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When you compare Kass to (possible spoilers)


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Coruscant it is pretty simple to see why the empire is the more popular side.



Kass is an open world area in which you have a diverse selection of enemies to kill, from rebelling slaves to the local wildlife, and there are almost no black elevator screens.


Coruscant is a long hallway. You pretty much only fight gangsters, and each "zone" has a kill 40-60 bad guys bonus quest chain, with at least 2-3 black elevator screens per zone.


for all the imperials that haven't done Coruscant, the layout is identical to Nar'shada.


There needs to be some srs work done on the Republic side if this game wants to tout 2 factions.


Edit: Another point to make is that on Kass you can go from the flight path to where your particular quest is with relative ez. If you have to go back to the fleet before you finish a zone in Coruscant you have to fight the whole way back to where you were.

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Oh god I HATED Nar Shadaa the first time around.


I havent rolled one of my republic toons yet, but when I do if Coruscant is really that bad Im going to get off of it as fast as possible.


The layout is identical. Central area connecting to multiple lesser areas via speeder travel with each one being a glorified hallway.

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Firstly it's just one zone you go to for a short period of time, it's not like you have to keep going back.


Secondly, it's nothing like nashadda anymore than hoth is like Tatooine.


Narshadda is an island that connect to multiple other islands via speeder travel. Each island is a glorified hallway.


That is the exact design of Coruscant, ill even post some screen shots in a little bit.

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Firstly it's just one zone you go to for a short period of time, it's not like you have to keep going back.


Secondly, it's nothing like nashadda anymore than hoth is like Tatooine.


Well...Hoth IS kind of like tatooine. Change the snow texture to sand and its pretty close.


That being said I enjoyed Hoth and tatooine. I did not enjoy Nar Shadaa

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I've leveled 2 Empire characters currently.


One to 50, One is currently 43.


While they were on Kaas, I enjoyed exploring, Datacron hunting, questing, and all the other fun stuff.


I have a Republic character that is 15. About 15 seconds after setting foot on Coruscant, I was ready to get off and go anywhere else in the game.

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Narshadda is an island that connect to multiple other islands via speeder travel. Each island is a glorified hallway.


That is the exact design of Coruscant, ill even post some screen shots in a little bit.


In which case its exactly the same as saying that tython is like taris, alderan like balmorra and hoth is like tatooine.


However in terms of FEEL, they feel completely different. Nashadda is all very low small enclosed corridors, large parts of coruscant are high vaulted chambers.


As I say, its not like its somewhere you have to live and its not somewhere you start so im not sure what the issue is really or how this makes the empire better.

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However in terms of FEEL, they feel completely different. Nashadda is all very low small enclosed corridors, large parts of coruscant are high vaulted chambers.



They still both give a very claustrophobic feel. When you compare the maps they are almost identical to one another.

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They still both give a very claustrophobic feel. When you compare the maps they are almost identical to one another.


What - you mean its got speeders and you travel from area to area?



Take away the underlying map and ALL planets would look identical.


Seriously read what you are writing please - consider this - which world am I describing:



Its a huge world with multipul zones, many questing hubs scattered all over it. Its vast and open and you can fly all over the place with random monsters dotted all over it many of which are mentioned/ seen in the films and its really cool to see them/ kill them.







Guess what that description is entirely accurate for hoth AND tatooine.




Some of the planets do feel similar - they are however not identical and have a different feel, even if some of the feel is similar (Eg hoth and tatooine both feel massive and open, nashadda and courscant both feel caustrophobic.)

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uploading screen shots comparing the kass/coru/nar'shadda maps.


Corucsant maps:


The main map



Zone maps (note that i couldn't use my speeder in 2 of those zones)





Kass Maps:


The main map



what the zone maps look like (i didn't explore them all yet)



Nar'Shada maps


The main map



Zone maps






Kass is an open world, corucsant is a closed off series of hallways ala narshada.

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Which, as you ignored me above, wont show anything what so ever...


It shows that kass is an open world while coruscant is a series of hallways. The comparasin to narshada is to give imperial players who have no done the zone and idea of what it is like.

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It shows that kass is an open world while coruscant is a series of hallways. The comparasin to narshada is to give imperial players who have no done the zone and idea of what it is like.




So in your screen shots you succesfully showed that coruscant and nashaddas main maps look absolutely nothing like each other.


Im rather lost as to what point you were actually tying to make..

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So in your screen shots you succesfully showed that coruscant and nashaddas main maps look absolutely nothing like each other.


Im rather lost as to what point you were actually tying to make..


The point is that Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are city-worlds. Giant cities, all enclosed, etc.


Dromund Kaas is a world, with a city on it. Not a city that got so big it covered the entire world.


I think that's the point. It's just the 'feel' of the different worlds. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa 'feel' the same because they're nearly entirely enclosed.... and full of hallways. Lots and lots of hallways and corridors and elevators.

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The point is that Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are city-worlds. Giant cities, all enclosed, etc.


Dromund Kaas is a world, with a city on it. Not a city that got so big it covered the entire world.


I think that's the point. It's just the 'feel' of the different worlds. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa 'feel' the same because they're nearly entirely enclosed.... and full of hallways. Lots and lots of hallways and corridors and elevators.


This guy gets it


Courscant is incredibly linear with 1/2 the exploration you have on Kass. Yes, you can observe the scenery by panning your camera, however deviate from the path and you fall to your death.

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Firstly it's just one zone you go to for a short period of time, it's not like you have to keep going back.


Secondly, it's nothing like nashadda anymore than hoth is like Tatooine.


I'd say Hoth and Tatooine are pretty similar actually. Both large arid deserts with little to no features, little habitation outside of the large population centres, and comparative little in the way of flora and fauna. The only difference is one is hot and the other is cold. Exactly like the Sahara and Antarctica, really.

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The point is that Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant are city-worlds. Giant cities, all enclosed, etc.


Dromund Kaas is a world, with a city on it. Not a city that got so big it covered the entire world.


I think that's the point. It's just the 'feel' of the different worlds. Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa 'feel' the same because they're nearly entirely enclosed.... and full of hallways. Lots and lots of hallways and corridors and elevators.




Right so hes made an observation that coruscant and nar shadda share some similarities.



The first line of his first post is:


Coruscant it is pretty simple to see why the empire is the more popular side.


Which implies there is something so wrong with coruscant that it would prevent people from playing republic.


Im still waiting for an explaination of this.

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I'd say Hoth and Tatooine are pretty similar actually. Both large arid deserts with little to no features, little habitation outside of the large population centres, and comparative little in the way of flora and fauna. The only difference is one is hot and the other is cold. Exactly like the Sahara and Antarctica, really.





erm - that was my point.



They are similar, but very different. Like a skoda and a Bugatti. They are similar because they are both cars but they are very different.

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Right so hes made an observation that coruscant and nar shadda share some similarities.



The first line of his first post is:




Which implies there is something so wrong with coruscant that it would prevent people from playing republic.


Im still waiting for an explaination of this.


from the OP


Kass is an open world area


Coruscant is a long hallway.


I suppose a better way to put it would be....


Kass is an open world, whereas Coruscant is an extremely linear follow the yellow brick road world where deviating from the set path ahead will cause you to fall to your death.

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I havent rolled one of my republic toons yet, but when I do if Coruscant is really that bad Im going to get off of it as fast as possible.
Just try to enjoy the Gree quest chain as much as possible.


Im still waiting for an explaination of this.
It was a low blow from a troll. Do you need any more explanation than that? Do you really expect him to explain himself now? After failing to do so his opening rant after leading with that claim?


Kass is an open world, whereas Coruscant is an extremely linear follow the yellow brick road world where deviating from the set path ahead will cause you to fall to your death.
That doesn't address his point. Those are just observations.


Anyway, Kass isn't all that open, but compared to a zone like Coruscant it's a practical sandbox.


Wait, that sounds familiar....

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