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"Going back" made me nauseous.


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Does no one here realise that that poster is just trolling? lol


Oh he is a known poor troll as are others. It's just funny to see him rage so hard.


He tries really hard to troll then goes into a rage and starts to insult/etc. Could have been a decent troll thread, oh well.

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Rated, have fun, and welcome to my ignore list. Really, what were you thinking you'd accomplish with this topic?


He wanted to say he enjoys the game and finds it better than other MMOs. What did you hope to accomplish with your little temper tantrum post? Like anyone cares who is on your ignore list big guy lol.

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Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.


Have you played Mass Effect? You do know that the defining, core element to a game like this is the combat system, right? Mass Effect? Seriously? This game is not at all like Mass Effect. It is much more of a WoW clone with Mass Effect style dialog. You can't see the forest for the trees. You are looking at the facade and assuming the interior is consistent with the facade. It's not, you're wrong.

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You seem to be far to preoccupied with numbers. The Sims franchise sold over 100m copies. Does that make it better than WoW?


Popular does not mean best.


exactly same with CoD and justin bieber they sell alot but doesnt mean they are the best.

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"Even Blizzard knows that WoW is crap now.."


Where do people like you come from, exactly? 10.3 million subscribers don't think it's crap. You don't think it's crap. Blizzard has two more incredible expansions in the bag and on the way.. this game is broken and doesn't even compare in any way, shape, or form. Stop being dense.


You got something on your nose...

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You seem to be far to preoccupied with numbers. The Sims franchise sold over 100m copies. Does that make it better than WoW?


Popular does not mean best.


Yep .. based on numbers Farmtown is better then WoW.


I think the mods must be watching the pre-game show for this thread to be open this long. :)

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Have you played Mass Effect? You do know that the defining, core element to a game like this is the combat system, right? Mass Effect? Seriously? This game is not at all like Mass Effect. It is much more of a WoW clone with Mass Effect style dialog. You can't see the forest for the trees. You are looking at the facade and assuming the interior is consistent with the facade. It's not, you're wrong.


Seriously? Obviously the gameplay isn't exactly the same as Mass Effect tries to incorporate FPS elements... The rest of the game is the same. Too much story/VO make it feel like an interactive movie, except Mass Effect isn't boring. The combat system feels as unpolished as a poor budget B movie though, something you can't say for Mass Effect. I don't want to insult Mass effect either, as its actually somewhat enjoyable the first playthrough and this pales in comparison.

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Most that I am hearing here about WoW is how easy it is to play. I am sorry, I played WoW since 1.3 up to about two months into Cata, guess what I got tired of it. It started to become a joke with people only caring about certain things, well two things. Gearscore and DPS. That is a horrible way to judge someone, cause I have seen ppl in full T4 raid gear get beat out by someone in blues. I have had alt toons of mine kicked out of dungeon parties because I didn't have T"insert current raid content" on them. Any toon that I had in WoW had the current content gear, but for some it wasn't enough so I would get kicked, all thanks to the LFG tool that Blizzard put in. As for raiding, Blizzard didn't do ppl a favor by shrinking raids, they dumb it down for people. Everyone still had to pull their weight in a 40 man, MC and BWL were no jokes about knowing where to be and when to be there. Honestly if you think that WoW or SWTOR are hard to play, try Anarchy Online. That game is a challenge, only because of how you can customize each and every stat that you toon has. Also Crafting is a lot harder to understand as well.


SWTOR isn't broke, it just does not cater to being a simple and easy game. There are fewer bugs in this game that WoW had at 1.3 and the content is fine. Granted they still need to fine tune things, every MMO I have played goes through that for the first few months because it takes mass launches for the unknown software bugs to pop up. Just look back at Windows XP and Windows Vista, how many patches did Microsoft roll out for the first oh 6 months?

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He wanted to say he enjoys the game and finds it better than other MMOs. What did you hope to accomplish with your little temper tantrum post? Like anyone cares who is on your ignore list big guy lol.


No tantrum here, dude... I was laughing to myself while I was adding him to my already pages-long ignore list. Go stick your head in the sand next to him. :)

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Nah, got my own card and lol @ juggernauts. Best part will be that you will be over there and not here. That alone is reason enough to stay here. Fact is that this game will be rocking it for years and again, you won't be here! Talk about win/win. :D Edited by Trineda
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I HATE Star Wars. I think it's insipid. I think the fact that Bioware could make a game set 3000 years before the movies and still have the universe look exactly the same as the movies is absolutely ridiculous and appallingly uncreative. I think George Lucas is one of the least talented people to ever make movies and I think the setting and story of the Star Wars movies are ridiculously bad. I would say that Episode IV: A New Hope is one of the cheesiest, most poorly written movies of the 70s.


I'm not a Bioware fan. I thought Mass Effect had terrible combat and a boring story. I thought Jade Empire and KotOR were boring, easy games made for people that suck at video games. Dragon Age: Origins was alright until about halfway through the game when it became too easy, even on the hardest difficulty mode.


This game, however, is great fun. I love it. I'm gonna continue to play it. I have zero problems with any of it. The classes are all very diverse and fun, the environments are great to look at, the combat is fluid and responsive, the pvp is relatively balanced and very fun, the group content is creative and interesting, and none of it is boring.


So yeah, you're wrong.

Edited by Trineda
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Nah, got my own card and lol @ juggernauts. Best part will be that you will be over there and not here. That alone is reason enough to stay here. Fact is that this game will be rocking it for years and again, you won't be here! Talk about win/win. :D


This game will be rocking on for years as a FP2 MMO failure to remind people that if you fail at even copying WoW and advertise for an MMO when what you release is a single player RPG with CooP thrown in you get squat.

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Great enjoy your mass effect with coop thrown in. Too bad you gotta pay 15$/month for it. Other players in this other game you mention actually want to play an MMO. Swtor isn't a heavy contended by any means and will be a niche MMO that might go FP2 just like LOTRO.



Meh whatever. 15 bucks a month is peanuts in my world. Like the lint that accrues in the depths of my pockets. I like the game okay. Not the best I've ever played but it's amusing me for now so 15 dollars a month is hardly going to break the bank for some hours of entertainment a month. I'll spend 10x as much on nice dinner out and a movie.

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TOR is... average. Other than the cinematic dialogue, they failed to innovate in any way. In fact, they are behind the times in numerous areas, especially on many "quality of life" issues (lots of load screens, poor implementation of UI, GTN, and LFG tool, etc.)


TOR is a decent game. But it's not an amazing game. It will only hold most players' attention (those who aren't doggedly loyal to the Star Wars IP) until the next MMO comes along which shows promise.



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Hey all. Just sharing something about everybody "going back" to some other MMO because they're not satisfied with this one, for stupid reasons mostly.


All I can say is that I went back temporarily for some world events and... yeah, well, it wasn't pleasant.


I really can't imagine going back to some ugly MMO that looks like it was drawn by a bunch of 10 year olds.


SWTOR seriously seems to cater to a better crowd. I really don't care for the slight bugs (even though a lot of people are blowing them out of proportion...)


People criticizing that planets feel dead obvious are people that seem to enjoy sitting in cities, whilst every other area of "another MMO" are emptier, and even totally empty most of the time.


Seriously, SWTOR is a heavy contender. I can't even stand looking at this "other MMO" any longer.


That is it. I am definitely staying in SWTOR.


I agree with the other mmo's being empty part. Whens the last time you saw even 30-100 people in a zone in wow beyond the first week or 2 of an expansion. Wow leveling is much much much more "solo" than swtor. They dont really have many "heroic" quests , group quests in swtor are actually quite vast.


"this game is dying the planets feel empty" i have this to say about that comment. If thats the case then wow must be dying pretty 2 weeks after every expansion comes out because you rarely see 50 people in a zone, even zones where people need to farm matts.


Alot of mmo's are the same in that regard, not everyone can be on the server at the exact same time and not everyone is at the same level (for their alts and such) a few weeks into launch.


SWtor servers seem pretty healthy to me anwyways, yesterday at 4 PST, 3 very heavy servers 57 Heavy servers , 9 light servers, and the rest where standard.


I think most of the people complaining about their server being empty are the people on those few light servers or the people who play during off hours. I guess some of the low end standard servers probably feel a bit undercrowded as well, thing is those servers make up a minority of the servers, you log on to wow right now and you would be in the exact same boat there would be quite a few light and standard servers that if you decided to join, would feel empty.

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Wasn't meant to offend, except that is a totally useless and pointless post and nothing good will come of it, but you knew that when you posted it. Crap like this turns people off off, period.


For some reason, posting praise about the game I like on the forums of said game is a bad thing?

Edited by dashspeed
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Have any of you even hit end game? Talk to me when you've cleared all content first week of attempting it. There is absolutely nothing in place to keep people around, aside from re-rolling. That's what was great about WoW. No matter what you wanted to do, re-roll, raid, pvp, it did it and it did it well.
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