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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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This is no sense of community, no place for people to meet up, chat, and chill.


@Devs: Look up WoW's Isle of Quel'Danas for true World PvP.


Restricting a section of the fleet to dueling would be one of the first changes in turning this no to a yes.

Edited by jtype_sw
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The game seems very shallow to me. It's missing a lot of minor quality of life type of things that you find common in other games. The game is extremely linear, extreme lack of customization. The character I have put the most time in feels sloppily designed. I really don't like the way the centering mechanic works and a couple iconic abilities were removed from the class before launch, force push and saber throw.


I have a three month subcription paied for already. I hope there are some decent changes before it expires or I won't be resubscribing.

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I like how people talk about how smooth launch was for this game. Yeah, it was a smooth launch, but it's almost 2 months later, and launch doesn't matter at this point. What matters, is there is still end game pve content with bugs that can brick wall ops groups (ancient pylons anyone?) and the current method of gearing in pvp is so unpredictable. I think the Bioware devs weren't expecting to have gotten players from other MMO's like they have. I think when they released it, they were trying to open MMOs to a new group of players who would play it for it's content across all levels, and not just race to 50 for end game, now they see what their player base is doing.


TL;DR My vote is no. There are too many bugs in end game content, mortar volley and full auto still suck on trooper, and I see more leveling content getting bug fixed then end game content.

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577 for NO

569 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.






FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE: New information has been added to the piechart. It took me 30 minutes to do this. I hope you enjoy the added statistics! :D


I would like to remind everyone to clarify their answers by color coding them yes, no, and undecided. I can't express how much of a help to me this is while I am counting. Thank you.


This time around, I had to count each of the yes and no votes a mind-numbing 5 times. I failed to catch a person posting multiple times until after the 3rd (and usually final) count. Doing things like that makes it really hard for me to keep this thread 99.9% accurate, like it currently is. I have various methods of finding out who votes twice, and I WILL catch people who purposely attempt to skew my poll.


People attempting to skew the poll will FAIL. The results are guaranteed accurate, and I have striven HARD to keep them that way.


Continue on!

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Where's that count.


Is this going to be the final tally?

Nope. I will keep on going and spending hours and hours of my time on this thread for as long as people enjoy it. :)



Sorry about count delay. I had a moron trying to skew the poll, and I only caught him AFTER I had run the tally. Which meant I had to re-do the piechart and the count.

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Why I might change to a YES:


  • Cross server LFG and better social tools (such as cross server friends and grouping and communication).
  • More compelling end-game content, which for me would be more large scale PVE encounters, a crafting system with value and depth, and potentially ranked WZs (guild / team).
  • Continued improvement in the game engine such that bugs are mostly non-existent and FPS / lag issues are very minimal.
  • Adding basics that should already be included such as UI customization, add-ons, macros and a combat log.


Why I would change to a NO:

  • Continual FPS / lag / bug issus.
  • No functioning LFG tool leaving me spamming general for hours to participate in content.
  • No compelling end-game content added.
  • Being forced to continue to use the stock UI.
  • Having my time card expire before any of the things listed in my 'change to yes' list are completed.

Edited by DawnAskham
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You're doing a great job Strike. This is the only thread I'm keeping tabs on (aside from the Dev tracker).




I would NOT like to see the tally restarted. If people had a change of heart they could very easily quote their own initial vote post and then say "I would like to change my vote because..."


Keep up the good work bro. :D


Your opinion has been taken into consideration and you make a good point. I will have to think about this. It is very important to me that the totals be as accurate and time-related as possible. I will spend time mulling this over for a few hours before I reach a final conclusion as to what should be done.


Thank you for the compliments. It makes me doing this worth it. Seriously. If nobody thanked me, I would probably just stop keep the thread up and stop counting. I have spent a whopping 17 hours on this thread.


You are levelheaded. What else might I do to improve this thread, add to it, or make it better? I would love to hear your particular opinion on this.


StrikeofLight, thanks for your time and effort on counting man. Good thread, hopefully BioWare sees this thread and considers what we are saying. I know we nay-sayers are saying are brutal but we all want this game to be better. And at its current state, it is not. Keep voting folks!

Thanks, FinNaritus. I have worked incredibly hard on this thread, thinking about what I can do to make it better all-the-while. Might you have any other suggestions? The Pie Chart was my own idea, but I would love to add something else creative such as that. I'm having trouble thinking up of something. Let me know! :)


OP where is the fun o meter?


The Fun-O-Meter was making people think that I was biased and was raising questions of my accuracy in this thread. I hated that. Every last vote has been accounted for. All 1200+ of them. I grit my teeth when people accuse me (falsely and with no evidence) of skewing the poll.


TL;DR answer to Fezzhan's question: I wanted to look more professional. :)

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Nope. I will keep on going and spending hours and hours of my time on this thread for as long as people enjoy it. :)



Sorry about count delay. I had a moron trying to skew the poll, and I only caught him AFTER I had run the tally. Which meant I had to re-do the piechart and the count.



I have already voted but want to say very good thread. I think that this should be of value to BW if they care to spend time reading the comments. I recieved an email from BW linking me to a request for comments. I'm not sure if everyone did and if everyone can access the page linked to file comments. It would be interesting to see how your yes / no survey compares to the direct feedback that BW is getting.


One thing that blows me out is that at this point, more people have voted no than yes. If you add the undecided to the no votes, it seems that much less than half of the responders have not given the game a thumbs up at this time.


I voted undecided because to me, there is so much good and fun about the game and yet it is so flawed in many ways that it is hard to come down on one side or the other.

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Yes, i love it.


I'm not a big MMO player, but i came to this game knowing exactly what to expect: a Bioware game.


I like Bioware games, and this is a really good one!


I'm not that into making friends with random people complaining about everything in life or making crass jokes online, and i have friends playing this game so populations levels, whatever they may be, are of no concern to me.


There is a lot to do for a casual player, of which i am a proud member. I play maybe 10-20 hours a week if i'm lucky, and i enjoy every second of it.


I hope they keep adding to customisation options and further gameplay features, but frankly if they left this game as it is right now, i certainly wouldn't cancel before the end of my 6 month sub, and i'd very likely renew.

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I have already voted but want to say very good thread. I think that this should be of value to BW if they care to spend time reading the comments. I recieved an email from BW linking me to a request for comments. I'm not sure if everyone did and if everyone can access the page linked to file comments. It would be interesting to see how your yes / no survey compares to the direct feedback that BW is getting.


One thing that blows me out is that at this point, more people have voted no than yes. If you add the undecided to the no votes, it seems that much less than half of the responders have not given the game a thumbs up at this time.


I voted undecided because to me, there is so much good and fun about the game and yet it is so flawed in many ways that it is hard to come down on one side or the other.


Thank you, Asbalana.


The main goals of this thread were these:


-Make a thread that developers can look at for feedback. (Check!)

-Make a troll-free thread where almost everyone gets along. (Unbelievably, this is a check also!)

-Make a FUN thread that everyone can enjoy. (Check!)

-Use my skills to create something meaningful and helpful to the game (Check!)

-Maintain an outstanding level of accuracy on the tally. (Check check CHECK!)

-Create the single best thread on the SWTOR forums. (Check! ;):p)


Yes, more people have voted no than yes. Yes used to be in the lead, but no has slowly gained more votes against yes as time has steadily progressed.


Might you have any suggestions to improve this thread? If it is within my power, I will do it.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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If you are not aware, I am the person painstakingly tallying your votes and the one who has created this thread. I would like to invite anyone to voice their opinion on this thread for the next few pages.


Let me know how I can improve it. Let me know what you feel is lacking, what you feel is excellent, and what you feel might make a nice addition. If anyone has questions or concerns, please voice them also. I will answer each one happily.


Yours truly,



Fire away! (and keep on voting as usual) :D



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