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[Poll] Most boring planet?


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How can Nar Shaddaa ever by the most boring planet when its just like Coruscant but with colors? Imo they did a real good job on it, environment-wise.


And that's why I hate both planets. Pretty much the same thing and Corellia is just as bad.

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How can Nar Shaddaa ever by the most boring planet when its just like Coruscant but with colors? Imo they did a real good job on it, environment-wise.


For me it is Taris. The way Belsavis is built up makes that the second one.


Because Nar Shaddaa is Coruscant... with colors...


It may be a little less obvious for Sith side chars. but being Republic and getting stuck on Nar Shaddaa not long at all after finishing Coruscant, just felt like they copy pasted it and dialed up the glowly lights.

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How can Nar Shaddaa ever by the most boring planet when its just like Coruscant but with colors? Imo they did a real good job on it, environment-wise.


For me it is Taris. The way Belsavis is built up makes that the second one.


Probably there are two reasons for Coruscant not being in top too:


1) Few Rep players (compared to Imp ones)


2) First you go to Coruscant, tehn you say "aaaarrrgggg" but then, a few lvl later you go to Nar Shaddaa ... then its "aaaaaaarrrrrrgggg x3, i had enough of this!!!"

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Probably Tatooine for me.


Here's the thing, I actually like the smaller planets. Korriban, Coruscant, Quesh, and all the starter planets. Just when they start feeling old, the quest line ends and you're off to the next planet. The bigger the planet is, the more annoying it is for me. Like, "Oh my god, I still have another 3 zones to do???"


I think part of the problem, though, is that the quest lines don't really feel connected. Once you get done in Zone A, you're told, "Oh, by the way, Officer-so-and-so needs help over in Zone B. I know you haven't heard anything about that area whatsoever, despite being within walking distance, but I promise they have plenty of unrelated quests for you to do over there."

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Dromund Kaas. I hate that planet. So much. Every time i go there i want to cry myself to sleep.


Dromund Kaas is also one of my favourites. I'm not sure why you dislike it so much.


I'll vote for Quesh as the most boring. There's only one class mission there and the place is so small. I feel like that could've been completely skipped and more development time could've been better allocated elsewhere. It's a shame because I like the look and feel of the planet, but there's just nothing to do.

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The city planets of Nar Shaddaa and Corsucant (though I voted for Nar Shaddaa). They just feel like a series of corridors and rooms strung together instead of feeling like an actual, living breathing city. Anchorhead felt more like a city than either Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant.


Edit: Whats with all the Taris hate? I loved Taris. Did those who voted for Taris not play the original KOTOR?

Edited by talligan
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The city planets of Nar Shaddaa and Corsucant (though I voted for Nar Shaddaa). They just feel like a series of corridors and rooms strung together instead of feeling like an actual, living breathing city. Anchorhead felt more like a city than either Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant.


Edit: Whats with all the Taris hate? I loved Taris. Did those who voted for Taris not play the original KOTOR?


Taris from the original KOTOR was a sprawling city. This Taris is a barren wasteland, where you can't walk five feet without tripping over a rakghoul. Aside from being the Murlocs of SWTOR, they're annoying to fight because they constantly leave you with minute-long armor, health, and DoT debuffs. And the only interesting storyline on Taris is the followup to the Promised Land story from the original KOTOR.

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Taris from the original KOTOR was a sprawling city. This Taris is a barren wasteland, where you can't walk five feet without tripping over a rakghoul. Aside from being the Murlocs of SWTOR, they're annoying to fight because they constantly leave you with minute-long armor, health, and DoT debuffs. And the only interesting storyline on Taris is the followup to the Promised Land story from the original KOTOR.


I get the sprawling city vs. barren wasteland but I quite enjoyed going back and seeing what had become of the planet that got 'destroyed' because of me. I really did feel emotionally invested in helping the planet rebuild. The rakghouls did get annoying after a while though.

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Tatooine easily. You just get your speeder, only for them to make you forced to use it on every quest due to the vast distance of each quest objective.


I think that's another thing that bothered me about the larger worlds. They seem needlessly large, not because they're supposed to "feel" big, but because the developers were trying to meet some sort of "travel time quota." Like they were discussing speeder implementation and decided that every planet had to be expanded to make up for the increased traveling speed.

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I think that's another thing that bothered me about the larger worlds. They seem needlessly large, not because they're supposed to "feel" big, but because the developers were trying to meet some sort of "travel time quota." Like they were discussing speeder implementation and decided that every planet had to be expanded to make up for the increased traveling speed.


For me, not all of the bigger planets were awful. I didn't like Tatooine, but it was because there's nothing there. There are tons of just open areas of sand with nothing in them. On Hoth, there are mountains, tauntauns, wampas, caves, falling snow in some places, and canyons. I found it far more exciting and travel seemed significantly less like torture.

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For me, not all of the bigger planets were awful. I didn't like Tatooine, but it was because there's nothing there. There are tons of just open areas of sand with nothing in them. On Hoth, there are mountains, tauntauns, wampas, caves, falling snow in some places, and canyons. I found it far more exciting and travel seemed significantly less like torture.


I don't see window dressing as a replacement for actual content. That's why Tattooine and Hoth are equally annoying for me (but Tattooine is higher on the list, because I've played through it more than I have Hoth). I mean, I see the barren, sprawling sands just as much of a mood-setter as I do the snow and mountains of Hoth, but they're equally large and pointless, in my opinion.


If there were actually things to discover, easter eggs to find, secret caverns and goodies to uncover, that would be one thing. But it's just endless nothingness with random mobs sprinkled in between the nearest town and your quest destination. It doesn't feel epic to me, it just feels tedious. Pretty, but tedious.

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Dromund Kaas is also one of my favourites. I'm not sure why you dislike it so much.


I'll vote for Quesh as the most boring. There's only one class mission there and the place is so small. I feel like that could've been completely skipped and more development time could've been better allocated elsewhere. It's a shame because I like the look and feel of the planet, but there's just nothing to do.


as i said to the other person who asked me why, i dont know why, it is just an automatic reaction for me. Even the first time i ran through it i hated it. and now on my 4th or 5th time through it, i REALLY hate it.

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Nar Shaddaa.


Not because it was necessarily a bad experience, but just because I was expecting a lot more from it. None of the atmosphere that you'd expect given the way Nar Shaddaa is described ahead of time.


Especially annoying for the Empire because you just got done on Balmorra running from Imperial outpost to imperial outpost killing thugs and rebels and when you head to this gangster planet, what happens? You run from Imperial outpost to Imperial outpost killing thugs and rebels. All of the vice and shadiness Nar Shaddaa is (according to the game itself!) is famous for? Pretty much nonexistant.


Like I said, it's not a bad planet on its own right ( though it's not amazing ), there's just so much lost potential there.

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Nar Shaddaa.


Not because it was necessarily a bad experience, but just because I was expecting a lot more from it. None of the atmosphere that you'd expect given the way Nar Shaddaa is described ahead of time.


Especially annoying for the Empire because you just got done on Balmorra running from Imperial outpost to imperial outpost killing thugs and rebels and when you head to this gangster planet, what happens? You run from Imperial outpost to Imperial outpost killing thugs and rebels. All of the vice and shadiness Nar Shaddaa is (according to the game itself!) is famous for? Pretty much nonexistant.


Like I said, it's not a bad planet on its own right ( though it's not amazing ), there's just so much lost potential there.


This is very true. Of course, there's a lot of wasted potential on a lot of the planets.

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I am just now on Alderaan so I haven't voted yet without playing them all, but as of now my last favorite planet is Tython. I have played there a few times now trying out new AC's and server hopping and I have to say that planet is the most annoying simply because of the Flesh Raider camp.


Without non starter planets, I didn't like Taris at all either. I wrather liked Nar Shadda actually.

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