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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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no, already cancelled, hoping if enough ppl take a break from the game bw will get the idea


pvp is meh, ilum is really awful unless your on one of the few servers that can manage big fights, mine has had some medium fights but its so laggy its hard to enjoy, so good luck to the servers that have giant fights cause i dunno how you manage to do much more then spam aoe's and hope for the best


pve is sorta meh, some of its fun, ive had buggy experiences with op's, hard modes to me arent fun because its just a re-hash, the loot for a hm is mostly t1 and not great, the end loot is the only good reason to do the hard modes besides the daily and weekly


having to grind alts to feel like your having fun is not fun, it'll be worse when ppl get a bunch of 50's only for the legacy system to reveal new races taht you coulda had but its to late now.....better get to re-re-regrinding!


i loved this game in the beta weekends, warzones were fun, but once retail hit it became just a big pile of mess, i hope for the best and will be back but i really hope bw starts to fix the big issues and not the small issues no one asked for

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My litany of why I said NO:


1) PVP is broken especially if you are a melee class.

2) The faction imbalance is unbearable if you are on the republic side.

3) The voice overs are fun the first time ,but making you watch them for dailies is just stupid

4) The interface not being configurable is terrible.

5) The game economy is not there due crafted items being inferior.

6) Lack of community.

7) PVP having only 3 maps, all of which favor ranged players ( again it sucks to be melee )

8) Quests that have been broken for 2 months now and BW refuses to fix. Crazy Talk comes to mind right away.

9) Poke through on graphic meshes for 3D character destroys any immersion.

10) PVP armor for Jedi Knights that looks ridiculous. If my memory serves, I thought Jedi masters all wore robes , not deep sea diving helmets with horns.

11) well I could go on but what's the point ..... this game needs some serious work.

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Yes and no.

The story line and leveling as well as the flash points and ops are well executed. However, I do not find this game to be very alt friendly.


I am not bashing the game for a lack of content or trying to compare it to any other mmos, but the leveling process right now is very linear, and trying to skip over a planet or quest chain only leaves you very underleveled and in a bad position overall.


I don't expect a massive world with twenty or thirty zones like a mature mmo would, but maybe two zones that are of identical level, so one can at least pick the way they choose to level.


Pros: Heroic quests encourage grouping, deep, involving storyline and plot, unique storylines for each class.


Cons: Quests that are specific to a planet are universally shared among all classes of the same faction, very little option to where to quest.


Don't get me wrong, I had a blast leveling my first toon to 50, but I probably wont do it again for awhile, or I will probably roll on the opposite faction.


Edit: If they aren't going to put in more zones, more quests would certainly help. Look at any other mmo. Out of perhaps 80-120 quests that are found in any given zone, you only will have to do about 50-80 of them to be appropriate level to move on.


People who just want to level more alts will be able to skip the last 30 or so and move on, and those who have fun questing, or are just completionists (like me) will do all of the quests.


I am not saying to make the leveling process easier, but having to do EVERY SINGLE QUEST on the entire planet seems a bit contrived.

Edited by Baravelrus
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I enjoy it for the story. Thats about it.

And the ending of alot of the stories are really really bad... so that broke it all for me.


This game is a huge mess, thats what you get when you rush your release to get the Christmas deadline for extra initial sales instead of fixing your crap before putting it out for the public.


I wouldn't have mind waiting longer if it was even slightly better.

Edited by Slowmojo
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Quoted text displays almost my opinion on the game.

Furthermore, I do not like the talent trees, but I will elaborate on them another time.



My litany of why I said NO:


1) PVP is broken especially if you are a melee class.

2) The faction imbalance is unbearable if you are on the republic side.

3) The voice overs are fun the first time ,but making you watch them for dailies is just stupid

4) The interface not being configurable is terrible.

5) The game economy is not there due crafted items being inferior.

6) Lack of community.

7) PVP having only 3 maps, all of which favor ranged players ( again it sucks to be melee )

8) Quests that have been broken for 2 months now and BW refuses to fix. Crazy Talk comes to mind right away.

9) Poke through on graphic meshes for 3D character destroys any immersion.

10) PVP armor for Jedi Knights that looks ridiculous. If my memory serves, I thought Jedi masters all wore robes , not deep sea diving helmets with horns.

11) well I could go on but what's the point ..... this game needs some serious work.

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Game is heavily gear oriented which bothers me. Difference is huge. Will make it really hard for new players to get into as the game matures.


I enjoy the pvp. Resolve needs tweaking tho, i should never be chain stunned so that I'm immobile longer than 4 seconds.


Huttball gets too much hate. Interfaction is hilarious sometimes and its a melee oriented circus, as a light with no pull and no leap it can be frustrating, classes with pulls and leaps are well suited to it.


I love the dailies.


The Scoundrel story is effin epic and I loved it soooo freaking much.


Pulls need a cooldown, jeez, and disappear needs some tweaking. Dots should be cleansable.


I've never done a flashpoint and I do want to, lots more content to explore AFAIC.


i like the group sizes, raid sizes, and ease of grouping to quest. I like the Heroics.


I want some more Warzones, but no select-ability on them is a good idea.

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Already voted (yes) but I'd have to say the main negative is the overreaching and overreacting forum base that expect a launch MMO to be perfect and not expect patches to fix as well as cause bugs.


Or the player base that didn't expect a game company to push content live that causes migraines?


Yeah, that's totally imaginary on their part. BioWare certainly didn't do that despite protests from people on the Test Server.

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Or the player base that didn't expect a game company to push content live that causes migraines?


Yeah, that's totally imaginary on their part. BioWare certainly didn't do that despite protests from people on the Test Server.


This is exactly what I'm referring to. The game is in no means that bad.

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Enjoying the Solo PvE KOTOR type quests... but game is missing the mark on several fronts:


Below current Industry standard on:

1) Bugs

-Bugs happen. Bugs that are preventing storyline advancement (the meat of your game) should not be lasting this far into release. It shows of lack of polish. Things like that make all those other smaller bugs stand out and make the game look far below the level of polish expected of a AA release charging a monthly subscription.


2) Poor communication of what are, and what are not, known issues.

-Bugs are declared fixed in patch notes (repeatedly), and found to not be fixed at all when the servers come back up. There is no demonstratable in game hint in many cases that anything was changed regarding some issues at all. There is often no forum post replying to posts about them, which would be fine if they found there way to the known issues list.


3) Poor patch roll outs.

Major changes to mechanics that are not tested, and not addressed shortly after servers go live when discovered. Ilum was a mess. The obvious answer appeared to be to take the servers down, emergency patch the zone (or roll back the patch), but nothing was done untill the next day. Exploits have leaked live allowing players to make MILLIONS of credits overnight... and nothing was done for days.


4) Hacking and Exploiting penalties not meeting industry norm.

Hacking/Exploit sites are reporting across the board that the worst bans they saw for major exploits were 3 days and less. In most cases, players did not lose money credits/items lost via exploiting if they transferred it to their alts. Players from these sites are testing bots currently without fear. Posters on these sites are actually WISHING YOU WERE TOUGHER ON HACKERS. I'll repeat that sans caps for emphasis. Hackers/exploiters are disappointed in how easy you are on hackers/exploiters. (they are concerned there will be too much hacking in game vice just those using their sites and software).



The PvE story stuff is great. Everything that involves socializing with other players is hurting, however. All indications is that Customer Service and QA are understaffed for the game's size. The issues that are displayed via normal play are issues that shouldn't be there in a Project of this size. These are either staffing issues, or team communication issues. Either way it's hurting your game... and it will crush your game if not fixed soon.

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I'm eagerly anticipating the next tally.


IT wasn't intentional and from what I know it wasn't even on the PTS so give them a break.
For recklessly throwing patches out? What?


I haven't even seen how bad it is, but I'm a bit confused as to why they've gone through four different GCD UI animations since release.

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