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The reason Sorcerers/Sages are OP in PvP


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you are forgetting they also have a whirlwind, it's called concussion missile


Ahh yes, Concussion Missile. So glad you brought that up. 2 second cast time vs instant, no stun on break. Clearly comparable abilities.


let's look at all the tools a assassin has vs a sorcerer,


your own force speed, you move 15% faster, 6s cd on force slow which has a 12s duration, cloak, knockback, vanish, interrupt, low slash, starting the fight from stealth, stun, 90s trinket (which only merc and assassin's can get)...i wont even begin to add what other stuff you can do if you spec a certain way.


what do marauders have that is more advantageous than an assassin when fighting a sorcerer? i can only think of 1, if the fight is on the cat walk and assassins get knocked off...



Force speed, check, that's a SI ability not either Assassin or Sorc specific.

Move 15% faster? Do mean Marauders?

Force Slow is a 6 second slow on 15 second cooldown

Cloak, yep this is pretty great. Of course it's on a 3 minute cooldown.

Knockback - Like a Sorc, minus the root and the fact that Assassins don't WANT to be at range.

Interrupt, 4m range instead of 10 like a Sorc, but yes very solid ability.

Vanish = Force Cloak which you already mentioned.

Low slash is a 21 point deception talent that is melee range and breaks on damage, but yes it's also a good ability

4s stun - just like every other class in the game yep.


Basically you highlight the problem with Sorcs very well. If Low slash took 10 or 11 points in a tree and you could also spec into the cooldown reduction abilities then Assassins might be problematic.


However, you can't. The cooldowns on the abilities the Assassin does have over the Sorc are very long, 3 minutes. Mostly useful for either running away (which will fail) or using shockwater (which will get nerfed eventually).

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All I see is read my bla Bla blaaaa , I got owned by a sorc, I'm bad so nerf them so a 2 year old can 3 shot em ops can.


Sorcs can not in any build have all you listed. I'm surprised you didt add that they can stealth like 1/2 the other QQers try and say.


They don't hit any place close to a ops , a marauder, a sniper, merc , a assassin, a power Tec, a jug . There is no other class that has a softer dps.


What sorcs can do is cc better then you, and have very good survival skills if played good.



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apparently you haven't met a merc healer or a merc dps where they just pop their 25% dmg mitigation shield and tank you.


Again, you are comparing a 120 second cooldown to a 20 second cooldown.


would you call force charge a cooldown?


i'm curious as to how long does an average fight between you and a sorcerer last? i'm pretty sure it's never longer than 20s in any warzones. 3 things usually happen, a) 1 of you will die, b)your teammate comes along and helps you, c) sorcerers teammate comes and helps them


Plenty of fights with a Sorc will run longer than 20 seconds, especially if they play defensively. Not so much if they sit there and lightning turret without casting anything else. Bare minimum might be 20 seconds is as you can pretty much assume if they're in danger of dying in that 20 seconds you will eat a 4 second stun, up to 8 seconds of whirlwind, 3 seconds of blind, 5 seconds of root and also be knocked back. that is 12 to 20 seconds of the first 20 seconds that you're CCed. 12 if they don't whirlwind, 20 if they do and don't break it. Someplace in the middle if it's broken.

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I have played a sorcerer(first class i played) an operative, sentinel, and a powertech. two are 50 and the rest in their 30's.


With that said if i were to call one of them OP it would be my Pyrotech Powertech. This class is simply amazing. Not only am i very dangerous in melee range but if you try to kite me, my key abilities all have 30yd range and i don't even need to be in melee range for them to be available. If you want to get in melee range on me i can kite you with a perma slow and my CC. Combine that with Heavy armor and decent survivability C/DS and it is a beast to deal.


My main problem with Sorcerers generally stem from the **** hole that is Huttball, and the fact that they are by far the single most useful AC in this game. It doesn't matter wether you are hybrid or not, the amount of useful utility this class has is amazing. If you were to create a rated 8 man team you would have at least 2-3 of them. And the utility is very notable in the crappy game called Huttball that we spend way to much time in. In the other WZ and even open world they are about average. However, they stack together well and have great utility, so they still end up being extremely useful. Stacking commands or Mercs beyond one heal and one damage doesn't bring a whole lot to the where, where as multiple Sorc/Sages are always good. This is largely due to the shield, and friendly pull and a perma slow if specced into the madness talent(which some sorc healers will grab).


As for the Hybrid spec, they have a ton of them all very useful with their own strengths and weaknesses. The one the OP is talking about is a spec that is extremely well rounded, however it lacks the damage of heavier madness Builds. The Heavy Madness builds sacrifice some of the utility in Lightning to deal more damage. The OP all though he doesn't give an example of this spec is probably actually the one he sees the most, and doesn't realize it. The hybrid is the Healer hybrid, which is Corruption/Madness, it grabs all the important heals and then goes after the madness and death field talents. there is also a 7/18/18 build, or small variance of it that falls in the middle between the 0/20/21 and the heavy Madness Hybrid. All are very good.


the reason Sorc/Sages go hybrid is because almost all of the late tier talent suck. Putting a 31 into any tree of a Sorcerer is terrible for PvP. So moving good talent deeper just makes early tier talent suck, and ignores the fact the the full 31 build hasn't, and the spec is still bad.


For instance a full lightning build is comparable to an Arsenal/Gunnery specced Merc/Commando. They two spec have very similar play styles, both are turret casters dependent on 1.5 sec activation time abilities. But the Merc is ten times better. Its mobile damage is superior with its hardest hitting abilities being instant, it relies less on RNG procs to do Burst, and the damage of its 1.5s ability is much higher. I may have a little more utility but i would say the Merc has better survivability. All in all a full lighning build flat out sucks


SO for damage (without Hybrid builds) the class would be stuck with Madness. This specc is alright but it is all sustained damage, it doesn't really kill anyone and relies on everyone else to kill. This spec has no burst, and burst is what wins in almost all MMO's. Part of the problem with this spec is that Creeping Terror is pretty bad, even though it increases my kiting power it doesn't make up for the burst damage that a Chain Lightning Madness build has.


When ever i play my Sorcerer as damage in PvP i feel like a support class, especially if i play full Madness. Even if a play hybrid i feel like i am primarily there for my utility. The Sorcerer isn't really the one killing you, it is the Tracer Merc, sniper, or Marauder, and sometimes other Sorcerers that are doing the damage. Sorc/Sages really just make it a pain in the *** for you to do anything to their ranged, and make it easier for their melee to stick on you.


I feel that most of the complaints about this class are to due the fact that we play Huttball too often and this spec has a ton of utility that stacks well with other classes along with its own. You see them so often, so often the 3/4 of a whole WZ is nothing but Sorc and Sages. It is damn annoying when you see this and you can't help but think they are OP when they so easily outnumber any other class in the game.

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All I see is read my bla Bla blaaaa , I got owned by a sorc, I'm bad so nerf them so a 2 year old can 3 shot em ops can.


Sorcs can not in any build have all you listed. I'm surprised you didt add that they can stealth like 1/2 the other QQers try and say.


They don't hit any place close to a ops , a marauder, a sniper, merc , a assassin, a power Tec, a jug . There is no other class that has a softer dps.


What sorcs can do is cc better then you, and have very good survival skills if played good.




Stop being bad and read the first post. He lists a build and it does have all of that CC.

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best warzone team: all sorcs/consulars


Sad but true. I rolled a sorc and am soloing heroic 2s with ease and sometimes a heroic 4 area. In pvp I just hop through acid and sprint through fire and love the 35m range when I'm in a shootout with other ranged classes that are limited to 30m range.


The instant cast corruption dot is long lasting so I have no problem keeping stealth visible so I can cc them as I need to. The AoE Force STorm is so much better than death from above as there is no cooldown on it and it gives a chance to proc an instant cast of chain lightning. Dark Mending crits enough that I just need a cast or two and my health is fine.


I sage sprint if really necessary but usually one of my many CC abilities is enough to give me breathing room as well as the 3.5k instant heal of my static barrier.


I could go on and on how awesome I am finding this class. Playing a number of alts has helped me appreciate the power and ease I enjoy in both pve and pvp as a sorc. Truly playing a sorc is God Mode.


The thing about calling for a nerf to the class is why nerf it when anyone can be a sorc/sage yourself? Its not like you are barred from being the most powerful class in the game.

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I have played a sorcerer(first class i played) an operative, sentinel, and a powertech. two are 50 and the rest in their 30's.


With that said if i were to call one of them OP it would be my Pyrotech Powertech. This class is simply amazing. Not only am i very dangerous in melee range but if you try to kite me, my key abilities all have 30yd range and i don't even need to be in melee range for them to be available. If you want to get in melee range on me i can kite you with a perma slow and my CC. Combine that with Heavy armor and decent survivability C/DS and it is a beast to deal.


My main problem with Sorcerers generally stem from the **** hole that is Huttball, and the fact that they are by far the single most useful AC in this game. It doesn't matter wether you are hybrid or not, the amount of useful utility this class has is amazing. If you were to create a rated 8 man team you would have at least 2-3 of them. And the utility is very notable in the crappy game called Huttball that we spend way to much time in. In the other WZ and even open world they are about average. However, they stack together well and have great utility, so they still end up being extremely useful. Stacking commands or Mercs beyond one heal and one damage doesn't bring a whole lot to the where, where as multiple Sorc/Sages are always good. This is largely due to the shield, and friendly pull and a perma slow if specced into the madness talent(which some sorc healers will grab).


As for the Hybrid spec, they have a ton of them all very useful with their own strengths and weaknesses. The one the OP is talking about is a spec that is extremely well rounded, however it lacks the damage of heavier madness Builds. The Heavy Madness builds sacrifice some of the utility in Lightning to deal more damage. The OP all though he doesn't give an example of this spec is probably actually the one he sees the most, and doesn't realize it. The hybrid is the Healer hybrid, which is Corruption/Madness, it grabs all the important heals and then goes after the madness and death field talents. there is also a 7/18/18 build, or small variance of it that falls in the middle between the 0/20/21 and the heavy Madness Hybrid. All are very good.


the reason Sorc/Sages go hybrid is because almost all of the late tier talent suck. Putting a 31 into any tree of a Sorcerer is terrible for PvP. So moving good talent deeper just makes early tier talent suck, and ignores the fact the the full 31 build hasn't, and the spec is still bad.


For instance a full lightning build is comparable to an Arsenal/Gunnery specced Merc/Commando. They two spec have very similar play styles, both are turret casters dependent on 1.5 sec activation time abilities. But the Merc is ten times better. Its mobile damage is superior with its hardest hitting abilities being instant, it relies less on RNG procs to do Burst, and the damage of its 1.5s ability is much higher. I may have a little more utility but i would say the Merc has better survivability. All in all a full lighning build flat out sucks


SO for damage (without Hybrid builds) the class would be stuck with Madness. This specc is alright but it is all sustained damage, it doesn't really kill anyone and relies on everyone else to kill. This spec has no burst, and burst is what wins in almost all MMO's. Part of the problem with this spec is that Creeping Terror is pretty bad, even though it increases my kiting power it doesn't make up for the burst damage that a Chain Lightning Madness build has.


When ever i play my Sorcerer as damage in PvP i feel like a support class, especially if i play full Madness. Even if a play hybrid i feel like i am primarily there for my utility. The Sorcerer isn't really the one killing you, it is the Tracer Merc, sniper, or Marauder, and sometimes other Sorcerers that are doing the damage. Sorc/Sages really just make it a pain in the *** for you to do anything to their ranged, and make it easier for their melee to stick on you.


I feel that most of the complaints about this class are to due the fact that we play Huttball too often and this spec has a ton of utility that stacks well with other classes along with its own. You see them so often, so often the 3/4 of a whole WZ is nothing but Sorc and Sages. It is damn annoying when you see this and you can't help but think they are OP when they so easily outnumber any other class in the game.


I think you are correct. It's not the raw numbers of the abilities that are OP, it's the utility and survival package is too good for the rest of the package. I don't support an across the board numbers nerf, I would rather see the talents shuffled around until they can't all be grabbed into the super spec that never goes more than 20ish points into any tree.


Assassins used to do that, there weren't even balance problems with that hybrid spec and they nerfed it saying it was unintended and while they were at it added a 100% force cost to changing stances.


For instance a full lightning build is comparable to an Arsenal/Gunnery specced Merc/Commando. They two spec have very similar play styles, both are turret casters dependent on 1.5 sec activation time abilities. But the Merc is ten times better. Its mobile damage is superior with its hardest hitting abilities being instant, it relies less on RNG procs to do Burst, and the damage of its 1.5s ability is much higher. I may have a little more utility but i would say the Merc has better survivability. All in all a full lighning build flat out sucks


This I will take exception to.


They are similar in terms of playstyle but the similarities end there.


The Merc abilities that can be used on the run are Heetseeker, which requires Tracer Missile debuffs to do damage and Railshot, which not only relies on a stacking buff to the next railshot to do damage but requires at least 1 TM debuff to even be used. That is at best a wash with the Sorc instant dots.


The Merc relies on RNG procs both in the form of TM crits to be able to maintain their rotation and to reset the cooldown on Unload.


If the Merc is allowed to sit and cast they can stack up a 10% damage reduction self buff that will last 10 seconds after the last TM is fired. That plus heavy armor is the sum total of their survivability and the heavy armor doesn't buy you nearly as much as you might expect. Shield alone would tip survivability to the Sorc and that's before getting into Force Speed, exploding bubbles, instant Whirlwind and all that package.


Something that I notice a lot of Sorcs seemingly missing is that both damage 31 point talents ignore armor. Does that mean they're worth giving up the crazy utilty of a hybrid spec? Probably not, but it's what Bioware expects a damage Sorc to do.


EDIT: Oh also I agree that one of the issues with the Sorc is how well they stack. Several Sorcs standing together are far far far more problematic than a lone Sorc. 4 Sorcs in a pile is a knockback and 5 second root on a 5 second cooldown.

Edited by sithgrizley
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With that said if i were to call one of them OP it would be my Pyrotech Powertech. This class is simply amazing. Not only am i very dangerous in melee range but if you try to kite me, my key abilities all have 30yd range and i don't even need to be in melee range for them to be available. If you want to get in melee range on me i can kite you with a perma slow and my CC. Combine that with Heavy armor and decent survivability C/DS and it is a beast to deal.


Hehe, maybe this is why my point of view is skewed, as PTs are indeed a very powerful class when using all of the skills at your disposal. That, and I also started w/ a Sorc (the very same spec this thread is complaining about, actually.. 0/23/18, so I have a good understanding of their mechanics and how to shut them down when necessary.


But that's just it, I think that's the real problem. The game is still very young and people don't really know how to shut classes down, and adding to that frustration is the lack of a combat log so they don't even know WHAT they just got destroyed by.


I pvp every day, I enjoy it a lot, so I don't get too burnt out doing marathon runs. And yet, there are still a good amount of abilities from other classes that I am still learning the animations for, etc. Classes like snipers and operatives, that I don't have a lot of experience fighting still give me problems. I don't think that makes them OP, it means I need to learn more about their weaknesses in order to capitalize on my own strengths. In some cases it might mean picking another target, but hey, that's the way it works in rock, paper, scissors.

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if a maruader is getting 1v1'd by an equal geared sorcs hes.. a BAD MARAUDER


annihilation mara's BY FAR have the best survivability in 1v1 scenarios in the game


we have bubbles absorbing ~3k dmg? ok we have the lowest dmg mitigation and lowest health pools and no dmg reduction/defensive cooldowns. when focused nothing drops faster than a sorc


our knockback that binds? mostly annoying for the person we're not focused on. any dmg including a DOT will break the bind at 2 seconds.. 2 seconds is JUST BARELY LONGER than the gcd it took to cast the knockback


Oh wrath should be moved up? dude our 31 pt talents SUCK in pvp, all three trees.

is our wrath chain lightning bothering you? hrm without adrenals and relics my WRATH chain lightning crits for about 2.5k-3k on equal geared targets, THATS GAME BREAKING HUH!?


lightning barrage means are Froce lightning has a potential of about 3kdmg over 3 second downt o 3k dmg over 1.5 seconds.. KINDA LIKE how mercs can spam tracer at ~1.4s a cast for 3k+ dmg each.


backlash bothering you? 3 seconds of cc broken on ANY dmg too tough? how bout aoe flashbangs for 8 seconds or warrior cc for the same time.


lightning storm doesnt provide the +20% dmg and is a waste of time tbh. now that 3k crit CL is down to even less on geared targets.




you basically want every talent as a 25pt or 31 pt talent





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Stop being bad and read the first post. He lists a build and it does have all of that CC.


No it don't have it all , most yes but you can't have it all , you can not have all the cc he's listing and be a healer .


Me I think my build is better then the lightling/madness as I'm healer/madness.


Lol iv got a merc , a sorc , a shadow , a gunslinger, and working on a jug now.

The sorc is by far one of the better over all classes but not op.

I do more dps then the sorc with my shadow, with my merc with my gunslinger .

But I doe less on my sorc then all but my shadow.



There are no op classes just under powered players ie bad .

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I think you are correct. It's not the raw numbers of the abilities that are OP, it's the utility and survival package is too good for the rest of the package. I don't support an across the board numbers nerf, I would rather see the talents shuffled around until they can't all be grabbed into the super spec that never goes more than 20ish points into any tree.


Assassins used to do that, there weren't even balance problems with that hybrid spec and they nerfed it saying it was unintended and while they were at it added a 100% force cost to changing stances.




This I will take exception to.


They are similar in terms of playstyle but the similarities end there.


The Merc abilities that can be used on the run are Heetseeker, which requires Tracer Missile debuffs to do damage and Railshot, which not only relies on a stacking buff to the next railshot to do damage but requires at least 1 TM debuff to even be used. That is at best a wash with the Sorc instant dots.


The Merc relies on RNG procs both in the form of TM crits to be able to maintain their rotation and to reset the cooldown on Unload.


If the Merc is allowed to sit and cast they can stack up a 10% damage reduction self buff that will last 10 seconds after the last TM is fired. That plus heavy armor is the sum total of their survivability and the heavy armor doesn't buy you nearly as much as you might expect. Shield alone would tip survivability to the Sorc and that's before getting into Force Speed, exploding bubbles, instant Whirlwind and all that package.


Something that I notice a lot of Sorcs seemingly missing is that both damage 31 point talents ignore armor. Does that mean they're worth giving up the crazy utilty of a hybrid spec? Probably not, but it's what Bioware expects a damage Sorc to do.


EDIT: Oh also I agree that one of the issues with the Sorc is how well they stack. Several Sorcs standing together are far far far more problematic than a lone Sorc. 4 Sorcs in a pile is a knockback and 5 second root on a 5 second cooldown.


You seem to be forgetting about Missile Blast (lol), Rapid Shots (which any Sorc would be jealous of on its own) which can also proc a DoT for you to Rail Shot off of, Explosive Dart, Rocket Punch.


See, the thing is, the Bounty Hunter base class receives more mobile damage moves before leaving Hutta than a hybrid-spec'd Sorc will ever have at 50.


A merc prefers to use its activation time moves like a sorcerer, but the simple fact is that when forced to flee, a merc still has these options to continue doing damage on the run (not to mention they have dots of their own that will be ticking for more damage than a sorc's).


A sorc does not have those options at all when forced to move. They have a weak dot and 1 instant attack on a cd, that does little damage. That's it. That's why they have more CC than you.

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If you are having trouble with sorcs you should roll one, you will soon find out all you have is cc and escapes, and all of your damage is tied to the channeled lightning/pebble, which is interruptable and DING DING DING DISPELABLE off the target. yes you can stop their cast by dispelling their target. Play with a healer, stop q'ing up 4 man dps teams and ************ about a class you can easy counter with proper team composition. Stop kill chasing sorc runners you will not catch them. As a healer it is near pointless trying to heal a sroc, they drop in seconds to melee, it isnt even worth it. Melee crush them so fast with a healer backing them it isnt even funny. Try it! Go play 2v2 against some buddies as jug/healer mara/healer op/healer merc/healer powertech/healer vs a sorc/healer or hell a double sorc/sorc team, and you will ROLL THEM! I know this isnt an arena based game but all of these qqs are stemming from some noob losing a 1v1 against a class they kill chased for 5 mins around huttball and then got crushed when his help arrived. Get a healer, the only reason a sorc can top the numbers is because most people suck and healers never dispel.


Rateds are going to sort all of this out, i promise.

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You seem to be forgetting about Missile Blast (lol), Rapid Shots (which any Sorc would be jealous of on its own) which can also proc a DoT for you to Rail Shot off of, Explosive Dart, Rocket Punch.


See, the thing is, the Bounty Hunter base class receives more mobile damage moves before leaving Hutta than a hybrid-spec'd Sorc will ever have at 50.


A merc prefers to use its activation time moves like a sorcerer, but the simple fact is that when forced to flee, a merc still has these options to continue doing damage on the run (not to mention they have dots of their own that will be ticking for more damage than a sorc's).


A sorc does not have those options at all when forced to move. They have a weak dot and 1 instant attack on a cd, that does little damage. That's it. That's why they have more CC than you.


absolutely, our dot is terrible and only used to get chain lightning cast procs





listen guys any dps class can be OP, sorcs however have rather LOW single target dmg and the lowest dmg mitigation with lowest health pools.. so get over yourself if u think sorc's are OP


mercs run warzones


NO SORC will win a shoot off with a sniper or merc


NO SORC can stand in one spot and beat a melee class..


its just not happening


the utility is what holds this classes weak dmg and weak dmg mitigation together

Edited by wwkingms
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If you are having trouble with sorcs you should roll one, you will soon find out all you have is cc and escapes, and all of your damage is tied to the channeled lightning/pebble, which is interruptable and DING DING DING DISPELABLE off the target. yes you can stop their cast by dispelling their target. Play with a healer, stop q'ing up 4 man dps teams and ************ about a class you can easy counter with proper team composition. Stop kill chasing sorc runners you will not catch them. As a healer it is near pointless trying to heal a sroc, they drop in seconds to melee, it isnt even worth it. Melee crush them so fast with a healer backing them it isnt even funny. Try it! Go play 2v2 against some buddies as jug/healer mara/healer op/healer merc/healer powertech/healer vs a sorc/healer or hell a double sorc/sorc team, and you will ROLL THEM! I know this isnt an arena based game but all of these qqs are stemming from some noob losing a 1v1 against a class they kill chased for 5 mins around huttball and then got crushed when his help arrived. Get a healer, the only reason a sorc can top the numbers is because most people suck and healers never dispel.


Rateds are going to sort all of this out, i promise.


This o and this

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lowest health pools..

mercs run warzones


NO SORC will win a shoot off with a sniper or merc


First off, I have 17.2k health. That's a lot. Second off, Snipers are probably the only class we actually hard counter. Third off, a sorc has more than 2 abilities to use while moving. Affliction, Death Field, Shock, and Force Slow. Lastly, Affliction has a very high DPCT when coupled with a Death Field.

Edited by TetraCleric
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First off, I have 17.2k health. That's a lot. Second off, Snipers are probably the only class we actually hard counter. Third off, a sorc has more than 2 abilities to use while moving. Affliction, Death Field, Shock, and Force Slow. Lastly, Affliction has a very high DPCT when coupled with a Death Field.


I did forget Death Field which is on a 15s cd, but Force Slow is generally used for the snare, since the damage portion is pathetic <.<


So you have 1 decently damaging move on a 15 second cd, 2 very mediocre moves, and a dot.


Are you telling me that is really a lot to deal with for you? Merc might have it a bit harder, w/out a proper interrupt, but almost any other class can easily interrupt > stun > interrupt and simply deny a Sorc the ability to cast for 9-10 seconds. W/out the ability to CC and run, I assure you that there is no Sorc that is going to be able to take a beating from any decent damage class for 10 seconds and survive.


It really does sound like you are just asking for them to be punching bags so that you can have an even easier kill every time you step into a warzone. As it is already, they are already my juiciest target because they are so easy to disrupt w/out support, and will seriously screw up my team if left to freecast.

Edited by Varicite
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I did forget Death Field which is on a 15s cd, but Force Slow is generally used for the snare, since the damage portion is pathetic <.<


So you have 1 decently damaging move on a 15 second cd, 2 very mediocre moves, and a dot.


Are you telling me that is really a lot to deal with for you? Merc might have it a bit harder, w/out a proper interrupt, but almost any other class can easily interrupt > stun > interrupt and simply deny a Sorc the ability to cast for 9-10 seconds. W/out the ability to CC and run, I assure you that there is no Sorc that is going to be able to take a beating from any decent damage class for 10 seconds and survive.


It really does sound like you are just asking for them to be punching bags so that you can have an even easier kill every time you step into a warzone. As it is already, they are already my juiciest target because they are so easy to disrupt w/out support, and will seriously screw up my team if left to freecast.


Sorry I am a sorc, didn't mean to give the impression I was a different class. I just wanted to point out I have a high health pool, and that we have more than 2 abilities to use on the move. Also, yea Force Slow has **** damage, but its quite important to use on the move to open the gap.

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Ahh yes, Concussion Missile. So glad you brought that up. 2 second cast time vs instant, no stun on break. Clearly comparable abilities.


so now it's the cast time of the cc and not the cc itself? got it


Move 15% faster? Do mean Marauders?

the talent is called Obfuscation, do you even know your own class?


Force Slow is a 6 second slow on 15 second cooldown

1st of all the cooldown is 12 seconds the cost is 15 force

2nd of all that is for sorcerers

3rd of all assassins have a talent called Static Cling which makes an ASSASSIN's force slow on a 6 second cooldown, 12 second duration

Cloak, yep this is pretty great. Of course it's on a 3 minute cooldown.

by cloak i mean Force Shroud

Knockback - Like a Sorc, minus the root and the fact that Assassins don't WANT to be at range.

yes because you can't use the knockback as an interrupt or anything

Interrupt, 4m range instead of 10 like a Sorc, but yes very solid ability.

oh, well i'm sorry you feel a melee class needs a ranged interrupt, i really feel for you i really do, but sadly i think melee abilities should stay melee

Vanish = Force Cloak which you already mentioned.

sorry my wow terminology confused you, i apologize

Low slash is a 21 point deception talent that is melee range and breaks on damage, but yes it's also a good ability

yes because good assassin's wont spec into that, an assassin's best dps spec is hands down x/31/x, of course you don't have to spec that way to play an assassin, just like sorcerer's dont want to play some 31 spec when a hybrid spec is better.


Basically you highlight the problem with Sorcs very well. If Low slash took 10 or 11 points in a tree and you could also spec into the cooldown reduction abilities then Assassins might be problematic.


the only thing i've highlighted is the fact that i know your class better than you do. the best dps spec for assassins just happens to be x/31/x while the best spec for sorc isn't a 31 point spec. you basically want every sorc to play a much weaker spec, if that's the case i hope they nerf the deception tree down as well, so you'll be forced to play bad spec like 31 madness


However, you can't. The cooldowns on the abilities the Assassin does have over the Sorc are very long, 3 minutes. Mostly useful for either running away (which will fail) or using shockwater (which will get nerfed eventually).

yes the cooldowns you have are indeed longer than a sorcerer's just like marauder cool downs are much longer because they are more powerful hence longer cooldown.

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Sorry I am a sorc, didn't mean to give the impression I was a different class. I just wanted to point out I have a high health pool, and that we have more than 2 abilities to use on the move. Also, yea Force Slow has **** damage, but its quite important to use on the move to open the gap.


if u have 17k hp your not in pvp gear which means idc about u and u die even faster


id love to 1v1 cause id finaly break a 5k CL im sure






in pvp gear sorc's have the lowest HP with lowest dmg mitigation


any other sorcs who are probably bad wanna chime in?

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if you are a




juggernaut/gaurdian (lolsmash build)


sniper/ gunslinger facing a sorc straight up


merc/trooper facing a sorc straight up




hybrid OR full dps assasin/shadow..


and you CANT 1v1 a sorc...




sorces provide aoe pressure and utility..


however they will drop like a rock if focus'd by 2 or more people just like every other class




ok sorcs can run away from a 1v1..


so can assasins, operatives and marauders even



just stop bads plz

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