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I'll give you combat sents a little hope


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Hi guys, combat sentinel Ilis here! I've been reading so much about how combat is so bad since beta and I know this is not true. They do about the same damage depending on how the person plays the class.


I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below


I don't use any kinds of stims or adrenals when I enter warzones. Here's one of my screnshots I took, enjoy!


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When the stars align, Combat is pure evil, but that's not often.


I just wish they'd rework precision slash, fix Combat Stance and the 10% damage proc so they actually always work correctly, then we wouldn't have to complain because right now, the damage you did, a Watchman spec would have healed people for over 100k as well.

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Hi guys, combat sentinel Ilis here! I've been reading so much about how combat is so bad since beta and I know this is not true. They do about the same damage depending on how the person plays the class.


I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below


I don't use any kinds of stims or adrenals when I enter warzones. Here's one of my screnshots I took, enjoy!



Did not enjoy. Another useless thread to parade scoreboard screen shots.

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I also have been playing combat from Beta, and will grant we have some survivability issues when levelling. Now that being said I see this as presenting a challenge, so am not at all complaining, but wondering where the interest in playing a class that is any easier to play.


In addition to this having talked to people who play the two key classes renowned for face roll (Troopers and Smugglers) they have their own issues during levelling, so maybe it is just a case of the grass is always greener.


I will also say that I can see from my now extensive grouping experience that we really don’t have any issues with or PvE DPS or raid DPS. If a Sentinel (Yes Combat Sentinel) is played well it puts out quite Rude DPS statistics. And when there are two Sentinels (I will grant the other was a watchman) get together you watch mobs turn into a bloody red mist.


People are whinging about not being able to do L50 Dailies on a Sent… I just don’t get it. There was a little bit of a challenge when I started doing them, but nothing insurmountable. Now they just grind out as a nonstop blood bath. I have more down time harvesting crafting materials than recovering from combat.


I have outlined how to do this in the Weak as a Kitten thread if you want further details.

There is nothing wrong with Sentinels, And with the numbers of them I can see about it shows there is no issue with their popularity.


On an other note I look at the number of people who have posted in the Many Valis threads that they have had issues then once reading some of the feedback in the thread found him no issue and it really does support the L2P responses that a lot of people get. The fact that a few basic pointers is helping some people this much shows that learning how the class works and some tactics makes a HUGE difference.


I am not saying that I am the font of all knowledge here. I have learnt a lot and improved a lot by paying attention to what others have to say, but seriously the Sent has some minor issues and tweaks, and there are some bug in the game to be sorted, but the class is not broken at all.

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I've told you before and I'll say it again... You'd do better as Watchman.


Also, wth kind of time were you playing? I recognize all of 3 people in that warzone, you, Gravy, and Thug.


He does better than you. I run with him all the time and I've seen you in Warzones...yeah...not like you're some Sentinel Guru. You're Watchman, I'm Watchman, he's Combat. He does better than either of us. Duel him, I dare you. Time doesn't matter, he does that pretty consistently. 4.7k blade storm crits ftw.

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He does better than you. I run with him all the time and I've seen you in Warzones...yeah...not like you're some Sentinel Guru. You're Watchman, I'm Watchman, he's Combat. He does better than either of us. Duel him, I dare you. Time doesn't matter, he does that pretty consistently. 4.7k blade storm crits ftw.


And you are?


I'll duel anyone anytime any place where we're not getting interfered with.


I've been playing Sentinel without noteable alts since September. Since Centering was introduced, Combat has been inferior, and I've played all three specs since then. When the combat stuttering was introduced, Combat was just gimped.

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And you are?


I'll duel anyone anytime any place where we're not getting interfered with.


I've been playing Sentinel without noteable alts since September. Since Centering was introduced, Combat has been inferior, and I've played all three specs since then. When the combat stuttering was introduced, Combat was just gimped.


Odynol. Yes, it's so inferior. All that damage is so inferior. Why not give credit where it's due instead of saying "I played beta and I like Watchman best therefor it's tops"? Just admit that he makes it work. He did beta, he likely tried Watchman and didn't like it.

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Odynol. Yes, it's so inferior. All that damage is so inferior. Why not give credit where it's due instead of saying "I played beta and I like Watchman best therefor it's tops"? Just admit that he makes it work. He did beta, he likely tried Watchman and didn't like it.

Where did I say he didn't deserve credit? All I said is he would be better off as Watchman, which he would be. I get your need to defend a guildmate, but it's misplaced.


You mistake my objective observations for subjective. I actually enjoy running combat. It's far less intensive than Watchman. It's just not up to par- it takes less to play and does less.


Yes, if you're naive enough to only look at damage, Combat is competitive. If you actually look at your impact to the match, the increased use of Centering, the overabundance of interrupts, and the self-sufficiency of Watchman or the infinite Transcendence, massive AoE, mobility, and defenses of Focus outweigh the two roots that Combat has.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Hi guys, combat sentinel Ilis here! I've been reading so much about how combat is so bad since beta and I know this is not true. They do about the same damage depending on how the person plays the class.


I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below


I don't use any kinds of stims or adrenals when I enter warzones. Here's one of my screnshots I took, enjoy!





I really hate these pictures, I always start mousing over things trying to click tabs.


I've been playing Combat from the start, not going to debate that its better than watchmen or focus; but, I've certainly enjoyed it.

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Where did I say he didn't deserve credit? All I said is he would be better off as Watchman, which he would be. I get your need to defend a guildmate, but it's misplaced.


You mistake my objective observations for subjective. I actually enjoy running combat. It's far less intensive than Watchman. It's just not up to par- it takes less to play and does less.


Yes, if you're naive enough to only look at damage, Combat is competitive. If you actually look at your impact to the match, the increased use of Centering, the overabundance of interrupts, and the self-sufficiency of Watchman or the infinite Transcendence, massive AoE, mobility, and defenses of Focus outweigh the two roots that Combat has.


He makes it work. He can still use Transcendence or Inspiration (albeit less frequently) and he can drop healers in about 5 seconds. His role is burst damage. That's what he wants to do in a WZ. Playing Watchman wouldn't make him better off for that. Besides, Watchman utility isn't exactly godly. I guarantee that that damage contributed just as much as the "utility" of Watchman would've. People who want to be support and utility players should try another class. I prefer someone who can drop healers quickly over someone who can use Transcendence a couple more times. And interrupts...it's a 2 second difference in CD on kick and and 1 kick is all he needs to drop healers (if you have to use the 0 meter leap a lot, you're doing it wrong). And if he needs 1 more he can use Stasis or Awe as an emergency interrupt.


And self-sufficiency? You seem to forget the extra CC break he gets. That helps a lot. And besides, it's a WZ, not a 1v1 party.


I don't believe any spec is "superior". Watchman brings slightly greater "utility" and Combat brings higher burst and good enough utility.

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He makes it work. He can still use Transcendence or Inspiration (albeit less frequently) and he can drop healers in about 5 seconds. His role is burst damage. That's what he wants to do in a WZ. Playing Watchman wouldn't make him better off for that. Besides, Watchman utility isn't exactly godly. I guarantee that that damage contributed just as much as the "utility" of Watchman would've. People who want to be support and utility players should try another class. I prefer someone who can drop healers quickly over someone who can use Transcendence a couple more times. And interrupts...it's a 2 second difference in CD on kick and and 1 kick is all he needs to drop healers (if you have to use the 0 meter leap a lot, you're doing it wrong). And if he needs 1 more he can use Stasis or Awe as an emergency interrupt.


And self-sufficiency? You seem to forget the extra CC break he gets. That helps a lot. And besides, it's a WZ, not a 1v1 party.


I don't believe any spec is "superior". Watchman brings slightly greater "utility" and Combat brings higher burst and good enough utility.


Are you his wingman or something? A defensive groupie? Relax. Get over it. Arguing on someone else's behalf is silly and childish. If your guildie has something to say, he can speak for himself. You're reminding me of one of those fans who get all bent out of shape if someone posts any criticism about their obsession. You could be a background performer in an 80's music video, rocking a popped collar and a mullet to boot. Think happier thoughts and don't get so defensive.


On topic, however.


Thanks for the screenshot, OP. I, personally, prefer combat to Watchman spec. While I'm not 50, I generally don't have any difficulty topping DPS as long as there's at least one competent healer willing to heal me through the 48 seconds of CC that befalls me the moment pop my head up.

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...I don't believe any spec is "superior". Watchman brings slightly greater "utility" and Combat brings higher burst and good enough utility.

But combat doesn't really bring higher burst. Longer burst yes, but higher no. If you've got 0 focus, 0 centering, and 5 GCDs, Watchman is going to do more damage in those 5 GCDs. If you've got full Focus or full Centering and are lucky with crits, Combat can definitely pump out a lot in a short time, but if you're lucky with crits, Watchman can basically match it under the same conditions.


Combat is better for sustained damage, not burst. Watchman and Focus both go on a rollercoaster of spike damage where Combat stays relatively steady. Watchman's kind of the "kiddie coaster" where the highs aren't that high and the lows aren't that low, but there is a difference between the two. However, Watchman always resets back to the top of the hill because of damage being cooldown-locked, and in a sustained fight the lows are shorter. Focus on the other hand has higher highs with lower lows, the problem is it starts at the bottom of the hill with it's primary damage sources being buff-locked. Combat is the steadiest of the three trees damage wise, and it pays for this dearly in other categories.


If you're running in nothing but premades, the role of a pure damage dealer is viable, but that doesn't mean that it's the best choice. Durable DPS > dead DPS or DPS that's dependent on the healer being unhindered. Beyond that, that CC break (really just a snare/root break) you're championing from Combat... if you've got a healer they can do the same thing, only better.


If all you want to do in a warzone is damage, you're playing the wrong game.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Hi guys, combat sentinel Ilis here! I've been reading so much about how combat is so bad since beta and I know this is not true. They do about the same damage depending on how the person plays the class.


I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below


I don't use any kinds of stims or adrenals when I enter warzones. Here's one of my screnshots I took, enjoy!




linking a single screenshot in a game where you were heal-botted and died very little if ever doesn't really mean/show anything significant at all. Sure its a pretty picture but anyone can do that if you go in with a team/healbot and are constantly fighting. Link a video of you doing it, and it would add a little bit because then we could see your skill lvl - but going off a random pvp chart makes you look like you just want attention. It also does nothing to show the viability of the spec in PVP since survivability and control > burst all day.

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Credit is due where credit is due I suppose.


He wanted to give hope and tell people Combat can top charts and get big numbers, goal achieved. I don't think it was ever a case of Combat > Watchman/Focus.


That being said, wow, that was a lot of healing, it doesn't seem like a great showcase in that respect. Irregardless, any Sentinel looking to do high damage should know the necessity of a healer by now so that point is moot.


40 kills seem a little low tbh, though I guess it was high heals all around?


Whatever the case Blade Rush' animation doesn't seem to affect you that much which... I guess is lucky for you. Ruins the spec for me entirely so until that's fixed I certainly won't be touching it.

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I average 400k-600k in warzones as a combat, though, I have only recently started taking screenshots of the warzone scoreboard. I'll link a screenshot below





I have trouble believing you average 500k in wzs, even under the right conditions. Even if you can, your experience likely isn't replicable for other players on other servers.


Once you fight people with BM gear consistently your damage is likely to cap out around 300k as combat imo. If you can average 400k-600k as combat against bm equiped guys, please make videos cause obviously I was playing combat wrong.


One of the problems is you are setting other people up with false expecations. New level 50 combat sents are going to be lucky to get 200k damage.

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I also average well over the 400k mark. However this is purely because I only run with very capable and skilled premade teams. Combat is such a powerful and reliable spec with the right team behind you. They're made for high consistent damage, and will rip through single player targets.


Here's a screenshot of almost 600k damage.




I actually wasn't in a 4 man premade in this match, I was helping one of my guildys get his daily win. Note almost everyone on my team was healing, and the other team were poor. However saying that, you can see they're still capable of extremely high damage.

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You've gotta mouseover and SS how many killing blows you get tbh to get any accurate picture of how effective you were in that warzone.


I can't remember for sure, but I think it was in it's high 30's. The other team were terrible. Plus tbh, the killing blows is irrelevant here, almost dealing more damage then the opposite team combined shows you're being effective.

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you combat sents should give up hope, Watchmen is the better spec. I played the combat equiv for marauder all through beta, before and after the zen changes, to 50. Geared both with the best pvp gear we could get in beta at the time. I switch to watchmen come live to see what it was like and the spec gives so much more than combat does.



I'm not looking back for a while.

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