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So I ditched my mercenary and went with powertech and holy ****


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Started pvping at level 13, now level 24 and since 13 have usually topped damage charts or been in top 3 + 7+ medals average per game and actually feel useful for the team especially now that I have grapple too.


Got a level 20 mercenary too and the merc just isn't as fun and powertech for me puts out bigger damage too. the gameplay too is far more fluid and active than a merc I find.


So my question is... If you want to be a dps BH and not a healer why would you pick mercenary?


Is it a case of mercenary scalling better to 50 than a powertech?

How does their damage compare to eachother at 50?

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I guess its just a personal preference. I'm a 45 merc and I'm #1 on the dmg chart every time I want to be. I usually get 7 medals per match and have 30-50 kills and and 2-5 deaths on average. Merc is all about positioning and staying mobile.


Oh, and I'm Pyro spec because i think arsenal is stupid.

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I hated that PT uses fire attacks most of the time, and rerolled Merc. Fire just wasnt my thing and was A LOT of it as PT, and even more on the way, so I stopped playing PT b/c I knew in the end I would get bored. Merc is mor evenly spread out between guns/railgun/missiles, which sold it to me.
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Hmm, iirc a level 20 Merc (at least Arsenal Spec'd) doesn't have tracer missile yet. So you are judging the classes waaaaay too early.


I'm fairly sure the damage output of any BH dps tree is similar, its just the way you do that damage. It really comes down to whether you want to be ranged or not, have the option to heal or tank, etc. Personal preference.

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Yeah getting ready to do the same thing. Don't get me wrong, my merc is solid dps, and the survivability is outstanding but I'm frequently seeing powertechs with hybrid specs and even tank-based specs doing equivalent damage as my merc (sometimes more) with the benefits of a lot of other useful pvp abilities. Its frustrating to see so I'm just going to go heals on merc and hit up the powertech...here goes the leveling again.
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pvp can be frustrating as a merc, its very hard to compete with melee classes, especially when they can charge stun you before you can get off a tracer missile. then interupt your next missile when you try casting it again. melee and people with interupts can shut down merc arsenal dps fairly quickly. It also gets frustrating in huttball when pt can use their grapple and charge ability to do vertical plays while im stuck just running around trying to get back to the upper levels of the catwalk.


basically pyrotec has more mobility and instant casts, while arsenal has higher dps when you are able to free cast.

Edited by JJJShmidt
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Sorry but Merc DESTROYS Powertech in the damage department. I mean you arent at a level where you can even really judge the two. Get to 50 and tell me Powertech does more damage lol. Merc is one of the top damaging classes in PVP curently along with the most mobility.


Tracer > Tracer > Tracer > Heatseekers > Rail Shot > Unload > Target Dead


I dont care who the target is. The ONLY person that will survive that rotation is either a tank or someone with spammed heals or a sorc shield.


You will learn very quickly that Powertech is extremely limited in PVP compared to Merc. Powertech is one of the best PVP classes for Huttball though, but that's it.

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I've got a 49 Merc and can be #1 if I want with 5-8 medals usually. I also have a 36 PT and make for a great Hutt Ball runner as shield tech, and still have a ton of fun pvp. I find that DPS is a lot easier as a Merc, (coming from being a Hunter in WoW).


I haven't tried the DPS spec of PT yet, but both BH specs were fun, so I'm leveling both ;)

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I hated that PT uses fire attacks most of the time, and rerolled Merc. Fire just wasnt my thing and was A LOT of it as PT, and even more on the way, so I stopped playing PT b/c I knew in the end I would get bored. Merc is mor evenly spread out between guns/railgun/missiles, which sold it to me.


Like the irony of 'Merc is more evenly spread out between guns/railgun/missiles' Hmmm. I would say PT has a much more fun play style and a much larger variety of moves from grappling someone to jumping on someone to punching someone in the face to turning them into rock to electrocuting them to burning them to using a missile in their face oh i could go on. Merc: Mainly Missiles oh wait pretty much only missiles, no i won't say anything about tracer missile spamming because people will get mad

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Sorry but Merc DESTROYS Powertech in the damage department. I mean you arent at a level where you can even really judge the two. Get to 50 and tell me Powertech does more damage lol. Merc is one of the top damaging classes in PVP curently along with the most mobility.


Tracer > Tracer > Tracer > Heatseekers > Rail Shot > Unload > Target Dead


I dont care who the target is. The ONLY person that will survive that rotation is either a tank or someone with spammed heals or a sorc shield.


You will learn very quickly that Powertech is extremely limited in PVP compared to Merc. Powertech is one of the best PVP classes for Huttball though, but that's it.




Sorry but do you have a Geared level 50 powertech pyrotech specced and a level 50 mercenary arsenal specced? No you don't and if you do your doing something wrong with your pt. I top the damage charts all the time with merc's in the game pre level 50. Love the irony also, that most people say merc is better for pve and isnt made for pvp. 'You will learn very quickly that powertech is extremely limited in pvp compared to Merc.' Only _ _ _ _ Comes out of your mouth. So im guessing you learnt that yourself by levelling a pt to 50? Powertechs are one of the best all round classes out there and are brilliant at every warzone? I finish 1st or second basically every game with 7-10 medals pre 50. Let me guess your one of those people that blindly defends your class because deep down you don't want the truth to get to you? Also merc isnt limited? Bending over and firing a missile half the time is pretty limited to me, No interrupt? Also merc's are only good at the fringes of battle picking people out and if they get too close they are screwed. Yes i have a Merc and a PT and both are good classes but people who post things like you annoy me.

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I'm on your boat. I leveled a merc to 40 and it was fun. Good damage, survives well, no complaints.


But at 40 I was with a friend and we had no tank and by then I was getting to find the merc a bit repetitive, plus I would like to play something *really* sturdy so I picked a PT.


Though I find running into melee to wave my itty bitty blaster in their face to look bad, the rest is not. It was also the first character I PvPed with and I surprised myself by ending in first place two or three times at 14+.


I'm thinking of running a (slightly) modified Iron Fist and though melee annoys me sometimes (running back and forth, out of range, facing the wrong way, etc) the class has enough long range abilities that I can put a bit of pressure from afar which does help- Plus the eventual charge and grapple, of course.

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Sorry but do you have a Geared level 50 powertech pyrotech specced and a level 50 mercenary arsenal specced? No you don't and if you do your doing something wrong with your pt. I top the damage charts all the time with merc's in the game pre level 50. Love the irony also, that most people say merc is better for pve and isnt made for pvp. 'You will learn very quickly that powertech is extremely limited in pvp compared to Merc.' Only _ _ _ _ Comes out of your mouth. So im guessing you learnt that yourself by levelling a pt to 50? Powertechs are one of the best all round classes out there and are brilliant at every warzone? I finish 1st or second basically every game with 7-10 medals pre 50. Let me guess your one of those people that blindly defends your class because deep down you don't want the truth to get to you? Also merc isnt limited? Bending over and firing a missile half the time is pretty limited to me, No interrupt? Also merc's are only good at the fringes of battle picking people out and if they get too close they are screwed. Yes i have a Merc and a PT and both are good classes but people who post things like you annoy me.


your flaming so hard I could swear your drinking an appletini. Calm down. If you would put your post into something that isnt so offensive people would be more likely to read you.


that being said, they both have their uses. PT in full DPS role has comparable damage to a merc with more utility. I have had vanguards stomp me in their flames, it seems to be a repeating theme that ranged beats melee untill they get into melee range after which melee is free to trounce on ranged. This is great and all, but that doesnt count in all the issues with these movement abilities where people can jump to or pull you right there. There are several issues with their model when everyone has such short cooldowns on their movement abilities, yet everyones knockbacks are on such long cooldowns.

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Sorry but Merc DESTROYS Powertech in the damage department. I mean you arent at a level where you can even really judge the two. Get to 50 and tell me Powertech does more damage lol. Merc is one of the top damaging classes in PVP curently along with the most mobility.


Tracer > Tracer > Tracer > Heatseekers > Rail Shot > Unload > Target Dead


I dont care who the target is. The ONLY person that will survive that rotation is either a tank or someone with spammed heals or a sorc shield.


You will learn very quickly that Powertech is extremely limited in PVP compared to Merc. Powertech is one of the best PVP classes for Huttball though, but that's it.


LOLOLOLOL any competent player won't be standing still letting you get off 3 Tracer Missiles.

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I've played both Arsenal and Pyro in PvP, and even though Arsenal does awesome dps if left alone, that is its weakness. Easy to shut down. As Pyro a good player can keep mobile, LOSing and nuking from pretty much any range.


I am now a Bodyguard, and if it weren't for all my healing PvP gear stacked with Alacrity I'd go Pyro again ;)

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When is mercenary not a ranged class? We're somewhat-squishy turrets.


I used to think the same until I've made my a gunslinger. Now THAT is a ranged class, why? Because it has a crapload more of utility to keep the distance and cover=rocks=immune to interrupts+charges.



Oh, and GS actually does uses his blasters.


Also, sorc/sage is a ranged class with optional ability to gain more range than merc, much better at surviving, healing and stunning people.


So no, merc is not a truly ranged class, simply because he's lacking the tools to maintain the distance, and going pyro doesn't really helps much eithe, coz you still end up being glued to ground while spamming power shot or unload.

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all epeens aside,


pt is phat in pvp, so is merc.


I will roll another class than BH so i am "stuck" with merc (love my merc)


something that nobody is mentioning is arsenal debuffs target, which is more dps for everyone


(and the primary reason i stay arsenal... mostly for pve reasons)


the OP is too low of a level to come in here and stir up this pot though, geesh.

Edited by Yazule
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Sorry but do you have a Geared level 50 powertech pyrotech specced and a level 50 mercenary arsenal specced? No you don't and if you do your doing something wrong with your pt. I top the damage charts all the time with merc's in the game pre level 50. Love the irony also, that most people say merc is better for pve and isnt made for pvp. 'You will learn very quickly that powertech is extremely limited in pvp compared to Merc.' Only _ _ _ _ Comes out of your mouth. So im guessing you learnt that yourself by levelling a pt to 50? Powertechs are one of the best all round classes out there and are brilliant at every warzone? I finish 1st or second basically every game with 7-10 medals pre 50. Let me guess your one of those people that blindly defends your class because deep down you don't want the truth to get to you? Also merc isnt limited? Bending over and firing a missile half the time is pretty limited to me, No interrupt? Also merc's are only good at the fringes of battle picking people out and if they get too close they are screwed. Yes i have a Merc and a PT and both are good classes but people who post things like you annoy me.


I dont think Powertech is useless. But I'm sorry man, Ranged dps is FAR superior in this game to melee dps when it comes to dealing damage in PVP. If you beat out Mercs consistently then I dont question your skill I question the mercs you play with.


Also wait...You arent even 50 yet? It seems you are defending your precious class when the reality is you are still a lowbie in the lowbie warzones. Please get to 50 and get battlemaster rank and fight against people with battlemaster rank then come talk. Sorry but owning level 10's on your level 40 doesnt count. Powertechs at 50 are amazing tanks in PVP but are really not that great at DPS when compared to all the other dps specs simply because they are ridiculously easy to kite.

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