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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Sub is over in 12 days and I will NOT be resubbing.


I waited years for this steaming pile of PvP crap to be released, and thus far is truly one of the biggest disappointing waits for an MMO I have experienced; This has dethroned Vanguard as the biggest hyped failure in my books. No released MMO that I have ever played has been this far off of what I thought it would be.


Character story was the ONLY good aspect about this so called MMO.

Everything else was subpar and cloned/done better by other MMO's. FFS you had 4+ years to think of something original and we get Huttball zerg PvP and broken Ilum which has been stated to be "fixed" lol.


-UI has got to be the worst UI of all time.

-Marketplace window and its search capabilities astound me that this wasn't fixed in beta, yet still exists what 6 patches in?

-Huge lag on top end PC's when over 40 players are in the same viewable area.

-Ilum fail

-Warzone fail / huttball

-Terrible Itemization

-PvP poorly implemented

-End game content = care bear

-Cut scenes repeated 900x times


-Even during the story the same NPC models/voices were reused, and reused, and reused, to the point where I just stopped caring.


Already the community voting a 50/50 split in that this game is NOT what they were looking for shows that the future of this game is full of dissapointment and the community won't take it for long when this month is over and your already 300,000 cancelled subs turns this game into the barren wasteland it should be.


Have you noticed that the majority of Yes votes are from new MMO players and casual's who are just in it for the story? atleast BW is setting you up for your next MMO to be one of the greatest experiences after playing this singleplayer wannabe MMO.


Had great hopes and expectations smashed by devs who just don't get it.


Happy Trails,

See you in GW2/Diablo3

Edited by Apokchad
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As a direct answer to the OP - Yes, I do like it.


But to say I 'like' this game is to damn it with faint praise.


Do I 'love' it? No. But I think in 6 months time, if BioWare fix all that needs to fixed, I will. And it's good enough right now that I am prepared to give them that six months. SW:TOR has had what is widely regarded as being one of, if not THE smoothest launches in MMO history. That was a plaudit given to LoTRO at it's launch, and I spent many,many happy hours playing that game until Warner Brothers arrived on the scene.


If BioWare can improve on it's launch position like Turbine did, I'll be playing this game right up till the day they launch a shop.

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Currently, whenever I walk into a Cave/Building/Starship my FPS PLUMMET to 1-5FPS. No matter what.


Until the FPS issues are all fixed, I am very dissatisfied. It's not even playable at this point.


Think it's just my Rig? check out the other HUNDREDS of players with the same issue:



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No and here is why.


Lets list the bugs:


Ilum - Went from trading objectives to base farming Repubs to kills not counting towards daily or weekly. You pooched on 1.1 and did not bother to roll back honor so the gear and level gap has become almost insurmountable by the less dominant faction.


End Game PVE - Stupid easy. Literally there is almost NO thought process required. This coupled with bugs etc. I am surprised people still even indulge in this. I especially love the ability to not loot bosses after I kill them.


PVP - Battlground wins not counting. No point in even playing if you aren't a ranged class due to knock backs and the ridiculous amount of CC's coupled with the broken resolve bar. Severe class imbalance but you selectively nerf classes but then do not fix the actual issues with the class (ie.. Operative and coming soon Assassin).


Horrid Customer Service - I am currently one month waiting on an item replacement. They didnt refund me the item the first time because it wasnt in my bags.. but my bank. That only took 3 weeks to get a response to. Call in customer service is outsourced to god knows where and trying to understand them is a feat in itself.


Class Quests - Broken class quests that people cant progress through hence not letting them even see the end game.


Patches - Every single patch seems to either break something completely or do nothing at all. I have yet to see a patch that even does what it is supposed to do. There is very little testing if any testing is done at all on anything that goes through. Ilum is a GLARING example of this.


Replayability - Is about zero. The quests were fun the first time. Spacebarring through the EXACT SAME STORY ALL OVER AGAIN IS NOT FUN. I have 2x 50 and I can tell you I never want to level in this game again.


Quests - Stuck in my quest log. I currently have 20 quests STUCK in my quest log that I can not delete. How am I supposed to pick up new quests if I cant get rid of the old ones? Is it really that hard to add a delete function to the sql/oracle database?


The UI - This is almost worse than the Everquest UI had upon launch in 1996. I am sorry but what ever monkey you hired to do this.. should go back to the zoo. Absolutely terrible.


Hero Engine - What a laughing stock of a engine this thing is. It can't handle 40 people on the screen at once on a high end i7 with a 7970 ati card and 8 gigs of ram? What the heck is that? What engine in 2012+ range can't even do that?


Loot RNG - Lets talk about BattleMaster bags. Some poor guy has opened 40 with out a single token.. But there is no place to turn in Champ tokens for BM tokens so we can at least gain gear at some acceptable rate. RNG on the Bags needs to end and it needs to flow better. You even admitted this.. but have done nothing to address it.


This game is a great 1-50 experience and should be sold as a single player game. I can not justify 15 dollars per month for this garbage. Yes it is a new game.. and yes I gave it a month to improve + my free month. The fat remains the patches have mostly been steps backwards in 2 months. I am not sure how you manage to make the game worse as you update it.. but you have.

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Yes, but they need to work on a few things. These are the first few things that come to mind:


1. Please fix the remaining bugs in the end game operations.

2. Please correct the gear itemization for end game armor sets, some of it just makes absolutely no sense.



Fix those things and I'll be happy...... for now.... ;)

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Every patch seems to cause serious problems. Now only Imperials can get gear from Ilum and will have twice as much BM comms as republic players for at least a few days.


At every turn I become more and more convinced that Bioware got in over its head in developing a story MMO. It's painfully obvious now that serious yet basic game issues such as ability lag/replayable content/graphics/engine/no community/abilities not working/inaccurate tooltips/mirrors not being mirrors have been foregone in favor of the single player experience. That plus the game was clearly rushed out of the gates for the holiday season.

Edited by Paganini
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I would have loved to love the game. Generally, when i start a new game i'm totally addicted to it for a few weeks.


Unfortunatelly, this time it didn't happen. I don't know why, perhaps i'm getting old and i don't enjoy videogames anymore as i used to. Not sure.



My subscription ended today, i bought another single month, which means i don't hate the game. I just am so frustrated to realise that i could have been so much funnier.


Here are a few reason why i probably won't get another month of swtor:


There are good ideas,

- the concept of companions is nice and the crafting experience is interesting to me,

- The fact that dungeons follow a storyline to and that people can take part in a group conversation is interesting

- The concept of main storyline is really interesting,




- unless i would'nt be obliged to pay each month, i seek for more than a "static solo game with multiple players around me". Just consider one thing that could seem strange to you; i can't believe in the "epic story" my character is leaving, because i know that around 642396 players of my class are also living it - more or less exactly the same - and your character doesn't even realize it. Strange eh ? Ok it's a minor argument.



- the most important probably: the fighting experience in pve, the "gameplay" isn't really exciting. It's beautiful, it's nice, but a bit calm. Not the frenetic and intense fights i expected. It's not yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaa!!! bing-bing-bing!!! ... it's more pif......paf....tchink.......euuuuurk - 2/15 mobs, next one. In a word, you don't play because it's fun to play, you just "keep going because you want to know what happens next" (and you're used to massacre tons of small insects/rats/humans/whatever, like in any other game).


- no real interesting pvp experience, no relation between environnement and pvp, just "farm bg like every other game",


- graphically old fashioned (could have been great in the late 00's)


- the space combat games are so.... well... no words to describe them. Time should have been given to develop the real space opera experience that the license deserves.

It should have been a great, an epic adventure, and it's hardly worht a 0,99euros application on iphone to play in the subway. I think it probably shouldn't have existed in the first version of the game and should have been a standalone extension maybe.


- the funny and emblematical races of star wars like wookies or ewoks have been kept for probably later expansions, which makes me feel like a cash cow, and more important: i can't find anything interesting in the other races which lack totally of charisma! I mean, there are dozen of amazing races of aliens in the galaxy of star wars, and what is given to you to play is a red, a green, a blue, or a yellow human. Ok it can be slim or phat. Great. I mean. Diversity is the masterpiece of that crazy license. What a shame to reduce possibilities as they did.


- in a word, swtor lacks of really new and original 2010's dynamic content,


In conclusion, I'm curious of the game, i still look forward to be surprised, but i would have expected more than just another beta version copy of wow with a bit of mass effect in it... (even though i'm a great fan of many Bioware / EA games.)


I can't blame the studio, which probably has to deal a very hard and frustrating work with such a group like Lucas-Arts "bring-me-as-much-money-as-possible-whatever-the-product-looks-like", but i'm not a sponsor and i won't pay 2 years while the game gets better.


hope i could change my mind duringthe next month ...

Edited by Ranafoutz
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Too many easy-to-fix reported bugs/issues are ignored. These bugs/issues can be reproduced easily and should be easy to fix while benefits a lot of players, but instead they have their priority on hard-to-fix bugs or obscure issues.


They have priority on what they feel to do, not what really is needed to be done first.

As a programmer I know their feelings, but that is wrong.

"I want to do this today so I will do it first" ... You can let this feeling overwhelm you.


You need to fix things that can be done and confirmed easily first, then take their time to deal with those obscure cases, it also give them time to sort out things before they actually fix on it, otherwise they would just keep losing time on repeated and inefficient fix, like the quickslot cool down things and etc.

Edited by Hologramx
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I wasnt going to post in this thread, as ive seen it sitting here for a few days ... but after last nights patch, im going to have to say NO ....


its not even playable for me now, the ui flashing like a disco gives me massive eyestrain

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While leveling? Sure. The quests are interesting enough, and it's always fun to hit a new level. Although it sucks when you hit the new level and you get jack all :(


At 50? Not really. SWTOR changed from story driven content into WoW without the rep grind.

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No, I should get more FPS with my current hardware. after searching the web and lots of forums, updating my software etc. i am still getting low fps. doesnt matter if my resolution is high or low or settings are maxed or low. i am getting the same avarage fps at all times. it bugs me so, and so much. Edited by Xykon
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Every patch seems to cause serious problems. Now only Imperials can get gear from Ilum and will have twice as much BM comms as republic players for at least a few days.


At every turn I become more and more convinced that Bioware got in over its head in developing a story MMO. It's painfully obvious now that serious yet basic game issues such as ability lag/replayable content/graphics/engine/no community/abilities not working/inaccurate tooltips/mirrors not being mirrors have been foregone in favor of the single player experience. That plus the game was clearly rushed out of the gates for the holiday season.


its clear where they put all their time, resources, and money into the game, its the single player class stories. When JUST playing those, I have a very good time in the game. However, almost everything else is broken, buggy, or just plain done badly. The only reason I am still playing is because I made a lot of friends in this game, and I am a Guild Master and do not want to let my guild down by unsubbing.


Regardless, the class stories are the best thing in the game. if everything else was like that, this would be a gem for sure. Right now though....it not even a diamond in the rough, the diamond is still in the freakin' ground covered by dirt.

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