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    Perth, Western Australia
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    Gaming, Graphic Design,
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    Game Design Student
  1. I don't do PvP to get gear, to do dailies or anything like that. I do PvP to have fun, which is why a lot of my PvP is done out in the world where it is unrewarded - because it's simply FUN. The combat is fantastic and dynamic, the classes are relatively well balanced, really when you come down to the mechanics themselves TOR just has a much more fun and visually satisfying PvP experience than any other MMO I've played in past (and there have been a lot!) I think people just lose sight of the fact that the game is about having fun. And if you feel the need to complain about the state of TOR all the time, maybe you should take a step back and find something else to do, because you are stressing far too much for what is simply a game.
  2. I PvP'd heavily in World of Warcraft, and I really enjoy PvP here in ToR. So I don't really fit in either of those groups.
  3. Seriously, two days of this and the only response we've gotten was in this thread suggesting we submit an in-game ticket. For a server-wide issue effecting Ilum. Not something just effecting a few players, but every player on the server. It just totally baffles me that a server has gone THIS LONG with Ilum broken, and nobody has acted upon it.
  4. I'd have lol'd if you replied with something about deleting my W T F folder and disabling my addons, to reference the usual WoW support response.
  5. It would be really, really nice to get an official response to this.
  6. I've seen plenty of good tanks that keep an eye on ops frames and move guard as necessary to keep people up. TOR is all about strategy, and there's not much strategy to spiking damage on a single target. Everything plays a role, and a Healer (or a few healers) will be able to assist in keeping somebody up for a time, but it cannot be indefinite. With the healing debuff and energy consumption, it becomes impossible to keep a fight going for TOO long, and the side with the better strategy going in is going to win the battle. If healing was better, fights would hinge more on heals. As it stands, Healing and Tanking is probably a little too powerful (especially Healer/Tank combos).
  7. I'm pretty sure Pommel Strike works in PvP, I've heard guildies talking about killing people with it.
  8. I'm still playing and I will still be playing in 6 months time. I'm having more fun with TOR than I did with WoW, really.
  9. Healers shouldn't be the difference between life and death. They should be the difference between a long fight and a short fight in PvP. That's what the debuff is for in PvP. Because PvP is a lot faster moving than PvE, where everybody dying means not getting loot.
  10. If I remember correctly, a Dev commented a while back that those abilities were added to mix things up and add flavor to PvE combat.
  11. The 30% is offset by Expertise. You won't buff your Expertise by 30%, but you will buff it up pretty high. PvP Healing is fine.
  12. I love the PvP in this game. The combat is dynamic and fun, the classes are fairly well balanced, it just feels good to me. There are problems with certain classes performing far too well with their utility in certain warzones (Inquisitors/Consulars in Huttball), healer/tank combo's being spectacularly powerful at present, a few overpowered abilities, and Ilum can be pretty messy at times - but I still have fun there. The PvP gearing system is my biggest gripe right now. I don't know, maybe I am just crazy, but I am having FUN with the game despite the flaws.
  13. I would agree, but stealth slows you down in a gametype all about speed and mobility. Stealth will get you into the end zone to have the ball passed to you, which is a very powerful teamplay when you have the time to get there, however.
  14. I played Scrapper 1 to 50 and PvPed with it, tried Sawbones in PvP before the nerf, it was only recently that I decided to try Dirty Fighting in PvP and really just fell in love with it. It's a really fun spec, fantastic at teamplay, and people simply don't know how to deal with it in 1v1's. It requires more thought and a bit more finesse with resource management, but it's great!
  15. The main issue with Scoundrel in Huttball is with Scrapper. It's a melee class without an intercept or movement speed increase, which makes killing the ball carrier and/or their healers a difficult task. That's really all they need to make them viable. Sawbones is a great healer, Dirty Fighting can DOT everything so they don't need to be in melee, and Gunslingers are fantastic at covering the central point or defending the ramps. I think if they just gave Smugglers in general a sprint akin to that which Consulars and Inquisitors get, they'd be great in Huttball. It's not a matter of nerfing everything else.
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