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Is anyone actually happy with this game?


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I keep playing because hopefully they fix all their mistakes. I payed for 6 months ahead of time. If its still broke or worse ill be leaving. Right now, yeah its horrible.


There is a reason I never sub for 6 months at launch and there is a reason they try to get you to.

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Enjoying it.


- I do 1-49 PVP pretty much exclusively. I will probably stick with this until GW2. I have four alts and am in no rush to ding 50.


- The secret to a good endgame is to make it a sandbox, not a themepark. The reason to play EVE and UO is the endgame, not the grind.

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right now im sitting in ilum casting my group buff over and over getting valor. im a marauder so this in the only thing i can really do here. this isnt fun. at all.


This. Not to mention the marauder bugs, ravage, choke, force charging to load screen, having no gear for neutrals, having nothing in my relic slots, no way to really participate in ilum pvp, being stuck with quinn to level, no gear for us at darkside vender etc etc. All stuff that shouldnt have made it far in beta or post launch. Obviously there arent many marauders at BW.

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Possibly one of the worst MMO implementations in the history of MMO gaming. It's not the bugs, as ubiquitous as they are, it's the strategy that this company uses to employ content. Their ideas are ludicrous. PvP is an absolute joke.


I really have to wonder if the people calling the shots in this game actually play MMOs or if they are going off of spreadsheets, demographics, and other data that they collect and think it gives them the best "business chance" to make a lot of money off people who love Star Wars.


I don't think these people are interested in creating a cutting-edge awesome MMO. They're just out for money.


So yes, when something better comes along, I will go. But for now, I play it. But I just don't see things getting better. This is a company that implements fixes that slow down player progression ultra-fast but other annoying, game halting, broken parts of the game continue to go unaddressed for weeks and weeks.


They implement fixes to where you can use your self rez, Ilum so called exploits and other things within days while bugged FPs, PvP ridiculousness and lack of any real end-game content continues. Slicing was nerfed ultra-quick, yet overall, crafting is a joke.


If WoW wasn't a ridiculous panda game now, I might consider going back there. I'm just really sorry I spent the extra money on the CE of this game.

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Still subbed, no regrets.



Coincidentally, I feel the same.


My guildies and I laugh at all the people crying on the forums all day.


The game has so many positives that everyone overlooks, it just came out, it only has room to improve.



The only sad part is in half a year when everyone starts re subbing because they realized how much of a spoiled brat they were being, the kids who weren't qqing are going to know the ins and outs of this game. And will be premade 4s facerolling every WZ



Edit: I would also like to give my preemptive LOL to all the GW2 people when they unsub THAT because of their ONE action bar

Edited by CaptainDil
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not overly thrilled with it, have a champed out scoundrel and leveling up some alts.



but honestly, having never played wow, what other mmo would i play?

my rift sub goes out in a week or so, havent played since tor launch.


and i cannot abide starting a game thats been going for any length of time beforehand. makes me feel totally clueless and frustrated (lingo, quests, classes, everything)

at least when you start at launch, most people are in the same boat

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"I do 1-49 PVP pretty much exclusively. I will probably stick with this until GW2".

As above, waiting for a couple of Beta invites and waiting for GW2, I do not come back and resub games that I have left, there are always new games to play.

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So far I'm happy. i got to 50 in less than a month. i've got friend who play slower so i have alts to play with them and i use my 50 to craft stuff for them.


I'd lime to see more 50 solo content, but that's just me.


I'm also curious about all the people who have said they unsubbed but still continue to post complaints and QQ rants. If you unsub then you walked away from the game. Why keep trolling and posting. If you have unsubbed, the just walk away and move on.

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Hello everyone!


We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. Allison's thread goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful. Please take a moment to read through that sticky which can be found here:


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic thread for suggestions and encourage you to continue your discussion there.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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