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overlevelling - an issue later?


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Hi everbody,


I posted this already in the german section, but I would like to have an opinion from english-speaking players as well because I read quite diverse things about the issue.


I am playing SWTOR in a very diligent manner, that means I am doing all the quests, exploring all the corners - that´s for me the very essence of the game and in my opinion you get the most out of the game like that. I don´t leave a planet until absolutely everything is done (including the Datacrons). The consequence is that my level is always above the planet or quest level.


For example, my most advanced character is level 23, in the middle of Taris (third area, Brell settlement). In the description it says that Taris is between 16-20, I just arrived there ate level 20! So I probably will conclude Taris maybe at level 26 and then proceed to Nar Shaddaa. However, Nar Shaddaa is said to be level 20 to 24, so I will out-level even more. Important for me is that despite this higher level there are always good challenges. I have read in several threads that TATOOINE is a major jump in difficulty. So what do you think - even playing as I do, might it still be a good challenge for me?





Edited by TarisKnight
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Thanks for the quick reply and the advice. However, that is out of question. I have been single-player for about 18 years and the last thing I do is skipping stuff. I don´t care about PVP or reaching quickly the endgame - that doesn´t interest me.


And even skipping some stuff and doing later with another character is not as simple: for example you can make different choices in the same quests (e.g. Light side/dark side), and depending on your character (male/female, class like smuggler or jedi) the replies are also different. So it definitely is worth doing also non-class quests several times with different characters.

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It's not really an issue, I'm not far of 47 and barely half way through Hoth so I'm over by several levels, I've just done every quest+sides+bounus and a lot of PVP.


It's not a problem really if anything it makes things easier although a little more boring to the relative lack of challenge.


The one thing I would like to see is an option to turn XP off in Warzones.

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The system is very smart in fact, and I'm in love with it ... but it doesn't work the way you would expect.


If you do EVERY quest and don't skip anything, you will find that you'll get to 50 doing almost exactly every second planet. You can skill half of them after your first two.


When I first encountered this I felt the same as you; over levelling was a huge problem. But then I realized .. I can now play an alt with almost NO repeated content.


So skip, and roll and alt to do the stuff you missed.

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The strange thing is that I talked to people in the game chat who had other characters and played the same way as myself (doing everything). They confirmed that especially from Tatooine on it still remains quite a challenge. Well, in the end I hope that´s true - guess I will let myself surprise.


@ lexiekaboom: what you write is only half-true. In fact, I do with every character (I got 4) every non-class mission exactly because they are NOT the same. In most of the side missions you can select different answers, even different outcomes (light side/dark side), and depending on whether you play smuggler, trooper, jedi etc. - even male/female - the replies are different. A male character might flirt with a female quest giver, a smuggler replies entirely different than a Trooper etc. I know that for many players these details are not important, but for me they are.

Edited by TarisKnight
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The strange thing is that I talked to people in the game chat who had other characters and played the same way as myself (doing everything). They confirmed that especially from Tatooine on it still remains quite a challenge. Well, in the end I hope that´s true - guess I will let myself surprise.


@ lexiekaboom: what you write is only half-true. In fact, I do with every character (I got 4) every non-class mission exactly because they are NOT the same. In most of the side missions you can select different answers, even different outcomes (light side/dark side), and depending on whether you play smuggler, trooper, jedi etc. - even male/female - the replies are different. A male character might flirt with a female quest giver, a smuggler replies entirely different than a Trooper etc. I know that for many players these details are not important, but for me they are.


Yeah it's great.


I had a LOT of time off at the games release so I got a 50 very very quickly, and now I'm levelling 2 other toons. I'm very happy with how different the leveling experience feels for each of them, even though they are on the same side and in one case are the same base class.


I'm really looking forward to Voss, a planet I've been told has a fanatic world story, which I completely skipped over the first time.

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I just found this blog in the internet which might be interesting for those that play the game in the same fashion as I do: http://tobolds.blogspot.com/2011/12/swtor-mid-level.html


In short, the blog starter relates that he also overleveled on Taris, yet, when he arrived at level 30 on Tatooine, it was still a good challenge. Well, that is somewhat reassuring and I am looking forward to it.


@ lexiekaboom: that´s exactly what I am referring to! It is a really different experience depending on what class you play. Besides the different storyline, the slightly different non-class side quests, the different ships you can focus on other things, get other crewskills, try other strategies, play unorthodox etc.





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The strange thing is that I talked to people in the game chat who had other characters and played the same way as myself (doing everything). They confirmed that especially from Tatooine on it still remains quite a challenge. Well, in the end I hope that´s true - guess I will let myself surprise.

well im 47 with my powertech, i just reach belsavis, and i found hoth quite hard. I wa sa bit over leveled in hoth stillmy quests were all green, and still i found the level of dificulty was indeed quite diferent from taris( empire side- equivalent of balmorra on republic side) or tattooine. mainly the number of strong mobs ( silver) its a lot more then before. I remember doing an heroic on the bonus quest area on hoth that was insane, it took alot of time to complete it. So i think even if you reach 50 on some late planets like Voss and corellia etc you might find it chalanging none the less. I honestly dont find tattooine very dificult or anything very dificult until you reach hoth, but again that is a matter of perspective as well. Its not that Hoth or other planets after that are more dificult, it just its takes alot more time to kill mobs. And you have to use way more times your healing companion.

Edited by Spartanik
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I've been running each and every planet completely, however skipping the Bonus Series. Even doing so I find myself over-leveling a lot. Most of the time I'm running Green-colored quests.


No Warzones, nor Flashpoints whilst leveling either. Boosted some Guildies to both help them and see the flashpoints, but as a boost, didn't get Experience out of it.


Still, I wouldn't want it any other way. I just get a pretty nice sensation of accomplishment by clearing a planet before heading out to the next.

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Don't worry. The only thing that will happen is that some quest will sometime not give you EXP. I was sometime 7 to 9 level higher than my actual quest progression.


Just for info :


I left Coruscant at 20

I left Taris at 27

I left Nar Shadda at 33

// After Tatooine I didn't start any Bonus Serie

Tatooine and Alderaan at 37-38 or so

Balmora and Hoth at 44


If you get to 30 while doing the Nar Shaddaa quest line you can start right after the Bonus Series too because the BS is about level 30-31. Being 6-7 level above quest line so is way more easier than if following the level range.

Edited by ImperiumAlpha
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well im 47 with my powertech, i just reach belsavis, and i found hoth quite hard. I wa sa bit over leveled in hoth stillmy quests were all green, and still i found the level of dificulty was indeed quite diferent from taris( empire side- equivalent of balmorra on republic side) or tattooine. mainly the number of strong mobs ( silver) its a lot more then before. I remember doing an heroic on the bonus quest area on hoth that was insane, it took alot of time to complete it. So i think even if you reach 50 on some late planets like Voss and corellia etc you might find it chalanging none the less. I honestly dont find tattooine very dificult or anything very dificult until you reach hoth, but again that is a matter of perspective as well. Its not that Hoth or other planets after that are more dificult, it just its takes alot more time to kill mobs. And you have to use way more times your healing companion.


wait... you found hoth difficult... at lvl 45+? what?

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Don't worry. The only thing that will happen is that some quest will sometime not give you EXP. I was sometime 7 to 9 level higher than my actual quest progression.


Just for info :


I left Coruscant at 20

I left Taris at 27

I left Nar Shadda at 33

// After Tatooine I didn't start any Bonus Serie

Tatooine and Alderaan at 37-38 or so

Balmora and Hoth at 44


If you get to 30 while doing the Nar Shaddaa quest line you can start right after the Bonus Series too because the BS is about level 30-31. Being 6-7 level above quest line so is way more easier than if following the level range.


Its incredibly boring killing mobs 7 lvls lower than you though.

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I like to do everything as well. Sure im a higher level in the next area but who cares. I still get to experience that content. If I ever get the feeling that im too strong or so overpowering for an area I just remove a piece of gear until its challenging again.
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@ ImperiumAlpha: that is an extremely interesting approach that you have there. Because right now (level 23 in mid-Taris) attracting several mobs often proves very very difficult and I found myself dying not only once. So, despite my over-level, it is (still) sufficiently "challenging" to take on one mob after another. Indeed, if later on the level difference might increase one can consider this as a kind of new challenge/motivation, i.e. engaging several groups - up to the point that it gets too difficult and you have to step down a little.
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Hi everbody,


I posted this already in the german section, but I would like to have an opinion from english-speaking players as well because I read quite diverse things about the issue.


I am playing SWTOR in a very diligent manner, that means I am doing all the quests, exploring all the corners - that´s for me the very essence of the game and in my opinion you get the most out of the game like that. I don´t leave a planet until absolutely everything is done (including the Datacrons). The consequence is that my level is always above the planet or quest level.


For example, my most advanced character is level 23, in the middle of Taris (third area, Brell settlement). In the description it says that Taris is between 16-20, I just arrived there ate level 20! So I probably will conclude Taris maybe at level 26 and then proceed to Nar Shaddaa. However, Nar Shaddaa is said to be level 20 to 24, so I will out-level even more. Important for me is that despite this higher level there are always good challenges. I have read in several threads that TATOOINE is a major jump in difficulty. So what do you think - even playing as I do, might it still be a good challenge for me?






I have been playing the game a similar way to you, I like to clear out ALL the quests in an area. However, I am massively out-levelling all content, haven't even done a single flashpoint (I shudder at the though of fresh max lvl's with ZERO group experience in any MMO...)


The game content is INCREDIBLY easy as a result of outlevelling it so hard. All I can advise is skip an entire planet apart from your class quests there, and then maybe just maybe the next planet may be some-what of a challenge for you. :S

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I'm in the same boat. So far, at least. And really enjoying it. I just got to Alderaan with my Guardian and I'm lvl 34. And that's with leaving a couple of the Heroics on Nar Shadaa and Tatooine. It's still challenging for sure. Maybe not as much as it would be if I was on the "suggested" level.


But, I know, at least for guildies that are rolling knights, when they've tried to do story bosses at the "suggested" level, they've struggled. There have been several times that I've gone in to help them out with their boss, whereas, I've been able to beat the boss without help.


But even with being above the "suggested" level, I'm really enjoying the game and feeling challenged, particularly on the Heroics. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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This game is quite different from most mmo, where you can grind all the way and easy kill low level mobs. It require some planning and armor/weapon upgrade, if you're on the right level bracket. Having said that, if you select/collect commendations and leave your gear poor, it could still be a little challenge, even when out level.
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The way I see it there are 2 difficulty jumps: One around level 30, when you have to break your opponents' casts, and around 42, when simple breaking is not enough and you meet a lot of elite mobs that require some sort of technique. That is assuming you are more or less at intended level of the quests involved.


In contrast to most other MMOs that I know these fight are a real challenge - and as such you feel a much bigger satisfaction on surviving them if you finally can.


The level range is no problem if you are still within 2 or 3, maybe even 4 levels. Anything higher than that will make the fights easy, because brute force techniques will be sufficient.


Your dilemma - as I see it - is that you either loose the satisfaction of doing all content, or you will loose the satisfaction of having won difficult fights. There is no other way.


The only thing I can advise (but you already said this is no option for you) is to skip content in one form or the other, then come back after finishing your class quest line.

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I'm in the same boat. So far, at least. And really enjoying it. I just got to Alderaan with my Guardian and I'm lvl 34. And that's with leaving a couple of the Heroics on Nar Shadaa and Tatooine. It's still challenging for sure. Maybe not as much as it would be if I was on the "suggested" level.


But, I know, at least for guildies that are rolling knights, when they've tried to do story bosses at the "suggested" level, they've struggled. There have been several times that I've gone in to help them out with their boss, whereas, I've been able to beat the boss without help.


But even with being above the "suggested" level, I'm really enjoying the game and feeling challenged, particularly on the Heroics. So, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Depends a bit on the class you play. On my Knight I struggled alot as well until I got Doc at 36 after my Balmorra class quests.


On my healer Sage it's been a breeze. Only needed help at the final quest to get Nadia. I was on level. And that boss did massive amounts of damage and healed himself as well. Just too much for me to interrupt.



I know where you're coming from. I'm all for good stories. I read all quests. And since it's Star Wars, it's especially cool. I've been a Star Wars fan since high school.


Done all of Tython and the most of Coruscant. But by then I was already past the minimum level for Taris. Done a few quests there and went to Tatooine at minimum recommended level. Done that ever since.


I've been missing out on a lot this way. But I'll get the rest done once I get to 50. My Sage is 47 now, so that will probably be somewhere next weekend :)


Besides I have to go back and forth now as well. So many quests that can't be abandoned it's not even funny. Your quest log will be full in no time.

Edited by SandsOfArrakis
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If you outlevel content, you get less XP, so this will counter the overlevelling to some extent. I wouldn't really sweat it too much. Even with all the XP, you are still undergeared for your level (and gear matters in TOR), and if it gets to easy, you can always draw an extra enemy group into your fights. And I found the class "bosses" to be still challenging, but that may just be my lack of experience talking. (Usually it always seems as if some players will claim they faceroll the keyboard to victory. And at least for Startrek Online, that seemed rather close to the truth. I would still reserve doubts for TOR...) Edited by MustrumRidcully
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