... however this is a minor issue compared to the others.


6. Make Ilum interesting.


Overall, I love this game.... seeing some of these changes or comparable changes come about wouild ensure I'm still here in a year. :p

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No and I just unsubbed too.


The game has many flaws, the biggest one imo is that the level design is just BAD. Planets are just long corridors and dont feel open ended at all. Grinding is still there - you still have to kill a large quantity of mobs to get to your objective. And please, when they said something like "Its like KOTOR 3,4,5,6...!" what a load of bs... Jedi Consular story, for example, is terrible. If thats KOTOR3 then the franchise is doomed.



PvP needs an overhaul and its sad that the Imps still have advantages like their turret firing first in Civil War. Oh, and Bounty Hunters/Troopers destroy everything at the present state. My dps shadow cant live 5 seconds against them and sorcerers.


So yeah, BioWare needs to fix things asap. Theyre sleeping now cause there are no new competitors. But when Guild Wars 2 launches and Blizz announces their new MMO they will need to wake up fast. Just the Star Wars name wont be able to carry this MMO.

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I have played MMOs for many, many years and SWTOR has been the first to grab my full attention in a long time.


I played RIFT prior and I enjoyed it but it did not fully engage me as does TOR.


Just to let you know a MMO vet can enjoy TOR I have played MMO since Meridian 59 and the original EQ. I was in the WOW beta and played also played DAOC, Asheron's call, Shadow bane, you name it.


I play TOR for what it is and not for what it is not. I don't try to compare it to other games and do the "what is missing" thing. I can't think of anything Bioware committed to that was actually missing.

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Here is a list of the things this game needs to be good for me:


-deeper rotations in pve and pvp, the gameplay is too shallow and simplistic, MMO are about gameplay first and foremost, so step it up Bioware players can handle more than 2 buttons.


-more complex instances and boss: tank & spank was already rubbish 6 years ago, let alone in 2012.


-more open worlds: this is a MMO, the world needs to be open, stop instancing and dividing everything, make planets a whole world, not a set of small maps patched together.


-remove delay on abilities: Bioware still has no clue what people have been complaining about, they keep putting "fixed delay on abilities" in each patchnote when they have no idea what they're talking about. You have to wait for the animation of an ability to finish before doing something else even after your GCD is finished, unacceptable.


-lower the GCD to 1 second instead of 1.5 seconds, the combat feels too slow and boring currently as a result of having to wait too long between actions.

Edited by Demorase
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Pvp - No

Pve - I'm on the edge of the fence looking to jump off to no.


If they corrected a lot of the bugs with pve I could say yes and forget about pvp. It seems that 30% of the op encounters are based on beating bugs, not fight mechanics. Hardmodes are still a joke. The 4man flashpoints are more difficult then the 8 man ops. (We cleared both hm's in our first night, hardest part was fighting the bugs)


My reason for no on pvp is there is still the delay between mirror classes. I have a sage and my project still does not do dmg until the stupid droid or rock hits the target. Imps Sorc still get the instant dmg. Ilum needs a lot of work, a lot of work. I think the balance will get there in time. I have faith they will balance the classes. But the ilum crap and the mirror crap, why they haven't even fixed the mirror crap is way beyond me. They admit to it being different but no fix. This is disturbing.

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All I wanted was a sci-fi mmo to enjoy.


As of now, the levelling is all the fun - despite all the quest/world/cutscene/younameit bugs - but that grows old fast. I am levelling my second character while my 50 is unplayable, and it's already becoming a bore.


But hey, why pay for this crap when Star-Trek Online just got Free to Play?! mmmno, cannot see any reason. Any reason at all.

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Here is a list of the things this game needs to be good for me:



-more open worlds: this is a MMO, the world needs to be open, stop instancing and dividing everything, make planets a whole world, not a set of small maps patched together..


Post-Nar, everything is pretty much open. Tat, Ald, Taris, Quesh...

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I give this one a very big HELL no! FPS is horrible, way to many bugs, game is COMPLETELY unplayable, and I can not BELIEVE they chose the Hero Engine. I bought a 60 day game card once I bought it and I uninstalled the game, and now my 100 dollars is going to waste. Technically I am a active subscriber but will not be soon, so getting my money's worth on the forums. Horrible game, has potential though if they fix the fps problem they "claim" not to have.
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In it's CURRENT state.


No, There are many issues that need to be ironed out before the game can even begin to "settle" in. Right now it is still teetering on that line of being accepted into the MMO field or getting trashed on by it's playerbase until it ultimately becomes a "failed" project. Despite what 1.7 million subscribers MIGHT be telling you.


This is all my not so humble opinion of course...


The state of PvP, not taking into account things like Warzones not counting, or some imbalances is very lackluster. Illum the only source of open PvP in use is so lackluster. It's an eye-soar to be there and its laggy as ****.


To be honest the entire game overall performs badly. You can run into FPS issues in the simplest places, being that the game is so heavy instanced and capping out players I was under the beliefe that they did those things so the game actually did perform at a high rate. It doesnt seem to be having much effect sometimes.


As stated by the now disinfranchised "Sacredheals" doing something like moving and opening your inventory can give you hiccups. **** movnig and doing anything will give you hiccups.


Rift a title that has better graphics, more textures, less instancing, and High-texture settings runs better than SWTOR on the lowest or low settings..


Ugh.. Plain and simple, no reason the game needs to run this badly. To even try and think that something like this should be acceptable in a so called "AAA" title is Maddness and a Deception in an attempt to leave people in Darkness

Edited by Opapanax
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Yes.... BUT


If I were to say NO it would be that at level 50, my best crafted gear is not as good as some of Daily rewards. What's the point in crafting and spending the credits on missions to finally make a purple that is not as good!?!?!?!?


In one of these MMO's one day crafting will actually mean something (can't wait)!!!

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Post-Nar, everything is pretty much open. Tat, Ald, Taris, Quesh...


No it's not. It still feels like maps patched together, at no point in the game you feel "oh man I can go anywhere I want in this huge world" more like "hmm this map is bigger than the other ones, but I still can tell it's not open".

Edited by Demorase
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In it's CURRENT state.


No, There are many issues that need to be ironed out before they game can even begin to settle in. Right now it is still teetering on that line of being accepted into the MMO field or getting trashed on by it's playerbase until it ultimately becomes a "failed" project..



..? Its playerbase is a world-record for launch. Its 1.7 million subscribers. Its nowhere near the edge of failing.



Have any of you guys witnessed other MMO's launches? This was the smoothest I have ever seen.


But I agree its time to start and BW is. Were getting weekly patches daily.

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..? Its playerbase is a world-record for launch. Its 1.7 million subscribers. Its nowhere near the edge of failing.



Have any of you guys witnessed other MMO's launches? This was the smoothest I have ever seen.


But I agree its time to start and BW is. Were getting weekly patches daily.


I believe the rules were just a simple yes or no. Everyone get's their say, quit trolling.

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Yes, I enjoy the game in its current form. It is, simply, fun.


I would like to see the existing features refined, and more cool stuff added in the future.


However, as it stands, this is the first MMORPG in a long time to really get my interest because it has all the fun and exciting features of a true RPG that other games in the genre often neglect (the class stories mostly), paired with the addictive game play of an MMO (dailies, gearup's, pvp, dungeons and raids, advancement). It might not be perfect, but in time I think it has a solid enough base to grow into one of the largest and most successful games around.

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Im getting not to like anything to do with the game now (i have reasons), definately unsubbing if it aint in better shape by end of March.


60 quid what a mug i was again.


Why March you ask ..... i was a big mug adding a timecard.

Edited by Urko
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But I agree its time to start and BW is. Were getting weekly patches daily.


Why are we getting weekly patches daily? Also I wouldnt consider a patch fixing (or partialy fixing an issue) and then having to fix it again in another patch a week or two later.

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Yes and no, has the chance to go do great things.

Yes to overall storyline (length+quality), group content (content its self), crafting (speed)

No to space, group content (finding other to do content), crafting (little to no player work)


All in all, I'd rather be playing SWG, but I knew that game by heart and it had been around for 8 years, not 1 month.

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..? Its playerbase is a world-record for launch. Its 1.7 million subscribers. Its nowhere near the edge of failing.



Have any of you guys witnessed other MMO's launches? This was the smoothest I have ever seen.


But I agree its time to start and BW is. Were getting weekly patches daily.


See the thing is it's not about the numbers RIGHT now. **** I'm unhappy with alot of things but yet I'm STILL subscribed. Only because it is so early in the games life.


I understand it takes time to work things out. I've done some programming I know game design. I live and breath this **** just like the *********** designers. So when they try and ACT like we don't know what we are complaining about and in that close and ceonsor those people bringing legitement issues to light is unfair..


Yea they have their EULA and I know I signed your TOS and it says this and that, but that does not give you the right to just put out garbage or outright DECIEVE the consumer you are providng a service to.


Some stuff people post about needs to be taken down because alot of stuff on the internet is just "derp" but when legitament concern is brought up its disheartening seeing them eliminated by the QRF team without being looked at with some consideration by Bioware.


They give you the BS response of sending in tickets. Yea, thats cool. I know if you guys tried to answer every question live you'd never get **** done. DUH! But reponses that never get answered or fed some auto-response doesnt really do anything for those who have genuine concerns.


I went off on a tangent and nothing in this post is directed towards the quoted above me. My apologizes

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