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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Leveling was the only fun part of this game.


At end game, I always have high hopes that there will be some alternative than the usual formula that's out there but SWTOR is the same old. There's already talks in my guild about trying out TERA and Guild Wars 2. We're all disappointed and we laugh at those who purchased the Collectors Edition.

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Not enough open-ended game play or variety. The original Star Wars Galaxies had it pretty close (too bad it was bug ridden and incomplete), but this is just a dumbed down World of Warcraft with voice over in a Star Wars skin.


Only four character classes per side?? Two of which are Jedi related. Really?? I expected soooo much more! Even el-crappo Warcraft has more to choose from!


What happened to crafting? Again, even Warcrafts "yawn" crafting system is more innovative and useful!


Unique story lines?? Everybody is playing the same God#$% class-story! Nothing unique about it!


I was really hopeing for a Star Wars game that I could live and breathe in. Could become immersed in. Instead, I find myself spoon-fed a non-unique story in an extremely linear galaxy with cloned mechanics of an old, tired game that has already run its course.


Thanks guys! /delete game

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  • Room to grow with a good deal of positive potential (Just don't turn it even more into WoW)
  • Appeals to me as a consistent to casual player
  • Decent amount of Lore
  • Enjoying most of the stories so far (Can't say I liked JK arc as much as I wanted to)
  • Takes away the grinding feel, even though I'm still grinding missions out


There's other reasons too, but need to keep it brief

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556 for NO

542 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.



I would like to thank everyone once more for making an excellent effort to clarify their answers by color coding them yes, no, and undecided. I can't express how much of a help to me this is. Thank you.


Counted three times each until satisfied of accuracy, as usual.


Continue on!

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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We have gone a LONG time without trolling.


Thank you, everyone who bit their tongue and decided not to respond to trolls in this thread. It has effectively killed them.


Excellent work on keeping this one of the best threads on the forums. I am very pleased with the recent major upswing in maturity.


It makes the 16 hours I have spent on this thread counting, making graphs, revising, and making it better ABSOLUTELY worth the time and effort.


Keep it up. CONTINUE ON!

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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We have gone a LONG time without trolling.


Thank you, everyone who bit their tongue and decided not to respond to trolls in this thread. It has effectively killed them.


Excellent work on keeping this one of the best threads on the forums. I am very pleased with the recent major upswing in maturity.


It makes the 16 hours I have spent on this thread counting, making graphs, revising, and making it better ABSOLUTELY worth the time and effort.


Keep it up. CONTINUE ON!


could ya make a graph on how many of those ''no'' subscribed in the last 2 month

Edited by boobaffet
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could ya make a graph on how many of those ''no'' subscribed in the last 2 month

It would take me 5 hours or more to go through all 1000 accounts. Just too much. Besides, I am very pleased with how things are going currently.


Continue on.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I've already voted but just adding my thoughts on the population break down


40% unsubsribed


10% Prefer it to the other game


20% teetering on a month to month decision


15% playing it for the freshness


15% Will play no matter what



I wonder how accurate I am :D, those numbers would be good in Biowares favour

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No, and I and everybody I know (who were very excited initially) has cancelled already. I'm not even sure why I'm on the forums.


Simply put, I haven't even wanted to log on for two weeks. It's not really that there isn't enough content, just that I don't care about it. Combat is not polished to today's standards, endgame content has tons of bugs and/or poor design choices, and it's really just not fun. Too much has been copied from other games and not even executed as well.


What was fun about this game was leveling and getting into the class story, which is only interesting once. In summary: this game is a really fun single-player game (with some multiplayer modes). It is a terrible mmo.

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No, and I and everybody I know (who were very excited initially) has cancelled already. I'm not even sure why I'm on the forums.


Simply put, I haven't even wanted to log on for two weeks. It's not really that there isn't enough content, just that I don't care about it. Combat is not polished to today's standards, endgame content has tons of bugs and/or poor design choices, and it's really just not fun. Too much has been copied from other games and not even executed as well.


What was fun about this game was leveling and getting into the class story, which is only interesting once. In summary: this game is a really fun single-player game (with some multiplayer modes). It is a terrible mmo.


This is how I felt too. I was initially going to just pay a few months just to play all the 8 different stories but I'm starting to realize that you only get 1 strong play through before the rest becomes repetitive. What were they thinking with the linearity in this game, it kills alt leveling.

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This is how I felt too. I was initially going to just pay a few months just to play all the 8 different stories but I'm starting to realize that you only get 1 strong play through before the rest becomes repetitive. What were they thinking with the linearity in this game, it kills alt leveling.


Could level an alt on the other side? And even if not I know lots of people who manage to level plenty of alts. You could pvp for one. I managed to skip entire planets worth of side questing on my first emp toon and on my second I went back and had brand new ones to do.

Edited by TonyIommi
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No couse i buyed a game whit its core broken the mirror classes are not mirros so many bugs hacks and exploits.

And no actions taked on exploiters and hackers so far what generated a second problem of gear and pop imbalance in a colossal fashion.:mad:

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1x YES


-Love leveling through something that feels almost like an SP game with a good story and companions, own ship etc. I'll stick around for sure until one of my toons reaches 50 and finishes the main plot, from there, we'll see how I feel about more.


-Love that for an MMO, it has a solid art style, animations and lighting. While some of BW games might not have had the greatest visuals, they always deliver a consistently solid art package.


-Love the orange customizable gear, that lets your Jedi skip the ugly, boring robes and use almost anybody else's gear.


2x NO


-Dislike the many dead servers, frustration to find groups so ealry after launch.


-Dislike that I had to buy a macro mouse and macro 6+ attacks to 1 button and that at lvl 39 I'd need 20 keys easily reacheable to use my toon's abilities to their full potential... thank god for macroable peripherals and gosh, bad abilities design...


-Dislike that even tho the art style was kept simple which helps with performance, they felt like lighting a game with what seem to be realtime lights, was actually feasable = poor performance. Also unreliable performance where some areas are worse than others.

Some FX alone will drag your FPS from 50-60 to 8-9... should have been optimized or removed.


-Dislike the poor choice of clothing for anything Jedi... what will it be today, brown robe A or brown robe B... would like more customizable gear at lower levels so I don't have to look like a homeless bum until 25+


-Dislike how small and un-MMO the worlds feel.

I do realize that if I looked at the worlds as 'zones', they would seem quite large, but the disconnect between them created by the fact that they're separate worlds, really isolates you into a world that feels to small and on many servers underpopulated, with no tourism into or from other zones possible without a lot of loading, and running to/from ship etc.


Even tho the single player leveling feel helps and motivates me to level several classes, it feels like they never really thought what it takes to make things click as an MMO.

Too many linear maze worlds.

I have hope that with time, customizable or additional buy-able ships will be added.

I hold no hopes for eventually being able to experience a social side to it, with player housing, decoration, player cities etc. I love BW and all their games, but their strength I guess is SP games.

In the end, SW TOR feels like an SP world that you share with others.


-Day/night and weather would have been nice and would have helped to make the game feel less like an SP game too.


-Dislike with a passion and don't understand WHY there has to be a different hangar elevator for each class... all it does is force you to open the map (yet again) to see what elevator you need to run to every time... just have 1 entrance and load the different classes into their respective ship areas.


Don't make things more complicated than they need to be.

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YES: I like it enough that I'm going to keep paying until I see what March brings.


And, NO: I dislike it enough that if March's content patch isn't sufficient or if they keep quiet about their plans as regards a specific subject*, my subscriptions aren't going to continue past March.

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